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| Thursday, July 19, 2007 - 9:41 am: |
[13] Ss7ks : Assumed Daylight Saving time Timezone as GMT-6. (Colorado August 13, 1980 falls under daylight savings.) OTherwise it would have been GMT-7) Overall you are advised not to marry before say 27/28+. In 2008 mid/late I guess there shouldn't be a problem. Let me know if this is wrong. ~Milind
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| Thursday, July 19, 2007 - 9:42 am: |
Milind, Hitguj chya id var tumhala mail keli hoti..baghata ka please?
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| Thursday, July 19, 2007 - 10:05 am: |
punha akada e-mail pathavu ka tumhala?
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| Thursday, July 19, 2007 - 10:45 am: |
Thanks Mr Milind.May God Bless you.
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| Thursday, July 19, 2007 - 11:53 am: |
मझ लग्न ०७०७०७ ला झाले आहे लग्ना पुर्व मला माहीत नव्हते को माझ्या wife ला मंगळ आहे परंतु मला नाहि आहे मि ह्या बद्दल खुप confuse आहे तरी कोनी माझी मदत करा माझी wife खुप upset राहते
Hello Mr. Milind Presently i need one answer very desparately. I am waiting for response from a company regarding job. due to some reasond i had resigned from earlier job when i will get job? DOB 24th Sep 1979 TOB 09:30 AM POB NANDED Please let me know i am waiting desparately
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| Thursday, July 19, 2007 - 12:44 pm: |
Memebers, There are 12 replies in the archive. PLease check it out there. Gskakad Please post the b-date time and place of both of you. I will try to analyse. Just Mangal/NonMangal shouldn't cause any trouble on itself.
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| Thursday, July 19, 2007 - 12:54 pm: |
[14] Akodgire123 :: Interesting horoscope (1) Is there a heart trouble history in your family? Just checking. Also have you ever had issues with lower legs? From July 2007 to Sept 2009 there could be some issues here. Don't worry too much, it is not a big deal unless there is some heriditary issue history. (2) Next 2.5 years although you need to watch health, it would be great for money. 11th Shani would give you a lot of money/monthly income. (3) To add to that Guru is also 2nd. So I think you should expect reply pretty soon and this month/next month is certainly a possibility. Rather, 23/24th July you should hear something. (4) Next 5 years apart from money part, there would be some issues w.r.t health and also overall it would be a transition period in life. Shani Mawuli would teach you many things that would be useful for next 22.5 years (after Mar 2012). (5) Your horoscope seems to be of a immigrant. You may spend a lot of time abroad/away from native place. Even from August 1996 you would have travelled at least 6-8 hrs away from your b-place/native place. (6) From 2012, Raajyogkarak Saturn's mahadasha would start and there would be a good progress on all fronts. I guess after 2012 you can think of wearing a Gomed (even now) as you have Raahu-Shani yuti and Saturn is Raajyogkarak. Hope this helps.
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| Thursday, July 19, 2007 - 1:07 pm: |
[15] Maneesh (1) Surprise, like Akodgire123, you also have Saturn Raahu & that too very close in 11th house. So observation (2) mentioned above also applies to you quite a bit. Also Gomed would certainly help you as you have Raahu Saturn very close & currently Shani going over them. Your horoscope is also VERY conductive for long term abroad stay & even settling outside. (2) From May 2003 you are under GURU mahadasha and again it is owner of 3rd & 6th house & it shows travel for Service sector/consultancy work. Guru is uchcha and in Swa-Navamansh (& 11th in navamansh). This would be a GREAT mahadasha until May 2019. You can wear Yellow Sapphire (Pushkaraaj) in this period for increasing its influence. As it is in Ashlesha nakshatra (a bit intense) pushkraaj would certainly help. (3) Your Mars is aspecting Saturn and vice versa, always use helmet specially until Sept 2009 FOR SURE. Just precaution don't worry too much. (Kanya raas likes to worry and that causes acidity issues) (4) Until Nov 2007 is good for land deal and share investment ...rather for profit booking. Fresh investments should be done VERY carefully as Saturn is aspecting Mars until Sept 2009 and alsoin Horoscope. But as Guru is *curremtly* aspecting Mars, you could get good offer until Nov 2007 (already could have) to buy land/flat etc. But again, don;t be greedy AT ALL for at least next 2.5 years. (5) 2009 would be very good due to 5th guru. (6) Marriage yog is VERY strong after Nov 2007. Even until 2007 is not bad at all but I would advise to wait until Nov 2007. 2008 would be the best for finding and getting married. 2009 you would have first kid. 2009 would also see mother's health imprvoing until Sept 2009. After that for 2.5 years, stomach and body fluids/ankle could give issues to mother but again 2011 Guru would reduce the impact of Shani for sure. (7) I think Pushkraaj due to its mahadasha until 2019 and also it is in Ashlesha. Paachu would also be good due to Kanya raas and lagnesh and Ravi also in Mithun rashi. Both would improve pravas yog in your horoscope though. (8) 2009 would be THE BEST for your own house. As I said until Nov 2007, land deal is good but be careful. 2009 madhye actual materialize hoil home front war. Hope this helps.
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| Thursday, July 19, 2007 - 1:09 pm: |
ABHA: Gmail access is very difficult for me. I might check it sometime later. ~Milind
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| Thursday, July 19, 2007 - 2:43 pm: |
ABHA I have copied your post, so if you want to edit and remove it, it si just fine... I will get back tomorrow. ~Milind
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| Thursday, July 19, 2007 - 2:47 pm: |
Thank you very much Milind. I am deleting the post then. I will wait eagerly for your reply.I apprecite your help very much. Abha.
