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| Monday, February 13, 2006 - 11:00 pm: |
I get this question asked a lot. I have several American/Non Indian friends whose companies have either Indian operation or an offshore contractor. When the american people travel to india, they get gifts from indian counterparts, sometimes from team members working for them. So how would an American reciprocate? What gift he/she should bring from US that is appreciated? Nowdays everything is available in India and also people routinely visit US. So there is not much novelty. Or can you share a gift your non indian customer/friend gave you that you truely cherish? Please write this in english so I can just point this webpage to non-indian friends.
Ajay, once I visited red wood forest on west coast above CA. I brought many postcards from there which were made up of red wood. It had that great scent too. Also I brought saw dust That you can put in a basket and hang in the rooms. the scent is a major + point. This was the best gift I ever brought for my friends, relatives. They still have it after so many yrs. of course, this is moneywise cheap gift I suggested, but the point is, bring something like this (may be related to nature) that is not here in India. There were various sculptures made up of red wood too, which were costly. (if u need to gift something costly) and yes, I gave couple of large photos of bald eagle to some frieds. they also loved it. (of course, bring the $s in cash, that will be best gift :D )
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| Tuesday, February 14, 2006 - 10:43 am: |
Is it called sand dust ?
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| Tuesday, February 14, 2006 - 3:38 pm: |
मिलिंदा, saw dust रे.
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| Tuesday, February 14, 2006 - 4:29 pm: |
of course... Thanks Arch sand dust 
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| Wednesday, February 15, 2006 - 4:14 am: |
yeah dhanyavaad arch, milindaa. kal ghari gelyavar lakshat ala sawdust ha shabda.
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| Thursday, February 16, 2006 - 5:40 pm: |
धन्यवाद सव्यासाची. उपयुक्त माहीती
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| Thursday, February 16, 2006 - 6:08 pm: |
अजय, पुष्कळदा office मधल्या लोकांचा office मध्ये काढलेला group photo जे india तल्या लोकांबरोबर project वर काम करत असतील तो enlarge करून background मध्ये office ज्या शहरात किंवा state मध्ये आहे तेथल्या sites च collage अशा frames पण appreciate होतात आणि office मध्ये लावायलापण छान दिसतात. मुख्य म्हणजे ज्या लोकांबरोबर काम करतो त्यांची नेहेमी भेट होतेच असही नाही. काही client site चेपण फ़ोटोज घालता येतील collage मध्ये. just a suggestion आमची international company आहे आणि offices अशाच काही गोष्टींनी decorate केली आहेत.
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| Monday, February 27, 2006 - 4:57 pm: |
thank you Arch. Good idea.
मायबोली |
चोखंदळ ग्राहक |
महाराष्ट्र धर्म वाढवावा |
व्यक्तिपासून वल्लीपर्यंत |
पांढर्यावरचे काळे |
गावातल्या गावात |
तंत्रलेल्या मंत्रबनात |
आरोह अवरोह |
शुभंकरोती कल्याणम् |
विखुरलेले मोती |
हितगुज दिवाळी अंक २००८ |