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Archive through November 25, 2005

Hitguj » Welcome to Hitguj » ऐका हो ऐका (Announcements) » Archive through November 25, 2005 « Previous Next »

Admin (Admin)
Sunday, April 15, 2001 - 10:50 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

Namaskar Mandali,
Some changes in hitguj team.
Anilbhai(anilbhai) has joined our moderator team. Te utsfurta kavi aani lekhak aahet aani gele 10 varshe US madhe aahet.
Milind Agarakar (milindaa) has joined Swaagat_Samiti. te sadhya UK madhe asataat aani vyawasaayane software engineer aahet.

Smita Limaye (limboni) yaani moderating team madhun swetchanivrutti ghetali aahe.
Anilbhai yani swagat_samiti madhun swetchanivrutti ghetali aahe. Pan ya doghanahi aapan hitgujwar bhetat raahuch. Dhanywaad !!


Admin (Admin)
Wednesday, June 13, 2001 - 2:52 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

Hitguj la ata swata:h cha logo miLala aahe !

The idea is to represnt people conversing.
Each one is bringing his/her own "character" (and color) to the conversation to complete it. And the last person is "thinking" of joining the conversation but have not joined it (yet) ;)
As every person adds his/her own part, the conversation
is going higher and higher to the next level. ;)

Admin (Admin)
Tuesday, June 19, 2001 - 5:00 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

We have developed a process to move selected hitguj topics outside hitguj and archive for a much longer time. The idea is to preserve the collective knowledge as long as possible. The topic will be moved to maayboli archive area and then may be to a free hosting site like gharkul.net. The topic will be categoried under maayboli and will be available from maayboli main pages rather than under hitguj, once archived.

The keyword here is "selected topic" and not any topic :) !

This would not have been possible without Ashish Mahabal (aschiq) who helped writing scripts for this. Thank you Ashish !
Here is first archive: Marathitali internetwar prassidhadha zaleli pahili kadambari

Admin (Admin)
Thursday, August 16, 2001 - 8:55 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

Hitguj aaj 3 warshanche zale. sarva hitgujkaranna shubhechcha !
Hitguj bakhar

Monday, March 25, 2002 - 5:24 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

When you search for messages in 1/3/7 days following happens
1. If the messages are less than 50 everything is shown as previously
2. If more than 50 but less than 80 messages, only first topic is expanded
3. If more than 80 messages all topics are collapsed and you can expand each one.

New message search is the most processing power consuming function and slows everything else. Although it is nice to see what is new in one shot, many people doing same(several people all over the world per minute during peak time) puts lot of strain on our server. We are trying to reduce this load.

(Message edited by admin on March 25, 2002)

Monday, September 16, 2002 - 5:19 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

maayabaÜlaIlaa Aaja saha vaYao- pUNa- JaalaI. sagaL\yaa maayabaÜilakranaa haid-k XauBaocCa !

Monday, October 14, 2002 - 5:13 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

We have made some internal changes to Hitguj user interface. Although not completely done this is a step towards supporting unicode in the long term. We have also started partially using style sheets to be more compliant with standards.
This may adversely affect some users mainly using netscape 4.x. Please be aware the Netscape itself had stopped supporting Dynamic devnagri fonts in their versions. But if you have installed fonts and newer version of netscape this should work fine. Supporting older versions of browsers was preventing us from making further progress to user interface so we had to make this difficult decision.

Thursday, October 17, 2002 - 3:53 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

"I got so much from Hitguj, how can I help".

Many people ask me this. Now Hitguj needs your help.

Want to help? More details

Monday, February 24, 2003 - 4:01 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

gaolyaa 6 vaYaa-MpasaUna maayabaÜilacaI p`gait caalau Aaho AaiNa sagaL\yaa maayabaÜlaIkraMcaa %yaat mah%vaacaa vaaTa Aaho.
maayabaÜlaIcaI - ihtgauja caI vaaZtI laÜkip`yataÊ laagaNaarI jaagaa yaamaULo sava- gaÜYTI ivanaamaUlya doNao AvaGaD hÜto Aaho.
maayabaÜlaIcaa AaqaI-k paya Ba@kma krNyaasaazI AaiNa maayabaÜlaI - ihtgauja puZo caalaU zovaNyaasaazI ek navaIna yaÜjanaa tumacyaa puZo maaMDt AahÜt.

maayabaÜlaIvar vaga-NaIdaranaa kahI ]pyau> yaÜjanaa doNyaacaa ivacaar Aaho.
yaapuZIla Baaga savaa-naa ³ font problem Aaho %yaanaahI´ vaacata yaavaa mhNaUna [Mga`jaIt ilaihtÜ Aaho.

