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| Wednesday, March 19, 2003 - 10:19 am: |
pracaa kavaLa krayacaI laÜkaMnaa savaya JaalaI Aaho. KOOL
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| Wednesday, March 19, 2003 - 1:48 pm: |
baapro baa icaDlaolyaa idsat Aahot.... Storvi: agadi barobaar bolallis....
kahI phrases (a Amaoirkna BaaYaot hmaKasa vaaprlyaa jaatat %yaa AapNa hI ka vaap$ nayao Asaa p`Xna pDtÜ. AXaa ba - yaaca phrases tumhIhI eoklaolyaa AsatIla AaiNa vaaprt hI Asaala. pNa hI phrase tumhI kQaI vaaprlaI Aaho kaÆ "I am in Therapy." var var AgadI saaQaI idsaNaara ha vaa@yap`caar idsatÜ ittka saÜpa navho. duparcyaa vaoLI TV var idsaNaara TalkShow naavaacaa jaÜ kahI AcarT p`kar caalatÜ %yaat oprah pasaUna Ananda pya-Mt kuzlaahI show pha. kuNaItrI baaPyaa Agar baa AgadI XaaMtpNao basaUna %yaanao Agar itnao Aatapya-M%cyaa AayauYyaat kolaolyaa
gaun(aMcaa Agar vaaT vaagaNaUkIcaa paZa vaacat AsatÜ / Asato. prvaaca maI maaJyaa tIna Xaojaa - yaaMcao KUna paDlao ikMvaa Aa<aapya-Mt maI satra baayakaMvar A%yaacaar kolao Aahot. AXaa maaNasaanaa pÜlaIsa tu$Mgaat ka Takt naahIt Asaa p`Xna tumacyaa DÜ@yaat yaotÜ na yaotÜ tÜcaÊ 'But I am in Therapy' lagaoca itqao jamalaolao p`oxak jaÜrdar TaL\yaa vaajavatat. baakI doXaat KUna krNao vagaOro gaunha Asaola pNa Amaoirkot 'I am in Therapy' mhTlao kI gaunha maaf. tovha Aata maI hI ivacaar krtÜya. ]Qyaa speeding krtanaa pÜlaIsaanao pkDlao tr 'I am in Therapy' caa ]pyaÜga krayacaa. for what ha p`Xna tÜ ivacaarNaar naahI mhNaa Ê naahItr 'My therapist thinks I should get my anger for law enforcement out' Asao malaa saaMgaavao laagaola. tax Ba$ nakaÊ AaiNa IRS nao pkDlaM tr saaMgaa 'I am in Therapy' . ]Va tumacyaa AavaDIlaanaa Amaoirkot yaayacao AsaolaÊ tr %yaanaahI saaMgaa form Bartanaa sagaLM kahI Ê KrM KrM Bara pNa XaovaTI I am in Therapy ilahayalaa ivasa$ naka. Amaoirkna maaNasaanaa %yaaba_la KUpca sahanauBautI Aaho. kÜNa jaaNao ]Qyaa Aamacaa EaI. JauDpo doKIla TV var yao}na jagaalaa saaMgaola maI sadU var hllaa kolaa hÜÊ pNa I am in Therapy AaiNa sagaLI janata TaL\yaa vaajavaUna %yaalaa maaf k$na Takola.
ivanayaÊ TaL\yaaÊ TaL\yaa. ~D
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| Friday, April 04, 2003 - 11:00 pm: |
mee majhya eka maitrinila vicharale tar 'i am in therapy' mhanaje mhane the person, who says it, is getting help. mhanun lok khush houn talya vajavat asavet!
vinay, are maanase maarane haa amerikan lokaaMchaa junaa dhaMdaa aahe. aaNi tyabaddal poorvakaalaapaasoon tyaaMnaa abhimaanahee waaTato. jagaache raxak aahet baba te!
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| Sunday, April 06, 2003 - 12:19 am: |
jagaache raxak aahet baba te! >>> rakshak ki bhakshak ??? I know this is not the correct BB to discuss this...but couldn't help posting this.
