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| Friday, December 19, 2003 - 1:17 pm: |
zakki, muddam he dev madhye lihit nahiye tumhi shivaji05 ha font install kelaa aahe ka?
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| Friday, December 19, 2003 - 1:35 pm: |
Ja@kI mhNatat tI samasyaa malaa pNa yaoto Aaho. maaJyaa ka^mpuTr var iXavaajaI 1 va 5 ho dÜnhI Ôa^nTsa
Aahot.. AaiNa enakÜDIMga pNa badlalao Aaho trIhI malaa naoTskop maQyao dovanaagarI idsat naahI
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| Friday, December 19, 2003 - 2:36 pm: |
Milindaa, Zakki, Daf: Perform following steps... Assuming you have already installed Shivaji01/05 fonts. This for Netscape 7.1 Goto Menu >>> Edit >>> Preferences Category: Appearance >>> Fonts Fonts for: "User defined" Proportional: Serif Serif: Shivaji01 Sans-serif: Shivaji01 Cursive: Shivaji01 Fantasy: Shivaji01 Monospace: Shivaji01 Click 'OK'. Now go under menu View >>> Character Coding >>> Western (Choose here) Now you should see pretty much everything in proper Marathi font except few marathi posts which will be garbled.... I hope this helps
milinda, tula netscape var fakt shivaji01 (ts1) cha problem yet aahe ka? tasa asel tar, try replacing your existing shivaji01 font with the attached one. zakki, tumhi pan he try karun paha. i had the same problem, so i modified shivaji01 to shivaji05 retaining the name, it helped. u should see all ts1 posts similar to dev ones after installing this font.
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| Friday, December 19, 2003 - 6:14 pm: |
Ajauna AaplaI maanausakI jaI<aI hayao mhnaa kI raAÜ
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| Saturday, December 20, 2003 - 1:11 am: |
as the americans would say - JESUS CHRIST! maaJyaa kaÐPyauTrmaQao category.appearance naMtr Fonts Asao idsatca naahI. maI klaMdr77 naI saaMigatlaolaolao k$na paihlao trI kahI jamalao naahI bauvaa² AsaÜ.
jagaI sava-saUKI Asaa kÜNa AahoÆ hoca Kro²
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| Saturday, December 20, 2003 - 3:52 pm: |
Zakki: Check your Netscape Version, category screen madhe left side laa Appearance asel tyaatach Fonts saapaDel...
zakki Davyaa hatacyaa appearence var double click kra m*Najao fonts idsaola.
Ja@kI baÜvaaÊ malaa tr naoTskop maQyao Cana idsatoya. naÜ p`a^blaoma. maaJyaakDo naoTskop 7.1 Aaho.
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| Sunday, December 21, 2003 - 9:13 pm: |
to jaa]Mdo.. mauMbat 31 trKolaa maQya ra~I idnaanaaqaÊ gaDkrIÊ kailadasaÊ iXavaajaI maMidr AaiNa saaih%ya
saMGa maMidr yaoqao kÜNatI naaTko Aahot kLola kayaÊ AaiNa %yaaMcaI itikT ivaËI kQaI Aaho to sauwa² malaa
vaaTtM idnaanaaqa laa maMgaoXakraMcaa kaya-Ëma AsatÜ naa.. mauMbakraMnaÜ jara lavakr kLvaa² Qanyvaad²
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| Monday, December 22, 2003 - 7:27 am: |
ima~aMnaÜ jara vaadacaa ivaYaya malaa jara iXavaajaI maharajaaMcyaa ma`U%yauba_la qaÜiDXaI maahItI hiva Aaho jar kuNaalaa maahItI Asaola
tr Ëupyaa pÜsT kravao
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| Tuesday, December 23, 2003 - 12:21 am: |
faÐT\sa [. saapDlao² sagaLIkDo hr hr mahadovaÊ iXavaajaI maharajakI jaya Asao ilahUna Taklao. Aata bahuQaa
barÜbar idsat Asaavao. savaa-Mnaa Qanyavaad. Aata Abedekar nao [Mga`jaIt ilaihlaolao marazIt ksao idsaola ikMvaa bee [. ina imaMiglaXa maQao ilaihlaolao dovanaagarIt ksao idsaola ho kuiNa saaMgaU Xakola kaÆ Dffodils23 Ja@kI AsaNyaacaa fayada Asaa kI robinhood saar#yaa laÜkaMnaI kaihhI ilaihlao trI to DÜ@yaava$na jaato² pNa tuJyaa samaMjasapNaaba_la AaBaar²
Ja@kI baÜvaa...Ê baoDokranao [nga`jaIt ilaihlaolao marazIt Aqavaa baI nao imanga`jaIt ilaihlaolao dovanaagarIt ksao idsaola
to saaMgatÜ... laÜ. iTLkanaI mhTlyaa p`maaNao dID pOXaacaI BaaMga Gao}na baGaa .. jagaatlyaa sagaL\yaa BaaYaot phata yaola. to na imaLalyaasa zra- Aqavaa navaTak GyaavaI D^fÜiDla23cao pÜisTMga Aata 3 idvasaananatr tumacyaa laxaat Aalao kayaÆ DÜ@yaasa fayar vaa^la Aaho vaaTto ~D
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| Tuesday, December 23, 2003 - 12:34 pm: |
kahI va`a%ya maulao [kDo ihMDtayat vaaTto .. Ja@kI Aata jara kazI Gyaa baGaU hatat
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| Tuesday, December 23, 2003 - 12:36 pm: |
Ikde koni iMac vaparnaare aahe ka? I just can't display any devnagari character on my iMac. I tried to install these fonts but they don't work really good (can read story with loads of garbled characters but not headline and something like that) Anybody knows dynamic font display for Macintosh/Linux
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| Tuesday, December 23, 2003 - 1:15 pm: |
