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| Wednesday, April 02, 2008 - 2:00 pm: |
Milind, tumhala email pathavli aahe. pls. baghun reply karaal ka?
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| Thursday, April 03, 2008 - 5:41 am: |
Sumedhad HO sadhya LAKHO lokanche ketu mahadasha chalu ahe! 
namaskarनमस्कार मिलिन्द्जी मी तुम्हाला तुमच्या ईमेल वर माझी आणी माझ्या मिस्टरान्ची पत्रिकेचे डीटैल्स पाठव ले आहेत. मला त्यचे उत्तर पाठवाल का? सोनाली
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| Thursday, April 03, 2008 - 12:24 pm: |
मिलिन्द्जी, खूप दिवासाने लिहित आहे. मागे २ दा प्रश्न विचरले होते. मझ्या नवर्याच्या नोकरीच्या सन्दर्भात प्रश्न होते.तेव्हा अम्ही अमेरिकेत होतो. तिकडे शिक्षण झाल्यावर नोकरी मिलेल का? असा प्रश्न होता. माझा अत्ताचा प्रश्न जरा वेगळा आहे. तेव्हा बर्याच जणानी पत्रिकेवरून तो परादेशातच राहिल असे सन्गितले होते. पण सागळ्यान्चे अन्दाज चुकले. भारतात परतून २ वर्षा झाली. माझा प्रश्न असा कि सगळ्यान्चे आन्दाज चुकले कश्याने? कुठ्ल्या योगने परत आलो? पत्रिकेत ३-९-१२ स्थानान्चा सम्बन्ध आहे. नवमातल्या राहूची माहादशा आहे. गोचरि ग्रहान्चा परिणाम का? आणि कुठल्या? महादशास्वामी राहू व्ययात आला आणि अम्ही परत कसे आलो? पत्रिकेत परादेशात नोकारी असेल तर आता इथे चान्गले करियर होणार नाही का? क्रुपया मार्गदर्शन कराल का? जन्मठिकाण्- पुणे जन्मवेळ्- १४:३० तरिख्- २९-११-१९७४
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| Friday, April 04, 2008 - 6:27 am: |
Mrinmai: (1) Gochar graha should be abalysed for effects from Chandra raashi more than lagna raashi. Of course if Guru is going over some planet is different story but overall Gochar Graha should be analysed from Chandra raashi. (2) Basically, when you are at one place and if 3, 9, 12 houses become heavy, you tend to travel. a. So 3rd Guru asatanna Sinvha raashi chi loka 2006 madhye US madhun India la ali & India madhun US la geli...Have several examples!! Pun 4th Guru alyawer parat US & back to India zhale tyanche. b. Currently TUL raashi people are having a lot of pravas-yog of 6-8 hrs etc. Or short term assignments. THey will come back in 2008 as 4th Guru. So for your husband, staying outside is the main effect and gochar graha can get him back to India. or maybe due to 3rd Shani from May 2005 he might have travelled and 4th shani he came back?? Overall, he WILL travel again for sure if not in 2008 then 2009 FOR SURE (9th Guru) Until the, HARDOWRK is a must!!
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| Friday, April 04, 2008 - 6:28 am: |
[1] Sonali_Shailendra Will do. I wil check the gmail account over the weekend.
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| Friday, April 04, 2008 - 6:31 am: |
MRINMAI: His b-date 29 (addition is 2 but more like 11). and total addition reduces to 7. This is GHABAD sort of yog. His personality is based on 11 (2: people oriented) but 11 reduces some effect of over friendlyness of 2. HIs detsiny is based on 7: Kalpak, visionary, good knowledge of body-language. He would benefit immensly by reading palmistry/numerology if horoscoe is too complicated to learn/master quickly. Mazha b-date 11 ahe. IT makes psychic analysis/horoscope etc analysis VERY easy!
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| Friday, April 04, 2008 - 6:38 am: |
[3] Vicky_ahire 1. Mangal asel tar ghisad-ghai jara jasta asate, there is some mental physical aggression associated with it. 2. Jumping the steps is also common. They can and usually take more mental/Physical stress than their body can take. 3. They are better-off marriying manglik person. 45% people are manglik -- so no need to worry! 4. If Non Manglik marries Manglik THEN it is a MENTAL trouble for nonmanglik...they can't adjust to dynamism (mental/physical) of manglik people. It become sVERY difficult to "adjust" all the time. BUT if one has Moon where other has mangal then there is "natural" understanding which can negate major aggression of manglik person. 5. Mangliks find it difficult to DIRECT/Channel/Focus their excess energy on some cause. if they do it, they can be formidable!!
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| Friday, April 04, 2008 - 7:07 am: |
[4] Somesh (1) Mar 2008 paasun BUdh mahadasha is going to be overall good and would cause some journey etc. I advise wearing Paachu strongly as Budh is wakri. But its owner is in 11th house and in great nakshatra so this mahadasha would be great! (2) Currently you have 11th Guru, which is GREAT in 2008 and it would give you multiple gains from all quarters. I am sure when Shani becomes maargi in May, things would start improving for you and Hillary Clinton! (3) Keep posted on your progress. Take care do not eat/drink at wrong places. Ugach potaacha tras hoil.