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| Wednesday, April 30, 2003 - 8:40 am: |
Ask Americans to say "Mouth" 1760 pronounciations saapdtil. Mazya apt madlya chinki shi boltaana vishay nighala aani hya goshitcha shod laagala
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| Thursday, May 01, 2003 - 3:37 am: |
ithe mi ankhin ek expression khup aikla ahe..apan jenva konala ekhadi goshta wicharto ani aplyala jar tyabaddal mahit nasel tar apan generally mhanto "I dont know anything" pan ithe "I dont know nothing" ase mhantat, agadi lahanan pasun mothyan parent sagle..
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| Thursday, May 01, 2003 - 5:59 pm: |
ARchil, jari te sarras vaparle jaat asle tari te expression American Grammar chya drushtine dekhil chuk ahe... Ithle swatah chya english baddal abhimaan asleli mansa asa kadhich bolat nahit... te coloquial asle tar grammatically incorrectach manle jate...
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| Thursday, May 01, 2003 - 9:07 pm: |
archil, storvi, "i don't know nothing" asha type che bolane purvichya mhanaje (50s madhe vagaire)kahi literary work (blacks after slavery vagaire vagaire)madhe pan vaparalele aahe. he jari standard english nasale tari, african american english madhe ashi don negations vaparnyachi paddhat aahe. jee aata colloquial language madhe pan vapartat.
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| Friday, May 02, 2003 - 12:53 pm: |
"My Big Fat Greek Wedding" maQyao sauwa AXaaca sva$pacao ek vaa@ya Aaho. "He dont eat no meat". vyaakrNaacyaa dRYTInao caukIcao Asalao trI eokayalaa KUp majaa yaoto.
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| Friday, May 02, 2003 - 3:24 pm: |
maaJaa svatÁcaa AnauBavaÁ 1970 saalaI maI jaoMvha ba`ukilanaÊ N.Y. maQao ihMDt Asata kuiNatrI malaa kahItrI ivakayacaa p`ya%na krt hÜta² maI mhMTlao "I do not have enough money." to %yaalaa kLocanaa² XaovaTI maaJyaa Amaoirkna ima~anao BaaYaaMtr k$na saaMigatlaoÁ "he ain't got no money!" . maga %yaa ivaËo%yaalaa samajalao³²´
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| Friday, May 02, 2003 - 3:28 pm: |
iXavaaya ba`uklaIna maQao Aa^ifsaat duparI naohomaI eokU yaoNaaro vaa@yaÁ "Jitchet" mhNajao did you eat yet? . mauMbasaarKoca NY cao laÜkih satt Gaatca AsatatÊ mhNaUna hI AsalaI BaaYaa baÜlaavaI laagatoÊ naahItr %yaaMnaa samajatca
naahI. [qao vaoL kuNaalaa Aaho navaIna iXakayalaaÆ
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| Friday, May 02, 2003 - 3:52 pm: |
arun, ha bb movie baddal discuss karayala nahi aahe he mahit aahe. tari sudha ek prashna. 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding' kasa aahe?
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| Friday, May 02, 2003 - 4:01 pm: |
sami: khup chhan aahe movie. jaroor bagh..
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| Friday, May 02, 2003 - 4:53 pm: |
sorry for the deviation folks: pan tya jagi my big fat Indian wedding mhanla asta tari challa asta
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| Friday, May 02, 2003 - 4:58 pm: |
storvi: Asa mhNaU nakÜsa. yaa ica~pTacao naava "My Big Fat Indian Wedding" Asato tr tÜ tIna to saaDotIna tasa caalalaa Asata AaiNa BaartIya directors naI par vaaT laa}na TaklaI AsatI %yaacaI ...
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| Friday, May 02, 2003 - 5:52 pm: |
storvi,arun, lol! tya movie baddal eikale hote phakta.
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| Friday, May 02, 2003 - 6:08 pm: |
tumhI Airplane! naavaacaa BaÙaT isanaomaa paihlaaya ka ? %yaat dÜna AiÍkna kaLo laÜk jive baÜlat Asatat. %yaaMcao baÜlaNao caalaU Asatanaa saamaanya [Mga`jaIt sabaTayaTlsa yaot Asatat. A%yaMt
khr ivanaÜdI p`kar Aaho. ho kahI namaunao baGaa. Baartat A%yaMt Apiricat Asaa ha [Mga`jaIcaa AivaYkar.