1. If I become subscriber what will I get ?
- a. Your own BB under Hitguj. You can use it to publish/store your own articles-poems-pictures-thoughts.
- b. Membership for you (or your relative,friend, anybody you designate) in reshimgathi (matrimonials) for one year.
- c. Satisfaction of giving something back to maayboli

2. What is idea behind this? Why not accept just donation?
- The main idea behind this is like starting your own very small hitguj and still being part of larger hitguj. We also want to give back something useful for your money.
This basically allows you to become a sponsor for a subject area that you like or care about.

3. How much it costs?
- $20 per year or Rs 1000 per year. That is less than $2 or Rs 100 per month

4. How this works?
- You will be given a one page BB where only you can post. You can post your own articles. Or you can post somebody else's article who is good writer/poet but can't afford subscription. This way if somebody who is really talented, can find a sponsor and publish on his behalf.
The BB can store upto 30 messages/articles. You can delete anything you don't want or it will automatically delete oldest one after 30 messages. It will not be archived beyond 30 messages.
There will NOT be any advertisements on your BB.

5. What happens to current BBs?
- Most of the BBs will be becoming non-archive. If you really think some articles need to preserved, now you have control by storing on your own BB.

6. Can other people write feedback to my articles?
- They can write feedback but it will not be stored but sent to you via email.If you want to publish that feedback it is upto you.

7. Can I publish on any subject?
- Mostly. But we must say that we reserve the right to delete any article which is obscene, personal attack or anything that won't fit in maayboli policy. We urge you to post which will be mostly of interest to maharashtrian/Indian people. If you want to publish something totally different, you can get better exposure publishing in other sites dedicated to that subject.

8. I can get all of this free elsewhere. Why should I become paid subscriber?
- Yes. You can get much more free space for your home page. But those of you have tried that path knows a) There are too many banner/pop up advt. b) It is a big job to publicize your website or make people to read it. c) Difficult to get fonts/devnagri working etc. Publishing here gives you ready access to maayboli readership.

Many of us have met each other face to face. It is much easier to find a suitable life partner if we know he/she is relative or friend or somebody we know. You already know several marriages got decided here on hitguj. This is one of the benefit of our large community. Offcourse we can not gurantee success of any marriage (nobody can) it is just a little easier to find a match.

9. Hmmm. Interesting ... !
- Hope you become subscriber. By becoming subscriber
1) You help yourself or somebody else to get published
2) You help yourself or somebody else to get married :-)
3) You help maayboli so this great community continues.

Please provide your feedback here.

Monday, November 17, 2003 - 1:16 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

ihtgauja idvaaLI AMkalaa purskar
saMpadk maMDLacao Ê laoKkaMcao AaiNa svayaMsaovakaMcao haid-k AiBanaMdna.

kshipra AaiNa itsme yaanaI puZakar Gao]na
spQao-saazI AMk saadr kolaa AaiNa pazpuravaa kolaa mhNaunaca ho Jaalao ho na@kI. %yaaMcaohI haid-k AiBanaMdna


Monday, December 08, 2003 - 5:44 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

mauMbaš p~kar saovaasaMGaatÔo- GaoNyaat Aalaolyaa idvaaLI AMk spQao-t Aaplaa ‘ihtgauja 2003’ caa AMk baixasaacaa maanakrI zrlaa Aaho. 30 naÜvhoMbar laa mauMbašt Jaalaolyaa parItÜiYak ivatrNa samaarMBaat Aaplao maayabaÜlaIkr idnaoXa iXaMdo (anaI Aaplyaa savaa-tÔo- ho parItÜiYak isvakarlao Aaho.

