Submitted by admin on 6 April, 2008 - 21:34
मंडळी, हा public forum आहे. तेव्हा इथे स्वतःच्या जन्मतारखा, जन्मवेळा, पत्रिका वगैरे पोस्ट करताना आधी विचार करा. कुणी त्याचा दुरुपयोग करणार करु शकेल ही शक्यता गृहित धरुन जे काही पोस्ट करायचं ते करा. असा दुरुपयोग झाल्यास त्याची पूर्ण जबाबदारी संबंधित व्यक्तीची असेल. मायबोली व्यवस्थापन अथवा मायबोली त्याबाबतीत काही करु शकत नाही. तेव्हा ज्याने त्याने आपापल्या जबाबदारीवर आणि योग्य ती काळजी घेऊनच पत्रिका आणि तत्सम माहिती इथे पोस्ट करावी ही सूचना वजा विनंती.
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शेअर करा
Vidyarthi: Welcome back! 1.
Welcome back!
1. Last time when we checked your horoscope, I was amazed how the dates matches w.r.t land/property issues and Mangal Maha ani Shani Antar etc.
2. ALso We had discussed that until Sept 2009 the period is quite tough : Need to keep COOL and drive slow etc etc.
3. Moon Sign DHani and Moola nakshatra: I think Guru coming 2nd from 1st August 2009 shoud help quite a would see some positibve development for sure.
4. In 2010 Guru would be 3rd to moon : Some travel in the job for 4-6 weeks or evem months or several short term travels. Better Job description/content.
5. 2010 would see real estate issues settling for good...and in good terms. You can see a lot of relief in 2010 *for sure*. I guess lot of positive development happened in Mayu June July 2009 as Guru came in Kumbh for some time and reduced Shani's impact on Mars(Blood, Land, Siblings, Sports, Vehicles/Speed etc)
hope this helps.
~Milind (
Namskar Milindji, Tumhala
Namskar Milindji,
Tumhala jar tras hot nasel tar mala "Flat Feet" ha kay prakar asato he sangu shakal ka?. Aani tumhala ase suchvayche aahe ka, ki ti majhya jeevnat yenari vakti with "flat feet" or tila ankle cha tras asu shakel, right?
By the way, mala aata pasunach gudghyacha problem aahe? Ghari phakt vadilana aahe tohi left side aani mala right side? Ha hi yogayog asu shakato kay?
नमस्कार मिलींदजी,
जेव्हा बाकीचे सगळे रस्ते बंद होतात तेव्हाच माणूस ज्योतिषाकडे वळतो असं म्हणतात. माझ्याही बाबतीत असंच काहीसं घडलंय. कृपया मार्गदर्शन करा.
जन्मतारीख: २२/०८/१९७६
जन्मवेळ: संध्याकाळी ७:४६
जन्मस्थान: पुणे
Milind, Tumhala e-mail keli
Tumhala e-mail keli ahe.. Please pahun reply kara.
Actually sent 2 mails , one with additional info. I will send you further info if required.
Dear Milind, Pls zara maajha
Dear Milind,
Pls zara maajha post bhagun sangal ka? also i was just going thru a post above about flat feet....what does flat feet signify.......i have flat feet......
Dear Milind, Thanks for
Dear Milind,
Thanks for showing the direction for future....i actually have returned to this blog after a long break and was unable to read ur response to my querries(thoda look and feel change zhala aahe and i missed noticing the pudhe annhi maage tabs).....and hence i posted a request again to clarify....ignore the same except my querry abt flat feet and approx. time period of getting a new job.....financially sadhya tari kahi problem nahi( ie to make both ends meet for the family, medical insurance etc......though jobless)....pun reserves vapraila mala nahi avadhaath....
thks & rgds
baghato ho..thoda(?) busy
baghato ho..thoda(?) busy zalo ahe
hello milindaji, mi
hello milindaji,
mi hrushikesh,apala ajun kahich reply nahi aala
mala ase samajale aahe ki mazya patriket Shani-harshal uti aahe ani ti khup tras dayak aahe(ani te mala janawate aahe)
Krupa karun majhya shankanche nirsan karave....
Hello Milind, मी
Hello Milind,
मी तुम्हाला एक email पाठवले आहे.
I need your guidence; so Please check it. I am waiting for your reply.
It is from my Ymail Account with Subject - 'Need you guidance. Bit urgent; Please.'
Please reply it
नमस्कार मिलिंदजी,
मी तुम्हाला एक email पाठवले आहे.