[Friends Of Children - Pune] Hi all, FOC (Friends of Children) is trying to assisst financially poor students to pursue their studies. You can either be a core member of the team or you can extend help by donating just Rs.100/- per month. I have met some of the students personally. And believe me some of them are very bright students. Given an opportunity they will definitely shine bright. Help is provided in terms of: # Regular monitoring over weekends # Providing school/college fees and tution fees # Providing bus pass # Providing books and other stationery # School uniform for primary/high school children # Teaching (Project name TEACH: ToEducateACHild) # In some cases, health check-up and treatment charges # Funding for job oriented training courses, spoken English etc. # Fees for various competitive exams like JEE/AIEEE/K-CET etc. For more information, visit Please go through the mail below. --- Venky Venkatesh <> wrote: > To: > From: "Venky Venkatesh" <> > Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2003 14:48:17 +0530 > Subject: [Friends Of Children - Pune] Minutes - > Friends of Children Volunteers meet held at ISC on > 21st Dec 2003 > --------------------------------- Minutes of Meeting. Attended by : Mr Subramanian, Mr Anant , Sumit, Ravikant, Hari Om, Sri Hari, Ratna, Swati, Jyothi, Nandini, Haritha, Vani ,Aparna & Venky. Points Discussed. 1. All the volunteers are informed that memorandum for the registration of FoC has been filed with the charity commissioner 2 weeks back and it will take one month to get the registration number. 2. FoC bank a/c will be opened in ICICI bank once we get registration number from the charity commissioner. All the paper work has been already done and kept ready. 3. FoC has got reference of 35 students for sponsorship for 2004. FoC is planning to take 30 more new students for the year 2004 which will make the total no of students sponsored by FoC to 60. 4. Volunteers are informed that receipt books are printed and from now onwards FoC will provide receipts to the donors. 5.Posters for display in required places and Visiting cards were distributed to the volunteers . 6.As part of fund raising FoC decided to go for a Newspaper collection drive in Housing societies in Pune. All volunteers are requested to arrange for a Paper collection drive in their housing societies. 7.Volunteers were informed that the money collected from the donors of FoC will not be used for the administrative expenses such as Society registration / Lawyer fee / Website registration & Maintenance / Printing of Posters & Handouts / Printing of receipt books , letter heads ,visiting cards etc. Hence, FoC decided to collect Rs 100 per month from the core group members of FoC to handle the administrative expenses. 8. Next volunteers meet will be held as and when required. FoC students meeting will be held in ISC on 11th Jan from 4:30 pm to get the updates from the students. Action Items 1. To sponsor 60 students (30 + 30 for the year 2003 & 2004) we need to raise a minimum of 2 lakhs during the year 2004. All the volunteers are requested to start raising the funds on a regular basis from their friends,colleagues and family members. (Contact Vani or Aparna or Venky for the receipts) 2. Mr Subramanian will arrange for a News paper drive in the 3 housing societies on his street during the month of January as part of fund raising. Nandini & Haritha will try to arrange for a Paper collection drive in Aundh area. 3. Volunteers are informed to keep track of the events happening in Pune and get contacts to display FoC posters and maintaining a visiting card box. 4. News letter to be mailed to all the donors and volunteers before New year. 5. Aparna & her friends will handle the CRY shops in HSBC, Kanbay, Persistent and other corporates during this week. Thanks & Regards Venky Venkatesan.N Friends Of Children, Pune Mob : 0-9890393132 Email : Website :
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| Tuesday, December 23, 2003 - 5:05 pm: |
laÜkhÜÊ malaa AjaUnahI kahI gaÜYTI ³bahuQaa ³ ts1 ca´ dovanaagarIt idsat naahIt. Aata kaya k$Æ maaJaI Ka~I Aaho kI maI iXavaajaI 01 faÐT install kolaolaa Aaho. %yaaiXavaaya varI badla malaa krtaca Aalaa nasata. tr... inadana maaJao IE6 ksao duÉst krayacao ho saaMgaa ikMvaa naoT skop maQao ts1 naIT ksao idsaola to trI saaMgaa²Ê Qanyavaad. ra^ibanahUDÊ jara maÜzI laÜkM baÜlat Asatanaa maQao maQao baÜlaU nakÜsa. naMtr baÜlaIna maI tuJyaaXaI.
iXavaaya tuJao iXaLo iBakar ivanaÜdÊ tU puNyaatlao puNaokr yaa BB var Tak. itqao Asalaoca sagaLo caalalaolao Asato.