maayabaÜilacyaa [ithasaat ih Krca AitXaya ]llaoKinaya va kÝtukacaI gaÜYT Aaho.
KalaI ho p`Xaist p~k p`isaw krIt Aaho. (a p`Xaist p~kat puroXyaa jaagaoABaavaI Ô> AnaIlaBaašMcao ekT\yaacao naava TakNyaat Aalao Aaho. trI %yaa izkaNaI %yaancyaa naavaacyaa barÜbar KalaIla sava- saMpadk maMDLIMcaI naavao vaacaavaI.

saimar sarvaToÊ pragakNaÊ maO~oyaIÊ vaaTsaÉÊ iXalpa tÜrvaIÊ maRNaalaÊ yaÜigabaoyar

(a barÜbarca sauip`yaa jaÜXaIÊ p`XaaMt ]pasanaI va jayaEaI vaaDokr (aMcao ih maÜlaacao sahkaya- Aaplyaalaa laaBalao Aaho.
ixap`a AaNaI Itsme ( Aarit ) (anaI Aaplaa bahumaulya vaoL Kcau-na ha idvaaLI AMk (a spQao- saazI pazivalaa mhNaunaca ho sava- Xa@ya Jaalao Aaho. tovha maayabaÜlaI %yaaMcaI A%yaMt AaBaarI rahIla.
(a AMkasaazI jyaa saaihi%yakaMnaI Aaplao saaih%ya pazivalao %yaaMcao savaa-Mcao AiBanaMdna. hI prMpra (apuZohI AXaIca caalau rahÜ hI šXvaracyaa carNaI p`aqa-naa.

prashasti patrak,prashasti patrak

Thursday, March 25, 2004 - 2:56 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

Hitgujcha vadhata pasara pahata, hitgujchya vyavasthapanemadhe kahi badal karane aawashyak zale aahe. Hitgujchya wadhila hatbhar lavava aani jast lokana tyat kam karaychi sandhi milavi ha ya badlancha uddesh aahe.

We are making several changes to Hitguj. First of all the number of moderators on Hitguj will be 10. There will be two teams of 5 moderators each: "Content Team" and "Membership Team". Each team will have a team lead and 4 moderators.

Content Team is mainly responsible for re-arranging content, archival/deletion, new content ideas. Membership team is mainly responsible for interaction with members, events such as GTG, helping members, getting more members, volunteers and traditional moderating activities. Swagat Samiti/Madat Samiti will work with Membership team. The responsibilities are typical and can evolve as we understand better what works best for a particular team.

Anil Sangodkar (anilbhai) will lead content team and Sameer Sarvate (svsameer) will lead the membership team.

I welcome following new moderators

Content Team

1. Kalandar77 (samiir paaTasakar)
computer engineer by profession, shaaley shikshaN baramatimadhye, mag puNyat vaastavya. US madhye 4 varshe houn geli, sadhdhyaa new jersey madhye aahet.
hitgujavar thoDe ushiraach aale 2 varshanpurvi, a proud GTPkar since! :-) tevhapasun office, ghar aaNi maayboli hech tyanche routine jhale aahe.

2. Storvi (shilpa torvi)
Geli saat varsha Bay Area CA ithe tal thokun ahet. aata ajun tin mahinyanni tynchya tambut navin member yenar ahe.. :-) vyavasayane s/w engineer,pan te sodun baki sagla karnyat tya ekdam mahir :-) mhanje Naach, cultural proggrammes, ani HG var jaun V&C madhye bhandana karne.

3. Yogibear (Yogesh Kasar)
Tyanchyaa naavachi mhaNaje lai moThI historich haay baghaa. laukarach pushtak chhaapNaar haayet mhanale. tasa mhaNaayalaa baghaa IT mandI kaam kartayat aani rahaayaa 'vaaRyaachI sheeTi' mhaNaje aho te 'windy city'(Chicago) ho tithe asatyat.

4. Paragkan (Parag Budukh)
Yanchi aaj taagaayat vidyaarthi dashaa chaaluu aahe. naavaachyaa maage Dr. laagaava yaa haTTaapaayee ajoon shaaLetoon baaher paDale naahiyet. sadhyaa mukkaam US madhye ... paar daxiNekaDe ... Mississippi raajyaat.

