Sunrise is not just a process in which sun comes lightening the whole sky from behind the hill ranges,but its a process of lightening someone's talent.With sunrise each day comes with a new vision for human beings to look at their life.Generally we say its a sunrise when sun arises behind the big wall of mountains, but actually it happens when a person uncovers his hidden talents and presents the same in front of the world.
A few examples could be given for this.A first step of a child towards his mom may be a sunrise in mom's life, a first class obtained in exam after earlier failure may be a sunrise for a student, a ten rupees note obtained by street dancer after so many hours of starving may be a sunrise for him, a successful audition of an artist after number of years spend for struggling may be felt as sunrise..............In short the sun rises daily but such sunrises happen a very few times. Same sun,,,,,,same mountains..........but the difference in vision matters a lot.
A boy who used to polish the shoes sitting on footpath was having some textbooks kept nearby. A rich man surprised of and asked about the books held .He was told that the boy loved attending school and studying hard but for his daily bread butter had to polish shoes and still could not afford school fees. The man sponsored his studies for the rest of his life.What else could be a better example of being an actual SUNRISE in one's life??????
Hoes sitting on footpath was
Hoes sitting on footpath was having some textbooks kept nearby. A rich man surprised of and asked about the books held .He was told that the boy loved attending school and studying hard but for his daily bread butter had to polish shoes and still could not afford school fees. The man sponsored his studies for the rest of not just a process in which sun comes lightening the whole sky from behind the hill ranges,but its a process of lightening someone's talent.With sunrise each day comes with a new vision for human beings to look at their life.Generally we say its a sunrise when sun arises behind the big wall of mountains, but actually it ould be given for this.A first step of a child towards his mom may be a sunrise in mom's life, a first class obtained in exam after earlier failure may be a sunrise for a student, a ten rupees note obtained by street dancer after so many hours of starving may be a sunrise for him, a successful audition.
thank U for ................ ?
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@ सन्दीपः कुठे मिळाला माझा
@ सन्दीपः कुठे मिळाला माझा लेख????????
हे मराठी संकेत स्थळ आहे का
हे मराठी संकेत स्थळ आहे का इंग्रजी असा प्रश्न पडला आहे.