Milindaji, Tumhala mail keli aahe reply karal ka, Thanks, Dhanshri
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| Friday, April 04, 2008 - 10:04 pm: |
milind jee, plz margadarshan kara... mazya snehyani patrika dilee aahe, maaze readings mee maage ekda post kele hote /cgi-bin/hitguj/show.cgi?tpc=103384&post=1042443#POST1042443, boy's details- date - 28 april 82 place - jalgaon time - 3.15 am tithi - aadya shanakaracharya jayanti career, job, lagn etc baddal tumache margadarshan milale tar khup bare hoiel. thanks in advance, & egar to know from you. regards, parizad
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| Saturday, April 05, 2008 - 7:52 am: |
[5] Adkar (1) Yes, Mulila 7th house madhye ekdum powerful mangal ahe. But it is of Makar raashi so shows a sportsman/adhikari IAS/IPS as a life partner. (2) Overall, this is manglik non manglik case: Also he is 2 (Moon) and she is 8(Shani) so overall personalities would be a bit different. (3) But they mahadasha Raahu for her and Mercury for him shows some compatibility which is good. (4) Her Venus is also in Mool nakshatra in 6th house close to Ketu (but ketu is uchcha). Saturn is also aspecting the Venus showing late marriage. (5) As Guru is going over Shukra in in 2008, she could find relatively appropriate life partner. So I would be a skeptical as their personalities are different & psychoogical profile is also very different. And unless it is love etc marriage I would suggest to be careful/deligent.
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| Saturday, April 05, 2008 - 7:52 am: |
[6] ManishLImaye Will check out your email on gmail [7] Yogita_Dear Milind.Chitambar@Gmail.com
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| Saturday, April 05, 2008 - 7:52 am: |
[8] RajRk0410: Rajesh Khedkar (1) I told earlier, Venus mahadasha would give gains from real-estate, stock-market, 2009 would be GRRRREATT !!! Patiece is needed in 2008 though. (2) Raahu changing in May would help as it would be coming 11th....Guru would come 11th in 2009. This would help QUITE a bit. (3) As your Moon sign is Meen, I suggest Guruwar and DattaGuru kele tar chanagle raahil. I don't think Shukra mahadashesathi wegale kahi karawe. Also I am not qualified w.r.t DeviDevata for graha etc. Hope this helps. [9] Ggeetanjali Milind.Chitambar@Gmail.com, U can also use Maayboli send email feature
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| Saturday, April 05, 2008 - 7:53 am: |
[10] Rutu_hirwaa Do you still need analysis for those 2 horoscopes? [11] BKM (1) 5th Guru is helping to Leo moon sign. (2) Raahu would be 6th from May and would HELP further. It wil reduce opposition to yout thoughts and enemeies would be set aside.
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| Saturday, April 05, 2008 - 8:10 am: |
[12] PARIZAD Overall intellectual ability is GREAT as raashi is Mithun and Aspected by Guru. Also his both grandparents have earned a lot of good-will in their life, especially maternal grandfather. It would benefit him greatly indirectly and in unquantifiable manner. (1) Interesting horoscope and could be very deceiving to astrologers! (2) He has Mangal and Shani yuti both wakri in Kanya raashi in 8th hosue. This shows issues w.r.t health: Reproductive organs, Right eye/overall Eyesight, Teeth not very strong, some issue w.r.t blood content and more importantly issues w.r.t stomach: HIGH acidity and irregular eating habits making teeth and stomch issues much more worse! (3) Need to have a GREAT discipline w.r.t eating/drinking and should work on stomach proactively. (4) Vehicles should be driven with appropriate care. (5) As Mars is owner of Sun's sign (Aries) and owner of 3rd house, it being wakri with Shani shows some miscarriage etc issue to mother if taken chance after him. Also some issues to his father's health. (6) Raajyog-karak Venus is in 1st house, Tis is GREAT and shows attaining success with his own efforts and will-power. (7) Just cruious: Does he dream of snakes from time to time -- This is just out of curiosity. He would benefit from Hanumaan puja and Hanumaan dhyandharana everyday. Ramraksha is also advised highly. Overall except for health, I think this is a very good horoscope. (8) Shani mahadasha starts from 2012, first 2-3 years need to be careful w.r.t health (Shani antardasha). (9) Even Feb 2025 to Mar 2026 Mangal antardasha need to be careful w.r.t accident. Your observations are very good. The horoscope shows a bit rough/tough life for mother (or she could be a bit more aggressive / dhadasi than others). Adhyatma will be in moderate quantities from time to time but not greatly. His b-date 28 shows entrepreneurial abilities & such people tend to find a good quality price product for "masses" at good prices (Bill Gates, Ratan Tata etc)
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| Saturday, April 05, 2008 - 10:06 am: |
OLD [1] SP2007 YOUR Horoscope (1) Overall a VERY good horoscope, except for a delay in marriage(28/30+) & santati(30/32+). (2) Nature is mostly emotional but at times quite chid-chid etc But overall good "emotional intelligence". (3) Tendency to always keep working and do some or other thing. (4) Venus Mahadasha started from non 2005, this is going to be a GREAT mahadasha from Aihik sukh/Material success poiny of view. a. Multiple homes/vehicles, b. Daag-Daagine, Jewellery etc c. Good chances w.r.t stock market and real estate.(especially in 2007 as Guru was opposite to Venus) Overall a great health (except some blood content related issue) & GREAT success horoscope. For Santati, 2008 is VERY good for this horoscope. HUSBAND's Horoscope (1) Interesting!! Lagnesh Shani in 6th house, wakri and shatru-raashi (but good nakshatra) makes me a bit nervous. THis shows some health issues: lungs, stomach. (2) This also shows a bit pessimistic or defeated mentality sort of at times (tendency reduced due to b-date being powerful 28) (3) 1996 to 2.5 years could have been problematic for health but good w.r.t getting mass-support and personal growth. (4) Even May 2005 to July 2007 wasn't the best for health. (5) In his horoscope, santati sukh is good as Guru is swagruhi and owner of 5t house aspets it from 11th house. So overall good santati sukh. (6) Overall, again a good horoscope. 2007 could have been great w.r.t. earning money/$$. UNtil Sept 2009 11th Shani would keep bring lots of money to him.