Membership team

1. Maitreyee (Vaishali Pande)
tashya tya punyachya !. pan navara (to pan HGkar) ani mulaga (vay 5 tyamule ajun HG kar nahiye) yanchya sah atta Chicago la ahet. tyana vachayala ani adhun mahdun swat: kahi lihun vachakanna upadrav dyayala atishay avadate, tyat, don-adich varshapurvi US madhe alyavar HG chi olakh zali. teva pasun HG ha tyanchya rojachya routine cha avibhajya bhag ahe.

2. Manya (Mahendra Wagle)
Sadhya Singapore madhe. PHD Purna karanar ahet aani lagna karanar aahet. (Yaatale kuthale agodar purna honaar he sangayala tyani nakar dila :-))

3. Milindaa (Milind Agarkar)
geli 4 varshe london madhye rahat aahet..aani titakich varshe hitgujvar pan...
shixanane mechanical engineer aani vyavasayane software consultant. hg var kothehi bhandan disale ki tithe "milindaa" id disanarach :-)

4. Itsme (Aarti Awati)
Tya sadhya kamamadhe atishay vyasta aahet aani tyana wel milala ki swat: tya aapli olakh karun denaar ahet. Tarakhekade laksha theva :-)

Geli kityek warshe aaplyamadhe milun misalun :-) kaam karanare don moderators Asami (Bipin Chaudhari) aani Samrya (Sameer Kulkarni) moderators chya kamatun aapli raja ghenaar aahet. (Are shal-shriphaL samitiwale kuthe gele aayatya weli !). Samrya yani baraych mahinyanpurvi hi itchcha vykata keli hoti, fakta te aaj jahir karat aahe.

Asami aani samrya yani hitgujchya survatipasun kamat motha hatbhar lavala aahe aani hitguj nehmich tyabaddal tyanche runI aahe.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004 - 5:35 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

Maayboli needs your help !!

Please refer to
Admin's posting .

We are compiling volunteer list which we require all the time for various activities. Immediate activities like stylesheets, devnagarikaran, Ganeshotsav, Diwali ank require lot of help from you.

Please send your name/maayboli id, your preference, your skills, current location, time you can give at maayboli2004@yahoo.com

Wednesday, June 23, 2004 - 6:14 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

Namaskar Hitgujkar

This request (Aavaahna ) is in continuation with posting on May 25th. As you all know Maayboli home page is static for a long time. Currently we need some help in designing templates for
Maayboli home page

So we need some prototypes/templates of how the home page can be redesigned with a section of "whats new" in hitguj. This section will contain links of excellent postings in Hitguj's various sections as and when they are posted.

Ultimate aim is to display Moderator's/Special invitee's choice links on Maayboli home page, so non hitguj viewers or people who don't know about the depth inside Hitguj will also get a glimpse of what happening in hitguj.

If you are interested in volunteering for this please send email to maayboli2004@yahoo.com with your details and templates.

This will clear some of the doubts/questions regarding aim of Moderator's choice page.

-Hitguj Moderators/Admin team

Monday, October 04, 2004 - 8:28 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

namaskar ihtgaujakranaÜ
tumacyaa savaa-Mcyaa sahBaagaanao yaa vaYaI-caa gaNaoXaÜ%sava dNa@yaat par pDlaa.
(a vaYaI-cyaa gaNaoXaÜ%savaacao svayaMsaovak hÜto :
maUtI-kar Á mru Ê AsaamaI
saMyaÜjak samaItI : AÉNaÊ AsaamaIÊ laalauÊ p`saad _ XaIrÊ saayaÜnaaraÊ T\yaulaIpÊ yaÜgaIbaoAr
AaiNa samast moderator maMDL

savaa-Mcao ABaInaMdna

Aat vaoQa laagalaot idvaaLIcao. dr vaYaI-p`maaNao yaMdahI idvaaLI AMk kaZayacaa Aho. tovha Aaplyaalaa jar yaa kamaat madt krayacaI Asaola tr
swayamsevak@maayboli.com laa mail pazvauna kuzlaM kama krNyaacaI tumacaI tyaarI / [cCa Aaho to kLvaavao.