Jiveman1: Sheeeet, man, that honkey mus' be messin' my old lady got to be runnin' col' upsihd down his head! Subtitle: GOLLY, THAT WHITE FELLOW SHOULD STAY AWAY FROM MY WIFE OR I WILL PUNCH HIM. Jiveman2: Hey Holm, I can dig it! You know he ain't gonna lay no mo' big rap upon you man! Subtitle: YES, HE IS WRONG FOR DOING THAT. Jiveman1: I say hey sky, s'other say I won say I pray to J I get the same ol' same ol. Subtitle: I KNEW A MAN IN A SIMILAR PREDICAMENT, AND HE ENDED UP BEING SORRY. Jiveman2: Knock yourself a pro slick. Gray matter back got perform' us' down I take TCBin, man'. Subtitle: DON'T BE NAIVE ARTHUR. EACH OF US FACES A CLEAR MORAL CHOICE. Jiveman1: You know wha' they say: See a broad to get that bodiac lay'er down an' smack 'em yack 'em. Subtitle: EARLY TO BED, EARLY TO RISE, MAKES A MAN HEALTHY, WEALTHY AND WISE. Together: Col' got to be! Yo! Subtitle: HOW TRUE! Together: Sheeeeeeet! Subtitle: GOLLY. Elaine : Would you gentleman care to order your dinners? Jiveman1: Bet babe, slide a piece a da porter, drink si' run th' java. Subtitle: I WOULD LIKE THE STEAK PLEASE. Jiveman2: Lookie here, I can dig grease and butter on some draggin' fruit garden. Subtitle: I'LL HAVE THE FISH.
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| Wednesday, November 12, 2003 - 6:41 pm: |
yaa BB var AjaUna BaaYaocyaa rhythm ba_la kÜiNa ilaihlao naahIyao. American English baÜlaIcaI 'step up and down, down....' hI style Aaho. mhNajao I like to play golf. baÜlatanaa I naohmaIcyaa p+ItÊ like cyaa ]ccaaracyaa vaoLosa pihlao syllable high pitch Ê nantr puZcaI syllables ]tr%yaa BaajaNaIt ]ccaartat. p`%yaok BaaYaolaa ek rhythm AsatÜ. jasao kI Russian laÜk r caa ]ccaar krtanaa tÜ ]ccaar spYT AaiNa qaÜDa pitch vaaZvaUna krtat. AapNa marzI BaaYaa baÜAlatanaa Kupda ekaca tone maQao vaaprtÜ. caZÝtaraMsah baÜlaNao ho Aaplyaa BaaYaot Asalao trI to sahja baÜlatanaa vaaprt naahI. p`ya%napUva-k
vaaprtÜ. kÜNaalaa ]%saukta Asaola tr local library maQao yaaivaYayaI pustko video cassettes imaLtat.
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| Wednesday, November 12, 2003 - 6:52 pm: |
ti cassetes chi nava ahet ka tula mahiti? asatil tar de na plz
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| Wednesday, November 12, 2003 - 7:02 pm: |
malaa vaaTto Breaking your accent barrier Asaavao. na@kI imaLlao tr dona. pNa tU ESL section maQao XaÜQalaosa tr similar material imaLola. maJyaa eokNyaat Aaho ik public library maQao English for Hindi Speakers AXaa navaacaI pNa pustko imaLtat.
2010 paryanta Bharat ha sarwat jasta Engraji bhashak aaslela desh aasel. Tyamule aata aapan tharwayache hya firangi bhashela kase walwayache kase girwayache aani hya bhashechi kashi waat lawayachi.
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| Thursday, December 04, 2003 - 6:20 pm: |
trIsauwa angli-Saxon culture caa business maQalaa varcaYmaa saMpt naahI tÜvar tumhI mhNata tsao hÜNao kzIna vaaTto. AapNa vyavahart vaaprtÜ tI [nga`jaI sauwa bayaa-cada [nga`jaI BaaYaocao business model vaaprt AsatÜ. ikMvaa tXaI vaaprNao jaast polite vaaTtM. business language cao vaOiXaYT\ya mhNajao eKaVa p`XNaacao hÜkarqaI- ]tar Asaola tr to jaast caTkna yaoto. pNa nakarqaI-
Asaola tr to jaast XabdbaMbaaL Asato. yaababatIt ek observation malaa sagaL\yaMXaI share krayalaa AavaDola. maaJaI ek co-worker jama-na hÜtI. nakarqaI- ]<ar dotanaa ekdma charge JaalyaasaarKaÊ upset Jaalyaacaa Baava itcyaa caohyaa-var AsatÜ. maI kuzotrI vaacalao tovha ]lagaDa JaalaaÊ jama-na BaaXaot
nakarqaI- ]<aralaa hI body language caI jaÜD Asato. to expression personally Gyaayacao nasato.
