माझा चित्रपट सृष्टितील प्रवेश
दोन-तिन वर्षांपुर्वि Caltech च्या grad students नी (मुख्यतः) बनवलेला हा लघु चित्रपट (आयटम गाण्यासहीत)
दोन-तिन वर्षांपुर्वि Caltech च्या grad students नी (मुख्यतः) बनवलेला हा लघु चित्रपट (आयटम गाण्यासहीत)
[Besides,] if a book is extremely popular, I become suspicious about it. The lowest common denominator of intelligence in an ordinary reader is so low, that if a book touches that, almost invariably the book must be bad.
- G A Kulkarni in a letter dated 21 April 1970 to Madhav Achval (p 73 Vol. 3 of जी. एं. ची निवडक पत्रे edited by म. द. हातकणंगलेकर, सु. रा. चुनेकर, श्री. पु. भागवत)
The Borg: Strength is irrelevant. Resistance is futile. We wish to improve ourselves. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service ours.
-Michael Piller, "The Best of Both Worlds" Part I, episode of Star Trek: the
Next Generation (1990)
Thou shalt leave valuable contributions for future generations.
- 5th commandment of the Ethical atheist fromhttp://www.ethicalatheist.com/docs/ten_commandments.html
While getting to Tucson yesterday there was a strange nostalgia. Only 2 months back I had been there as also 3-4 times in the last few years. But this was different. I was going to Tucson to go to Kitt Peak. Tucson was the first place I had been to in the US and that was because I was to observe Sersic-Pastoriza galaxies at a 1-m class telescope. I had encountered many surprises there. Taxi-drivers discussing law; being given the keys to the dome and asked to observe all alone; the variety filled dishes etc. As it happened I was fogged out then.
Hell is full of musical amateurs
-George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)
The Nobel winner Shaw was a critic and dramatist (not necessarily in that order) among other things. He was not a musician of note, but he did criticize, or favour, certain musicians in his column. His view of hell would be a good indication of what he treated as good music.
Recognize the fly, even love it if you want, but don't marry it.
-Natalie Goldberg, in Writing down the Bones
Natalie is describing how a writer, in a restaurant scene, can mention a fly, even the particular sandwich it walks over, name its species, but if she digresses too much in discussing the patterns of its wings and a mathematical discussion of its trajectory and such details unconnected to the scene where the reader is expecting the waiter to arrive or something else related to happen, how it can be a put-off.