Monday, October 11, 2004 - 5:11 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

namaskar manDLIÊ
(a vaYaI- caa idvaaLI AMk jara vaogaL\yaa p`karo krNyaacao zrlao Aaho. idvaaLI AMkacaa kahI Baaga ha baÜlaka krayacaa ivacaar Aaho.
jar tumhalaa Xa@ya Asaola tr Aaplyaa saih%yaa barÜbar %yaacaI ek mp3 Ôašla banavauna pazvata AalaI tr pha. hI mp3 banavatanaa ek gaÜYT laxaat zovaa tI mhNajao Ôašla saašja kimat kmaI AsalaI paihjao. %yaat saurvaatIlaa Aaplao naava tsaoca saaih%yaacao iXaYa-k saaMigatlaolao Asalao paihjao.

2004 cyaa idvaaLI AMkasaazI saaih%ya pazivaNyaasaazI naivana BB ]GaDNyaat Aalaa Aaho.

idvaaLI AMk 2004

calaa tr maDLI lavakr Aaplao saaih%ya va mp3 pazvaa..

Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 6:57 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message


" ihtgauja idvaaLI AMk 2004 " cyaa tyaarIlaa sauÉvaat JaalaolaI Aaho. tovha samast ihtgaujakraMnaI kamaalaa laagalaM paihjao. maagacyaa vaYaI- AapNa savaa-MnaI imaLUna pairtÜiYak pa~ idvaaLI AMk tyaar kolaa hÜta ho sagaL\yaaMnaa maahIt Aahoca. yaMdacaa AMkhI tsaaca ikMbahunaa %yaahUnahI djao-dar krNyaasaazI Aaplyaa savaa-Mcaa p`%yaxa ³ikMvaa Ap`%yaxa´ sahBaaga Aamhalaa Apoixat Aaho. AapNa Aamacaa AaiNa jagaBar psarlaolyaa risak marazI vaacakaMcaa ApoxaaBaMga krNaar naahI yaacaI Ka~I Aaho.
vaoL kmaI Aaho ³ho AaplaM naohmaIcaca Aaho mhNaa´Ê tovha lagabaga kra.

yaa AMkasaazI AapNa kÜNa%yaahI p`karcaM saaih%ya pazvaU Xakta. saaih%ya pazvatanaa to ‘dovanaagarI’ maQyao AsaavaM. jyaaMnaa ho Aijabaat Xa@ya naahI %yaaMnaI corrected minglish p`t pazvalyaasa hrkt naahI. jyaaMnaa dovanaagarIkrNaasaazI madt hvaI Asaola %yaaMnaI tsao lavakrat lavakr saMpadkaMnaa šmaola k$na kLvaavao.

saaih%ya kuNaalaa pazvaayacaMÆ ­ Aqaa-tca saMpadkaMnaa. :-)

KalaIla izkaNaI AapNa saaih%ya pÜsT k$ Xakta

Hitguj Diwali Ankasathi Saahity

%vara kra .......}

Aaplao sahkayaa-iBalaaYaI -
saMpadk maMDL

Saturday, November 13, 2004 - 11:02 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

sava-p`qama AapNaa savaa-naa ho naivana vaYa- sauK samaaQaanaacao va BarBaraTIcao jaavaÜ.
AapNa jyaacaI ]%sauktonao vaaT baGat Aahat tÜ ihtgauja idvaaLI AMk 2004 p`kaiXat Jaalaa Aaho.

ihtgauja idvaaLI AMk 2004

Thursday, December 30, 2004 - 6:48 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

Hitguj is moving to a new server.
As Hitguj keeps on growing, we need more and more disk space and bandwidth capacity. As a result it has become necessary to move to a new server.
Starting Friday 31st, 2 PM EST, Hitguj will be unavailable. We expect it will back online by Jan 2nd 11:30 pm. Possibly earlier.

