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| Thursday, December 27, 2007 - 5:45 am: |
3. Preetib: Magha is Manushya gan& not rakshas gana so I guess Shanti is not needed. You have Chandra with Raahu so maybe someone might have advised it. I am not at all an expert on SHANTIS! But from what I understand it is not needed for Magha nakshatra specifically.
अर्रर्र गोन्धळ च झाला की हे घ्या पुन्हा डिटेल्स.. मुलगी: जन्मस्थळ्:सोलापूर रास्:कर्क जन्मवेळ्:सायन्काळी ७.२० जन्मतारीख २३.१२.१९८० मुलगा: जन्मस्थळ्:सावंतवाडी(बान्दा) रास्:मिथुन जन्मवेळ्:रात्री १०.३० जन्मतारीख : ११.१०.१९७९
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| Thursday, December 27, 2007 - 9:36 am: |
Hi Milindji, Thank you so much husband dilyabaddal, sadesati baddal bollat tumhi, aikun chan vatle. magchyaveli tumhi bolla hotat ki kahi health issues astil tyala 2011 to 2014 hya kalat te kahi serious astil ka? tasach tumhala vel milel tasa mazya baki prashnana baddal pan liha khas karun mulibaddal che. Tumhala punha ekda tras det ahe mhanun mafi asavi... Thx Anjali
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| Thursday, December 27, 2007 - 12:21 pm: |
Milind, It has been stated in my patrika GANA = RAKSHASA , NAKSHATRA = MAGHA and CHARAN = 2, so thats why I asked are there any bad effects about it. Are there any remedies to overcome the same.
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| Thursday, December 27, 2007 - 11:23 pm: |
Milind, Ek navin query mail keli aahe.(different) Pls reply kara.
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| Friday, December 28, 2007 - 2:10 am: |
dob 14 jan 77, place-nashik; time-7:00am hya sthalabaddal mahiti havi hoti.mulacha swabhav kasa asel,married life,santati, sampattik sthiti kashi asel? kahi major,minor issues,health problems ahet ka hya patriket? magachya mulabaddal tumhi sangitle tasech bahiniche hi mat zale ki,to faar bolat nahi,udasin ahe.anandi nahi.tyamule bahinila mulga pasant padla nahi. thanks once again.
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| Friday, December 28, 2007 - 10:54 am: |
Posting analysis for tragic date of Benazir Bhutto: date 21 June 1953 B-Time now available so exact dasha-mahadasha calculation would affect a bit but not that much to basic analysis. Her death is effect of her Nation's karma, her Caste/family Karma & of course her own Karma but destiny has its own bit (w.r.t timing) to play. It seems, She ran towards her destiny!! :-( :-( Note that: NO ONE can predict death or anything with 100% certainty by astrological calculations/experience/knowledge etc. It is all about probabilities. 1. Kanya raashi (moon), July 2007 to Sept 2009: First 2.5 years of sadesati. 2. Current Mahadasha from Apr 1994/95 is of Shani. (Shani wakri in horoscope) 3. Within Shani mahadasha, (sometime) in 2007 Mangal Antardasha has started. 4. Shani-Mangal are in kedra-yog in her horoscope and aspecting each other !! ==> ROOT-CAUSE for the **way** she died. (Bloodshed). 5. Dasha-Mahadasha & Gochar(current planets--saadesati) are the timing factors. 6. She has Ravi-Mangal yuti in her horoscope like Vijay, it show highly defiant nature and issues with Authorities. In Gemini sign these planets together also show "Political Incorrect" nature. Anyways, this period of Shani::Mars showed accident, political turmoil and overall instability in her life..she didn’t have to die of course!!! But your advise as an astrologer to her would have been to wait until at least to wait until Mars antardasha to end (sometime in 2009) which also bring Guru to 5th house maing it further safer (relatively). KARMA of Nation, family/religion/caste and of course SELF is so strong that the individual horoscopes can't be used for foolproof analysis but of course they can give some or other guidance. In this case it could have been HIGHLY recommended to avoid Mars antardasha to get into Pak.
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| Friday, December 28, 2007 - 6:15 pm: |
mnc, how is gochar vakri shani is going to affect kanya, kumbha and dhanu and meen rashi. please advise. also if possible elaborate on gochar guru phal for these rashi. i also had asked you about priti shadashtak yog. let me know.
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| Friday, December 28, 2007 - 11:17 pm: |
Mnc, Kindly reply to my email on 27th dec 07.this is new query.
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| Friday, December 28, 2007 - 11:40 pm: |
Milind, Namaskar My daughter is born in Moola Nakshatra. I got divorced when she turned 1 years old. Now I got married again, but I am having multiple miscarriages, and the over all marriage life is rocky.My daugter is also struggling at times to adjust. Can you advise any Upasana? Daughter: DOB June 1st 1999,time 7:27 am( California). Please let me know.Thanks,Ashwini
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| Sunday, December 30, 2007 - 6:48 am: |
मला दत्त जयंती ला जन्म असणार्यांच्या पत्रीका हव्या आहेत अभ्यासासाठी. कृपया कुणाकडे असल्यास मला डीटेल्स मेल कराल का?
मिलीन्दजी माझ्या प्रश्नाचे उत्तर देताय ना? मी सगळे डिटेल्स दिलेलेच आहेत..
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| Monday, December 31, 2007 - 9:07 am: |
मंगळ राहु युति विषयी माहिती हवी आहे.विशेष करुन लग्नात असल्यास काय परिणाम होतात?
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| Tuesday, January 01, 2008 - 8:51 am: |
Dear Milindji, Manahpuravak abhar majhya kundalimadhun 6th house che explanation dilybaddal and Nutan Varshabhinadan. 1. Tyatil (7) point sodun barech samjale. Jar vel milala tar point no.7 parat ekda samjaun sangal ka? 2. Ajun mahatwache vicharayche aahe, te mhanaje majhe lagn. Majhya lagnachi shub vel konati (from point of view of succeessful marriage & good life partner). Vel milalyas nakki uttar dyave. details parat det aahe. DOB-26/03/1978 TOB-10.05PM POB-RATNAGIRI (MAHARASHTRA) THANKS IN ADVANCE. Avinash
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| Wednesday, January 02, 2008 - 2:26 pm: |
Milind, Wish U Happy New Year
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| Wednesday, January 02, 2008 - 3:09 pm: |
Milind, Happy New Year! I forgot to give you my details: DOB- 30/5/73 time- 1:34 am Place- Dadar( Mumbai) Waiting for your answer. Thanks,Ashwini
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| Thursday, January 03, 2008 - 9:53 am: |
Hi Milindji, Wishing you and your family a very happy new year! Thx Anjali
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| Thursday, January 03, 2008 - 9:13 pm: |
Milind, Please reply to my query emailed to u on dec 27, 2007.
मिलीन्दजी आणि समस्त मायबोलीकराना नववर्ष खूप खूप आनन्दाचे,समाधानाचे आणि आरोग्यदायी जावो
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| Friday, January 04, 2008 - 2:08 pm: |
Please......... reply my email.
चोखंदळ ग्राहक |
महाराष्ट्र धर्म वाढवावा |
व्यक्तिपासून वल्लीपर्यंत |
पांढर्यावरचे काळे |
गावातल्या गावात |
तंत्रलेल्या मंत्रबनात |
आरोह अवरोह |
शुभंकरोती कल्याणम् |
विखुरलेले मोती |
हितगुज गणेशोत्सव २००६ |