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| Saturday, April 05, 2008 - 10:07 am: |
OLD [2] Rohit_Mathur (1) Makar and Sinvha are never mixed and advised NOT to marry almost 99.99% of the times unless it is a love marriage and they can't live without each other (or even then it is not advisable!) (2) THese two signs can't adjust with each other at ALL. He would always feel insecure! (3) Also, the Girl seems to have much more needs & is much more vibrant (Mangal-Shukra yuti) than him. (4) She is advised to marry a bit late as 7th hosue moon is aspected by Shani from 10th house. I think 2011 would be the best year for her to find a partner and marry. When GUru would go over her Venus and Mars that are VERY close to each other. (5) Overall, he has some easy money in his life especially after age of 29/30. Effort would be less than outcome(money) for him. (6) Even numerology 6 & 3 are usually not mixed (not a big issue but stilll very difffrent personality) Venus -- Guru. Hope this helps. OLD [3] KRUSHNA (1) Although you can go ahead with house/car anytime, I think 2010 would be the best time for that as 2009 would bring logical change in life and it is better to wait until then to see what are your actual needs. (2) Even from Guru's transit, 2010 looks best as it will aspect 4th house raajyogkarak shani. (3) 2008 would be mostly oif hardwork and immediate phal won;t be given to you, it wil come in 2009. You can travel in 2008 after May as Raahu would be 9th to Vrushabh raashi BUT 2009 is almost sure for "Bhagyoday and travel" as per your karma of past 2 & this year. (4) Overall 2008, shoudl not take BIG risks...you bave to do what you have to do but no BIG risks in this year.
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| Saturday, April 05, 2008 - 10:07 am: |
OLD [4] Nehasawant (1) Does she have some issue w.r.t right eye, overall speech? Just checking (2) He horoscopre is a bit complicated w.r.t marriage. Venus is very close to Ketu which is a bit worrysome but its owner Guru is with Moon in 3rd house and in Shukra's sign. So this reduces the illeffects quite a bit. Also Ketu is in uchcha raashi. (3) It is quite possible that some sthal may come from maternal grandparents side or their recommendations. (4) As Guru is going over Venus this year, there is a great chance of finding someone appropriate in 2008. (5) Overall, due to Shukra's placement and 7th owner Shani being wakri in Marak-sthan (2nd house) with Mars and also 7th hosue of Moon (mesh) its owner Mars is also in 2nd house and with shani. So a bit late marriage was good and it is great that nobody has forced her to marry so far. (6) I do see some development this year BUT I suggest a thorough family background, patrika check etc before going ahead with any sthal. Maybe you can show patrikas to 2-3 different jyotishis including me to get different perspective. (7) If not this year 2010 would be a certainly a GREAT year for marriage and kid. If possible, I would suggest to wait until 2010 but As I said if someone great appears in 2008 itself -- why not! ***(8) She should also avoid relationship with biys born on date 8, 17 or 26 as as far as possible never mix 4(4, 13, 22) and 8 OLD [5] Avikumar Aho ghari mulaga iataka tras(?) deto ki mail baghane, analysis karane ani reply takane awaghad howun jaate! Please jamale tar post kara faar sensitive nasel tar. ALso do not disclose names anyways!
चोखंदळ ग्राहक |
महाराष्ट्र धर्म वाढवावा |
व्यक्तिपासून वल्लीपर्यंत |
पांढर्यावरचे काळे |
गावातल्या गावात |
तंत्रलेल्या मंत्रबनात |
आरोह अवरोह |
शुभंकरोती कल्याणम् |
विखुरलेले मोती |
हितगुज गणेशोत्सव २००६ |