Monday, January 03, 2005 - 2:37 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

Please read !
Happy new Year.
Hitguj is back online again on new server. Although we made every effort to test all features, there is always a possibility something may not work. Please write on "Feedback to Admin" BB.
If you feel the new server is slower, please let us know that as well.
The Hitguj is on different server that maayboli and can be accessed using

Hitguj on /hitguj/index.html is currently disabled will redirect you to new server. But if you have bookmarked any page then you will still goto that page but can't write there.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 6:00 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

namaskar ihtgaujakr
drvaYaI- p`maaNao yaMda doKIla ihtgauja idvaaLI AMk p`kaXaIt
krNyaacaa GaaT Gaatlaa Aaho. AapNaa savaa-Mcaa ]%saahI sahBaaga ApoxaIt Aaho. tovha Aaplao saaih%ya ³ kqaa Ê kivata Ê ivaDMbanaoÊ lalaIt laoKÊ p`vaasa vaNa-nao š%yaadI´ lavakrat lavakr saMpadk maMDLakDo KalaIla ilaMk var pazvaavao hI ivanaMtI.
idvaaLI AMkasaazI saaih%ya
saaih%ya pazivaNyaacaI XaovaTcaI tarIK
27 Aa^@TÜbar Aaho.

Saturday, November 12, 2005 - 12:38 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

laÜkhÜ yaMda AaplaM idvaaLI AMkacaM GaÜDM kuzo poMD Kayalaa gaolaM Asaa ivacaar tumhI sagaLo krt AsaNaar. pNa kLvaNyaasa A%yaMt AanaMd hÜtÜ kI ho GaÜDM ekdacaM gaMgaot nhalaM. AaiNa Aata yaa gaMgaotUna puNyapavana hÜvaUna inaGaalaolaa ha idvaaLI AMk tumacyaapuZo saadr hÜt Aaho.

idvaaLI AMk vaacalyaaiXavaaya marazI maaNasaacaI idvaaLI kXaI saajarI hܚlaÆ tovha tumha savaa-Mnaa yaa saaihi%yak idvaaLIcyaa XauBaocCa²

ihtgauja idvaaLI AMk 2005

Friday, November 18, 2005 - 7:37 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

On Friday Nov 18,2005 Hitguj will be down for maintainace from 6:00 PM EST till 10:00 PM EST. We will be making chnages to software to support unicode.
Unfortunately this chnage won't be exactly smooth as several other changes we have done in the past and there is nothing we can do about it.
You may or may not see several box characters "chaukon" on Hitguj. This is because the current shivaji font uses Western European (ISO) settings (which does not show unicode) and Unicode uses UTF-8 encoding (which shows some box characters in Shivaji) So if you want to see Shivaji you may have to change your browser settings to western European.

This will stay for few days. jenva sagale shivaji font madhale messages wahun jaatil kinava archive hoteel tenva he disnaar nahi.

We will also be doing this change in a rolling fashion. We will start with GTP and My City BB and if everything is fine there we will enable this in other BBS in next few days.

Saturday, November 19, 2005 - 4:19 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

Hitguj is back online and unicode is enabled on GTP and My CITY.
To type in unicode just use dev2 tag instead of dev tag.
I encourage everybody to write in unicode on these two BBs.
Any problems/feedback write here
unicode transition issues

It is enabled everywhere but on other BBs you will have to manually switch the browser encoding to utf8 and so other readers won't be able to understand what you have written

Monday, November 21, 2005 - 12:28 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

dev2 tag is now available on all BB. I encourage you to use it. You can use the 'devanagri" button and just before last step in posting change dev to dev2 to make it work. Once we resolve all issues with dev2, we plan to discontinue all dev, ts1, ts5 tags (an associated fonts) in next few days.
Also Yogibear has written a procedure here to use external tools to write in unicode without using tags. One caution though, if you enter without any tag, you will need the same editor/or some unicode editor to edit that message in future as hitguj software has no way to know the source "minglish" text. If you use the dev2 tag, both source and unicode output is preserved for future editing. This is not a major issue just something to be aware of.

Monday, November 21, 2005 - 2:13 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

Unicode may or may not work in user profiles. Please avoid making any changes (related to font or unicode) in your profile.

Friday, November 25, 2005 - 6:23 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

There is a problem with image, attachments uploading. As we are working to resolve this, image/attachment uploading is currently disabled.

चोखंदळ ग्राहक
महाराष्ट्र धर्म वाढवावा
व्यक्तिपासून वल्लीपर्यंत
पांढर्‍यावरचे काळे
गावातल्या गावात
तंत्रलेल्या मंत्रबनात
आरोह अवरोह
शुभंकरोती कल्याणम्
विखुरलेले मोती

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