तुमच्याI मार्गदर्शनाची गरज आहे. Please check it. I am waiting for your reply.
It is from my Gmail Account with Subject - 'तुमचे मार्गदर्शन . Bit urgent Please.'
अरे व्वा,
अरे व्वा, या बीबीचा अर्काईव तयार होऊ लागला

अॅडमिन, धन्यवाद
मिलिन्दराव, तुमचे चालू द्या!
माझ्या विपुमधिल लिन्क वर जाऊन मला १७ जुलै च्या आत मतदान करा ही विनन्ती
भाग्ययोग हा शब्द ब-याच वेळा ऐकला आहे. त्यात नेमके काय काय होते? अर्धा आणि पुर्ण भाग्योदय म्हणजे काय??
Excellence is not for someone else to notice but for your own satisfaction and efficiency...
(1) Gmail: मी
(1) Gmail: मी सगळ्या emails ला reply केला आहे. १/२ राहिल्य असतिल तर मला नक्कि message करा.
(२) ashbaby:
भग्योदय म्हण्जे, नविन कहितरि job profile नविन जबाब्दारी जि तुम्हाला हवि-हविशि वाटते. १ पायरि किन्वा २ पायरी वरचे मिलते. पुढच्या १२ (पुर्ण भग्योदय) किन्वा ६-७ वरशाचे (अर्धा भग्योदय) सोय होते.
अर्थात ९९% भाग्योदय म्हन्तले कि प्रवस किन्व नौकरिचि जागा बदलणे असे होतेच. त्याच जागि बसुन कसा काय होणार भग्योदय!
1. The reason I post in
1. The reason I post in English mostly is that some words like भाग्योदय create some old fashioned idea of some garib brahman getting some Raaj-Krupa or soemthing!
2. Even राजयोग means something large-scale to people, whereas राजयोग merely indicated success in one's initiatives, endevours or almost a certainty of Good Karma by the said person. राजयोग does't mean getting some Sinhasan or Throne etc!
With English we tend to think more in scientific terms than Sanskrit Puraan words like भाग्योदय & राजयोग which are misused by traditional jyotishis quite a bit.
Whatever we woudl get in this life is something WE have earned thru our Karma in this and past life. When Bachchan, Balasaheb, Jackson, Dilip Kumar, Kapil, Imran etc folks get a lot of mass-support :: It shows lot of mass-welfare, mass-contact/debts given by them in previous births etc. That is why mass-support is obtained in SHani Mahadasha when previous Karma is very good.
३. छत्रपति शिवाजि महाराज is a THE MOST important or biggest example of Strong 3rd house Shani :: Parakram sthan : Shani shows planning, Ganimi kawaa, Mass Handling, People Mgmt skills etc and Masses also follow him...
Hello Milind, I am still
Hello Milind,
I am still waiting for your reply.
I posted following blogs: 1.
I posted following blogs:
1. Kaal-Sarp Yoga
2. Birth date of 28
3. Your Changed/Corrected/REAL Sun Sign
Dear Milind, Can u pls let
Dear Milind,
Can u pls let me know the significance of flat feet ( i have them)...and approx.time frame of landing a job...applya uttarachi waath pahaath aahe...
मिलिंद, तुमची आर्टिकल्स वाचली. खुप छान माहिती दिलीत, विषेशतः काळसर्प योगाची... धन्यवाद.
Excellence is not for someone else to notice but for your own satisfaction and efficiency...
details of my sister DOB: 28
details of my sister
DOB: 28 march 1986
TOB: 3.00 am
POB: Ambernath/ Dist. thane
please tichya lagnacha yog kadhi aahe te sanga
also is job change honyache kahi chances aahet ka ?
plez reply
[A] Vidyarthi: 1. Yes you
[A] Vidyarthi:
1. Yes you too have planets in meen raashi and meen navamansh so possibility is quite there. Navamansh also has Shani Budh in Meen...त्याच्याने वाइट काहि होत नाही हो...just an observation...Running becomes difficult sometimes...
2. Job saathi, 1st augu 2009 to Dec 2009 are VERY good. especially after 15th of August it is MUCH better (next 3 months).
[B] Ashbaby:
Thanks for reading and the feedback....helps a lot.
[C] Tanu_t28
1. Moon ketu very close in 10th house : Wadilach senty asatil i.e. wadilach aai sarakkhe mayalu etc or close to father. With Ketu shows that she could have a very sentimental and at times pessimistik kind of temparament. Need to improve by Hanumaan Sadhana as mentioned below.
