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| Tuesday, January 29, 2008 - 9:28 am: |
namaskaar mileeMd jee..... mee tumhaalaa maage lihilyaapramaaNe, kee malaa mazaa <current job> soDaavaa laagel vagaire. So, this month end is my last day at current company and also I am try simultaneously for other good option. But so far no luck and now getting really frustated. So, any suggestion on this, like when it would likely to happen or so. I am giving my details again. DOB: 02 June 1975. POB: Hinganghat, District - Wardha, Maharashtra. TOB: 2:03 PM, Monday. So, would you please reply........ dhanyavaad.... -somesh
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| Wednesday, January 30, 2008 - 5:17 am: |
इंग्रजी भाषेत मजकुर लिहीनार्यांसाठी tip इंग्रजी लिहायला सुरवात करण्यापुर्वी. \ -1{ असे लिहावे, व लिहुन झाल्यावर } असे लिहावे. उदाहरण. without brackets --> This is test message. with brackets --> This is test message
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| Thursday, January 31, 2008 - 8:16 pm: |
Hi Milind, Kase aahat tumhi? Khup divasanni tumhala lihit aahe. Mazya putanyache lagna tharat aahe. Tasa urgent pan aahe so jara lavakar baghun sangal ka? Mulaga- BirthDate- 2nd Jan 1981 Vel- Dupari 2:12 (pm) Mulagi- BirthDate- 8th Dec 1982 Vel- Ratri 8:55 (pm) Mulila mangal aahe ka? Mangal asalyane kay farak padato. Patrika kitpat julate he sangu shakal ka? Thanks in advance, Adkar
मिलिंदजी आपल्याला जीमेलवर एक मेल केली आहे. कृपया त्याचे उत्तर द्यावे ही विनंती. आपल्या उत्तराची आणि मागदर्शनाची वाट पहाते आहे धन्यवाद!!
मिलिंदजी प्रथमच लिहित आहे इथे.. तुमचा mail id मिळेल का मला.मला काही गोष्टी विचारायच्या आहेत पण हा public forum असल्याने थोडी insecurity वाटतेय.त्यामुळे mail id मिळाला तर बर होईल. i hope u wont mind 2 give me..
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| Saturday, February 09, 2008 - 3:46 am: |
Dear Miling Sir , Mala Shukrachi mahadasha chaloo aahe tya period madhhe konatya devachi aradhana kelyas or konatya divashi upvas karava jene karoon tyacha changla effect mala hoil. ani jar kahi other effect honar astil tar plzz guide karave Birth Date :- 04th oct.1971 Birth time :- 04:45 a.m Day = Monday (Kojagiri purnima) Place = malad Mumbai aplach abhilashi rajesh khedekar
मिलिंदजी प्रथमच लिहित आहे इथे.. तुमचा mail id मिळेल का मला.मला काही गोष्टी विचारायच्या आहेत
Milind ji tumachya Gmail id var ek mail pathaval aahe. waiting for your answer.
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| Thursday, February 14, 2008 - 6:01 pm: |
I think I have a alot of backlog to look at !!
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| Thursday, February 14, 2008 - 6:38 pm: |
Mnc, Good to see u again on maayboli. 
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| Friday, February 15, 2008 - 1:38 am: |
good to see you back Milind trip jhaali ka kuthe?
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| Friday, February 15, 2008 - 4:11 am: |
Mnc, Good to see you back, looking forward for your guidance.
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| Friday, February 15, 2008 - 8:50 am: |
Curiously many of the Democratic primaries are being held on 8, 4, 13 etc dates (addition 4 and 8 which are fate numbers). The two candidates are also 4 and 8: (4 Aug 1961 and 26th Oct 1947). If I had to choose I would choose Hillary as 8 is better in handling economic issues. 4 is a bit maverick #. Both are FATEFUL numbers though and can do anything for their own interests unlike 29 (adds to 2) for Jon McCain which is people friendly and gets into trouble due to friends) 1. Obama is born on 4th so dates that reduce to 4 are of course helpful to him. 2. As his Rashi is Mesh (moon sign) 2008 to 2010 are very good for him due to Guru being 9th in 2008 (VERY Good: Logical change in career with job description change); 2009, okie dokie/happening and 2010 would be of real gains. 3. Hillary KUMBH moon sign is also having a GREAT year due to 11th Guru which is the best of last 12 years!! 4. Shani’s position is indifferent to both of them (Mesh--Kumbh) so it is not a differentiator. 5. Shani is a bit better (9th house) for McCain though, but it shows ego getting hurt and need for getting some religious/senior people support. 6. One thing is sure 14th Jan to 14th Feb was bad for Hillary as Ravi was 12th to Kumbh raashi. It would be a bit better now. 7. For Obama (Mesh) until March 13th it is very good. From March 14th to April 13th it is a bad period. So I guess jyotishi tondavar apatnaar ahet kahiahi bhavishya sangitale tar! If i had to choose someone it would be Hillary. Let us see how wrong I prove to be! 
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| Friday, February 15, 2008 - 8:53 am: |
I was a bit too busy than usual. Finding hard to get back. Will check in the late night mostly.
मिलीन्द मला खाली दिलेल्या डिटेल्सबद्दल मार्गदर्शन कराल का? मुलगी: जन्मस्थळ्:सोलापूर रास्:कर्क जन्मवेळ्:सायन्काळी ७.२० जन्मतारीख २३.१२.१९८० मुलगा: जन्मस्थळ्:सावंतवाडी(बान्दा) रास्:मिथुन जन्मवेळ्:रात्री १०.३० जन्मतारीख : ११.१०.१९७९ धन्यवाद!!
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| Friday, February 15, 2008 - 2:45 pm: |
Dear MNC I donot know why from the begining of the year I am under a lot of pressure.Any chance of good news at workplace?
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| Monday, February 18, 2008 - 2:34 pm: |
I wanted to ask you about my relatives problem. Its a very serious problem(not regarding to marriage/money) they are facing right now. If possible can i ask you personally. My E-mail ID is poonam.churi@gmail.com
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| Tuesday, February 19, 2008 - 3:59 am: |
milind, majhi email pahanar ka tumchya gmail varchi?
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| Friday, February 22, 2008 - 10:02 am: |
Milindgi plz send ur E-mail Id so that i can contact u.
Dear Friend, I want to introuduce myself & my freind from Pune Anil Phadake. We are studying Joytish from very famous sir V.D. Bhat since we were kid.(Almost 20 years of study) I stay in chicago , I get a lot of calls for consultation and now we decided to serve a community by explaining role of Joytish in life & consulting the real needy ones. Not to offend anyone but we really want to take the questions from one who really needs help,we can determine the authenticity by placing "Prashna Kundali". This is to protect your privacy. Please call 1 630 922 2478 or send your queries ashishudas@hotmail.com
चोखंदळ ग्राहक |
महाराष्ट्र धर्म वाढवावा |
व्यक्तिपासून वल्लीपर्यंत |
पांढर्यावरचे काळे |
गावातल्या गावात |
तंत्रलेल्या मंत्रबनात |
आरोह अवरोह |
शुभंकरोती कल्याणम् |
विखुरलेले मोती |
हितगुज गणेशोत्सव २००६ |