

18 वर्ष ago
शेवटचा प्रतिसाद
17 वर्ष ago

Gargi: Yadnyawalkya, since all this world is woven on water, please tell me on what is the world of water woven.
Yadnyawalkya: On the world of wind.
G: And on what is the world of wind woven?
Y: On the world of atmosphere.
G: And on what is the world of atmosphere woven?
Y: On the world of sun.
G: And on what is the world of sun woven?
Y: On the world of moon.
G: And on what is the world of moon woven?
Y: On the world of stars.
G: And on what is the world of stars woven?
Y: On the world of gods.
G: And on what is the world of gods woven?



18 वर्ष ago
शेवटचा प्रतिसाद
17 वर्ष ago

None knoweth whence creation has arisen;
And whether he has or has not produced it:
He who surveys it in the highest heaven,
He only knows, or haply he may not know.

-Last part of naasadiiya sukta (Hymn of Creation) from Rigved's X.129
Translation quoted from Macdonnell's Vedic Mythology, 1897, as given in "A source book of Indian Philosophy"
Eds. Radhakrishnan and Moore. Full hymn with its translation can be found here



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