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| Thursday, July 19, 2007 - 4:21 pm: |
Hello Abha, How can you delete yr own post?
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| Thursday, July 19, 2007 - 5:18 pm: |
Ashu..use the middle button on the right hand side of the bar above your message where your name appears..the button with the red X on it to delete any of your messages.
My son's dob is 27 April, 2005 tob is 16:41(UAE time) place of birth is Abu Dhabi, UAE My husband's dob is 12 aug 1971 (again not sure about the year whether it is 71 or 72) tob is 10:12 am place of birth: Azamgarh, UP, India My dob : 18 dec 77 tob: 2:50 pm place:lucknow, UP, India 1)Yes I was 27+ when I had my first child but we planned it late because our initial 2 yrs of marriage was very troublesome.Let me know about any second kid in my chart? 2)We are very worried about our son's health because he is very skinny and has a very small head circumference. Will his health improve later and how will be his education and career life? 3)I want to clarify onething..in your earlier reply you said I'll find a job before nov, 07 and then you also said that nov we will make a long distance travel most probably to India for a year. I am really interested in knowing about my career...will I work later also? 4)Will I study further? Link to your answer:- /cgi-bin/hitguj/show.cgi?tpc=103384&post=971871#POST971871
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| Thursday, July 19, 2007 - 7:38 pm: |
Hi Milind, Glad to know that you are fine. You haven't answered my question and that makes me really worried..is the situation going to be hard to face??? Devsakhi
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| Thursday, July 19, 2007 - 9:56 pm: |
Milind, parat ekada trass det aahe. But ammhala khaleel reading milalya mule kaalji vatat aahe. tumhi aadhi explain kele aahe thodefar, but how is this information relevant, he sanngu shakaal ka "Yes, both husband and wife have yogam that suggest childlessness or miscarriage. In the husband's chart, fifth house suggests childlessness or, if conception occurs, miscarriage or ill health to the child. Lord of the fifth house is placed in Trik Bhava in the wife's chart, which indicates that the wife would have to suffer one or more miscarriage or, if she conceived, would have to watch her child suffer ill health. I am not qualified to prescribe remedies for this kind of placement, and I encourage you to seek the guidance of an astrologer who can counsel you in person, as certainly it can be very painful to deal with this issue. Since the childlessness/miscarriage is present in both charts, you would have to proceed with special caution." PLease comment
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| Friday, July 20, 2007 - 5:38 am: |
Deedam: Keep in mind that yogas in horoscope materialize thru Gochar bhraman of planets. Shani moving forward to Leo is a very good thing for your wife if she carries a baby. Miscarriage chance was very high from May 2005 to July 2007. Now it is very les, also with your Guru going over Guru and Guru aspecting her mangal it is very less likely. UNtil NOv 2007 there is a very good chance... The observation given above totally ignores the Karak graha Guru. Also they are based on very *primitive* knowledge of astrology without taking into account several factors. Sometimes the ayanamsh that South folks use are also wrong. Rahul Gandhi is treated as Dhanu ras and not Makar using Suuth INdia ayanansh (B V Raman magazine) Which is TOTALLy wrong. Chitra pakshiy ayanansh are almost perfect (Daate Panchang). Tilka Panchang sudhha HUKALELE ahet! If you are in Pune. I suggest you can visit Pataskar Madam, who has intutive powers and she would be able to help you. NO need for horoscopes and only personal presence from both of you is needed. Until Jul 2007 Shani was unfavorable for santati. Now until Nov 2007 there is a good chance of conceiving and having baby. else 2009 would also be VERY good for santati. From your horoscopes, someone canNOT tell that there is no-child yog etc as there are not multiple issues. I have seen even a multiple issues horoscope havings a baby when Guru goes over Guru (which is happeing for you in 2007). So Keep doing the things I have suggested and meet with V. Da. Bhat (ultimate authority in Pune) &/or Pataskar Madam. Pataskar Madam J5, Shankar Nagari, Near Hotel Senator Circle Kothrud Tel No: 020-25380643 Regards, ~Milind
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| Friday, July 20, 2007 - 5:39 am: |
ALL/DEVASAKHI When I don't reply it doesn't mean AT ALL that there is some problem!! **RATHER** I would reply at the earliest if there is soome problem!!!!
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| Friday, July 20, 2007 - 5:43 am: |
Deedam Tumachya patriket 5th house la Raahu ahe ani tyacha owenr 7th hosue la neech rashit Wakri ahe. So this might have made the oher astrologer a bit skeptic. Raahu shows family history, so if there is some peculiarity in family history about child birth (Wadilanche wadil ani tyanche bhawu) then it "might" repeat in your case...--> Probabilities. For 5th house Raahu they often suggest Narayan Naagbali but i am not entirely sure on this. I suggest Pataskar Madam visit at the earliest. ~Milind
चोखंदळ ग्राहक |
महाराष्ट्र धर्म वाढवावा |
व्यक्तिपासून वल्लीपर्यंत |
पांढर्यावरचे काळे |
गावातल्या गावात |
तंत्रलेल्या मंत्रबनात |
आरोह अवरोह |
शुभंकरोती कल्याणम् |
विखुरलेले मोती |
हितगुज गणेशोत्सव २००६ |