yes, Lindit Cafe at Martin Place from morning 9.45am....
below is the suumery,
here's what we know so far
-There is at least one gunman holding s many as hostages inside the Lindt Chocolate Cafe in MartinePlace, in Sydney's CBD.
- Police will not disclose the number of people being held – but that number of 50 that we have is information that’s come from the manager of the cafe.
- The siege began around 9:45am, when police were alerted to a man acting suspiciously.
- Soon after, staff were seen at the window of the cafe with their hands in the air.
- As of 2:30pm, police had not made contact with the gunman. Consequently, they do not know his motivation and they can’t be sure whether he is acting alone.
- Heavily armed specialist tactical officers have surrounded the building.
- An area around Martin Place has been evacuated – with hundreds of officers involved in the police operation.
- A black flag with Arabic writing has been held up against a window of the cafe.
- New South Wales Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione says his specialists are working to identify the flag and what it means but 7News understands the words translate to: There is no God but Allah" and "Mohammed is the messenger of Godâ€
- We have learned those words are linked to a Syrian extremist group called Jabhat Al-Nusra – and that group has links to Islamic State and Al Qaeda.
- The Police Commissioner and the New South Wales Premier are assuring the community that they’re on top of the situation.
- The Commissioner says they are working to bring about a peaceful conclusion. He says there is NO link to other incidents that have occurred around Sydney today. While he is not calling it a terrorist attack, he is not ruling it out – and says the police operation is consistent with a terrorist attack.
व्वा , सुंदर!
व्वा , सुंदर!
सगळेच फोटो सुंदर... अजून थोडी
सगळेच फोटो सुंदर...
अजून थोडी माहिती दिली असतीत तर फार उत्तम झाले असते...
छान आहेत फोटो डार्लिंग हार्बर
छान आहेत फोटो
डार्लिंग हार्बर >>> डार्लिंग या नावामागे काही विशेष ईतिहास ?
छान आहेत फोटो.
छान आहेत फोटो.
आत्ताची बातमी. मुस्लीम
आत्ताची बातमी. मुस्लीम अतिरेक्यांनी अनेक लोकांना सिडनी येथे बंधक बनविले आहे.
sorry to type in
sorry to type in English.
yes, Lindit Cafe at Martin Place from morning 9.45am....
below is the suumery,
here's what we know so far
-There is at least one gunman holding s many as hostages inside the Lindt Chocolate Cafe in MartinePlace, in Sydney's CBD.
- Police will not disclose the number of people being held – but that number of 50 that we have is information that’s come from the manager of the cafe.
- The siege began around 9:45am, when police were alerted to a man acting suspiciously.
- Soon after, staff were seen at the window of the cafe with their hands in the air.
- As of 2:30pm, police had not made contact with the gunman. Consequently, they do not know his motivation and they can’t be sure whether he is acting alone.
- Heavily armed specialist tactical officers have surrounded the building.
- An area around Martin Place has been evacuated – with hundreds of officers involved in the police operation.
- A black flag with Arabic writing has been held up against a window of the cafe.
- New South Wales Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione says his specialists are working to identify the flag and what it means but 7News understands the words translate to: There is no God but Allah" and "Mohammed is the messenger of Godâ€
- We have learned those words are linked to a Syrian extremist group called Jabhat Al-Nusra – and that group has links to Islamic State and Al Qaeda.
- The Police Commissioner and the New South Wales Premier are assuring the community that they’re on top of the situation.
- The Commissioner says they are working to bring about a peaceful conclusion. He says there is NO link to other incidents that have occurred around Sydney today. While he is not calling it a terrorist attack, he is not ruling it out – and says the police operation is consistent with a terrorist attack.
चांगली आहेत प्रचि.
चांगली आहेत प्रचि.
शेवगा, सकाळपासुन बघते
शेवगा, सकाळपासुन बघते आहे..फारच भितीदायक घटना आहे ही. तुम्ही लांब आहात ना?
प्र चि छान आहेत.
डार्लिंग या नावामागे काही
डार्लिंग या नावामागे काही विशेष ईतिहास ? >>>> डार्लिंग नदीचे नाव आहे.
छान आहेत फोटो.. सिडनीतल्या
छान आहेत फोटो..
सिडनीतल्या लोकांनी काळजी घ्या.
नेमका आजच हा धागा उघडला...हा
नेमका आजच हा धागा उघडला...हा योगायोग असावा का ?
प्र चि खुप छान आहेत. साधारण कधीचे आहेत हे फोटो?
एक जिहादा म्हणाला की मोदी
एक जिहादा म्हणाला की मोदी जंहा जंहा जाकर दोस्ती करेगा हम उधर जिहादी हमला करेगा.
नमोजीराव, लवकरात लवकर चीनला जा आता, अन मैत्रीही करुन या.!
सिडनी के बंधकों में इंफ़ोसिस
सिडनी के बंधकों में इंफ़ोसिस कर्मचारी भी
प्र चि खुप छान आहेत. साधारण
प्र चि खुप छान आहेत. साधारण कधीचे आहेत हे फोटो? >>>>>>>
२०११ मधले आहेत.
सिडनी ची आठवण करून
सिडनी ची आठवण करून दिल्याबद्द्ल धन्यवाद. अतिशय सुंदर शहर!!! आणि डार्लिंग हार्बर तर फारच मस्त जागा!!
२०११ मधले आहेत.>> वाटलच..
२०११ मधले आहेत.>>
वाटलच.. थोडा फरक जाणवला.. आणि आता मोनोरेल पण बंद झालीय..
छान आहेत फोटो.
छान आहेत फोटो.