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| Wednesday, May 11, 2005 - 9:04 pm: |
sahja "Useful tips for American Accent' ha BB vaacat hÜtÜ. %yaat (a BB caI laIMk imaLalaI. maaJyaakDo hI KalaI idlaolaI maaihtI eka jaunyaa [ - maola maQyao hÜtI. tI barIca ]pyaÜgaI pDto. AamhI tI navaIna Consulatant laa AByaasaayalaa VayacaÜ kI jyaamauLo AmaorIkot jaast kÜzo ADNaar naaho. If you are in USA ............... U don't open conversation (on telephone) with a "Hello" but with a "Hi" The telephone is never "engaged", it's always "busy". U don't "disconnect" a phone, U simply "hang-up". U dont have mobile phone, U have cell. U never "mess-up" things, U only "screw them up". U never have a "residence" tel. no., U have a "home" no. U never have a "office" tel. no., U have a "work" no. U don't stop at the "signals", but halt at the "lights". U don't "accelerate", U "step on the gas". Your tire never "punctures", U may have a "flat". There R no lorry but se-my. The trains have "coaches" or "bogies no more but "carriages" or "boxes". There R no "petrol pumps", but "gas stations". "I don't know nothing", 2 negatives don't make a positive here. U no longer meet a "wonderful" person, U meet a "cool" guy U don't pull the switch down to light a bulb, rather flick it up. U don't "turn on the heat", U "turn on the juice". There's no "Business Area" only "business districts", and no "districts" but "counties". No one stays "a stone's throw away", might "a few blocks away". There's no "Town Side", it's "Down Town". In hotel U no longer ask for "bill" and pay by "cheque", rather ask for "check" and pay with "bill"s (Dollar). There R no "soft drinks", only "sodas". Life's no longer "miserable" it "stinks". U don't have a "great" time, U have a "ball". U don't "sweat it out", U "work U'r butt off". Never "post" a letter, always "mail" it and "glue" the stamps, don't "stick" them. U no longer live in "flats" or "blocks", find an "apartment". U don't stand in a "queue", you are in a "line". U no longer "like" something, U "appreciate" it. U R not "deaf", U have "impaired hearing". U R not "lunatic", U are just "mentally challenged". U R not "disgusting" U R "sick". U can't get "surprised" U get "zapped". U don't "schedule" a meeting, U "skejule" it. U never "joke", U just do "kiding". U never "increase" the pressure, U always "crank" it up. U never ask for a pencil "rubber" U ask for an eraser. U don't try to find a lift, U find an elevator. U no more ask for a route but for a "RAUT" U don't ask somebody "How r u ?", U say "What's up dude?" U never go to see a game U go to watch a game. If U see "World" champions (or Series), read "USA" champions (or Series). There's no "zero" but "o" , no "Z" but "zee". U dont take injections, U take Shot There's no FULL STOP after a statement, there's a PERIOD. If someone gets angry at U, U get "flamed". U dont order for carry out food, U always ask for to go. You don't say "How do you do", you say "How you doin" In short U don't speak English, U speak American. baGaa ]pyaÜgaI vaaTto kaÆ
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| Thursday, May 12, 2005 - 2:27 am: |
Bhure, this is very interesting really!
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| Thursday, May 12, 2005 - 4:25 pm: |
Bee, Is it American 'interesting' or English ?
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| Friday, May 13, 2005 - 2:39 pm: |
Bhure, not all things are true though, some places both things can be used, like I won't ask my boss, what's up dude? I have to say How r u?
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| Wednesday, August 24, 2005 - 12:59 pm: |
Bhure it is very interested...Some points I want to add like .. U never say fill petrol in the car...Fill "Gas" in the car. U never say "I was absent" ...tell.."I didn't show up".
>> U never ask for a pencil "rubber" U ask for an eraser. FYI: In USA, rubber means a condom. So be careful.
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