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| Tuesday, December 23, 2003 - 10:30 pm: |
Wanted your feedback on the SBC's 31cents/minute calling plan to India. I am experiencing a very bad call quality. The calls do have lot of disturbance, lag and very low volume. Do you have similar experience?
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| Tuesday, December 23, 2003 - 11:21 pm: |
Atul, I have been using primus for last 2 years. The service, call quality is really good, never had problems. There rates are 23 cents/min to Pune, 19 cents/min for mobile (which was 39 cents earlier). If you call bigger cities like Mumbai, it is cheaper than this I think.
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| Wednesday, December 24, 2003 - 12:40 am: |
Naatyaa, Thanks for your reply. I am also using reliablecom.coms cards with 17 Cents/minute and call quality is just like a local call and very reliable . But wanted to have a quick and easy one touch dialing to India so I was using AT&T earlier, their service was very good but recently I switched to SBC and its a nightmare
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| Wednesday, December 24, 2003 - 1:48 am: |
Primus is not a phone card, its a long distance service just like SBC's and AT&T's
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| Wednesday, December 24, 2003 - 7:21 pm: |
kalaripayath is a art of traditional fighting in India. If more information is with you please post here.
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| Wednesday, December 24, 2003 - 10:16 pm: |
CoÊ mauMbakraMkDUna hI Apoxaa navhtI.. maaJyaa 21 tarKocyaa pÜsTlaa kahIca ]<ar na imaLalyaacao saKod
AaXcaya- vaaTt Aaho² AsaÜ caalaayacaca²
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| Wednesday, December 24, 2003 - 10:55 pm: |
are upas tu swatach jaun paha na .. jo dusryavari visambala ... :p
Ja@kI baÜvaaÊ jara maÜzI laÜkM baÜlat Asatanaa... vagaOro... samaqaa-naI mhTlao Aaho jaÜ krI svatacaI stutI...
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| Friday, December 26, 2003 - 3:16 pm: |
Ja@kI puNyaacyaa baI baI var iBakar ivanaÜd hÜtat Asao tumhalaa mhNaayacao Aaho kaÆ tumacyaa saar#yaa maÜz\yaa vayaanao maaNasaanao tir Asao mhNau nayao.
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| Friday, December 26, 2003 - 8:22 pm: |
gappa kontya bb varti maaraichya astaat??? *ek bhola prashna*
AgaM irmaiJama yaat vayaacaa p`Xna yaotÜ kÜzoÆ tukarama maharajaaMnaI mhTlaoca Aaho AvaGao vaaZlao erMD mhNaUna ka to hÜ [xaudnDÆ xaudMD Ä }sa baakI Ja@kI baÜvaa mhNatahot to Kroca.. puNyaacyaa baI baI var jao caalato %yaalaa iBakar ho ivaXaoYaNa
laavaNyaakirta ka hÜ naa pNa ivanaÜd mhNaavao laagato ho dudO-va .... samaáyaaÊ gaPpaMcaa baI baI.. jahaM caar yaar imala jaayao..
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| Sunday, December 28, 2003 - 1:34 pm: |
gaÜT\yaa (a marazI maailakotIla gaÜT\yaa caI Bauimaka kÜiNa kolaolaI Aaho.ÆÆ AaiNa zee channel cyaa web site var (a maailaka phayalaa X@ya Aaho kaÆÆ Ëupyaa maaga-dXa-na kravao
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| Sunday, December 28, 2003 - 2:03 pm: |
Joy Gnanekar hyaane... gaÜT\yaa maQyao ho pÜrgaM Balatca innocemt idsatM.. pNa tÜ rock band maQyao artist Aaho² maI svatÁ pahIlaya %yaalaa ka^laojamaQyao Asatanaa..²²
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| Tuesday, December 30, 2003 - 12:12 am: |
upas: you talk as if it were a wrong or very taboo thing to do ...
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| Tuesday, December 30, 2003 - 12:41 am: |
Naatyaa, Will search and find out details about Primus.. Thanks for Info.
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| Tuesday, December 30, 2003 - 3:52 am: |
Atul, here is the link for primus telecommunications
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| Tuesday, December 30, 2003 - 5:13 pm: |
haya Ê malaa [DIMyaat imaLNaaáyaa fashion maker ba_la qaÜDI maahItI hvaI hÜtI.kÜNa kÜNa%yaa company cyaa Aahot. AaiNa kIMmatIMcaI kaya range Aaho. vaOgaro. usa maQyao singer cyaa 200 pasaUna imaL\tat India kXyaa AahotÆ
Online Hindi redio ahe ka. aslyas please link dya.