2. She is Manglik so need to make sure patrika check at the time of marriage.
3. Shukra in uchcha raashi uchcha navamansh (Vargottam) -- Marriage in uchcha family and 3rd house shows the family could be 6-8 hours away from her native place.
4. 2011 first 6 mohths are the best for marriage. Guru would be travelling over Shukra. 2012 is also a great...
5. 2010 is not bad either as Guru would be 5th to Moon but it would be very good for job etc than marriage.
6. 2011/2012 seems to be the best timeframe in my opinion.
मिलिन्द सर,
नमस्कार.माझा जोब मधला आत्मविस्वास खुप कमी झाला आहे.माझ्या बरोबर्च्या मित्रापेक्शा सुधा मला पगार जास्त आहे,पण मला खुप कमी काम आहे आणी त्यामुले मी बराच वेळ नुस्ता बसुन असतो.खरे तर मला बिल्डर बनायचे आहे .मी आक्रीटेक्ट आहे.असे काही योग आहेत का? आणी आत्मविस्वास परत येन्यासाथी काही उपाय आहे का? मला आर्थिक स्थेर्य कधी येणार?
जन्म दिनाक १८ ओक्टोबर १९७८
जन्म वेळ रात्रो ९.००
जन्म ठिकाण उस्मानाबाद
DOB :25th Dec.
DOB :25th Dec. 1982
BirthTime :9.35 am.
Birth Place :Mulund
Mala kalu shakel ka, majhya lagnacha yog kadhi aahe to ??
मिलिन्द जी
मिलिन्द जी ,
तुम्हाला mail केली आहे. तुमच्या उत्तराची वाट बघते. तुम्हि तुमच्या सवडी ने उत्तर द्या.
मिलींदजी, माझ्या मुलाची
मिलींदजी, माझ्या मुलाची माहिती देत आहे
वेळ- दुपारी १.५९
स्थान- सोलापूर
तारिख- २३/१२/२००६
एकंदरीत कल,स्वभाव,शिक्षण,प्रकृती याबद्द्ल प्लीज सांगा.
माझी व पत्नीची जन्मतारिख १४ तर मुलाची २३,बेरीज ५ येते.या संख्येचे काय विशेष आहे?
मिलिन्दराव, ताजे/गरम अन्न
मिलिन्दराव, ताजे/गरम अन्न मिळत रहाण्याचा योग कुन्डलीमधे कसा बघता येईल? काय योगे या विरुद्ध घडेल?
माझा अनुभव असा कि श्रीमन्त असो वा गरीब, ताजे व गरम अन्न मिळण्यास तसेच नशिब असावे लागते!
ज्योतिषशास्त्रिय दृष्ट्या आपले यावर काय मत?
कोणत्या स्थानावरुन अन्नपुरवठा बघावा? कोणते ग्रह ते स्थान दुषित करतात वा आधिक्य मिळवुन देतात?
Hello Milind, I am giving my
Hello Milind,
I am giving my husband's details herewith. thode career baddal margadarshan karal ka as in nokri t yetya kahi kalaat badal honaycha yog ahe ka? Pardesh gamanacha yog ahe ka?
Here are the details.
Birthdate - 16-8-1976
Place: Satara( Maharashtra)
Time: 7.00 am
Mi mage mazya career baddal vicharle hote. tevha tumhi mala ekhdya art related field madhye jaal ase sangitle hote. I got a part time job as teacher and it tinvolves lot of creative thinking. Thanks for correct analysis.
Mazya muliche hi details det ahe. Vel zalyas general analysis saga.
Birthdate: 31-10-2005
Place: Pune
Time: 12.20 pm
Awaiaitng your reply.
Thanks and regards,
Milindji, I sent an email to
I sent an email to your gmail account could you please take a look at it.
Waiting for your reply,
Milindji, Will you please
Will you please tell me whether I have kalsarp yog in my kundali? Is it a Maglik kundali?
My birth details are as follows:
DOB :28th June 1978.
BirthTime :3:05 am.
Birth Place : Kolhapur
when I will get a better job ?
मिलिन्द, तुम्हाला E-mail केला
तुम्हाला E-mail केला आहे.
क्रुपया उत्तर पाथवाल का ?
नमस्कार मिलिंदजी, मी तुम्हाला
नमस्कार मिलिंदजी,
मी तुम्हाला एक प्रश्न विचारला आहे.
तुमच्याI मार्गदर्शनाची गरज आहे.
प्लीज लवकर कळवा.