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Archive through July 16, 2007

Hitguj » Religion » Jyotish, Bhavishya, Hast-Samudrik etc... » Archive through July 16, 2007 « Previous Next »

Friday, July 13, 2007 - 2:47 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

[7] Rahit_Mathur
(1) 2008 would be a great year for marriage..as Guru aspecting both the Venus and also Moon/Sun directly! ALso Shani would have moved from Cancer this weekend there by leaving 10th aspect on Venus/Mars in 8th house.

For job change also after July is VERY good. After Nov 2007 :: VERY VERY VERY Good! :-)

Hope this helps.

Friday, July 13, 2007 - 2:48 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message


Checking right now....WIll send email in 5 minutes...(should I post here??)


Friday, July 13, 2007 - 2:50 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

hello milind,
I too waiting for reply.

thanks in advance..

Friday, July 13, 2007 - 3:03 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

hello milind,
i just read your reply.can you tell more abt when can we buy home,and when we'll get green card.
i am a very positive person and recently read the book"secret" where it says you can mahifest anything,if you set your mind to it and believe its already happened.do you think it works.
in that regard,i am hoping for a baby girl and a home in november.
please let me know
thanks very much

Friday, July 13, 2007 - 3:40 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

Hi Milindji,
Thankyou very much for ur valuable help.
Will inform u as soon as any changes occurs.
and also will be in touch.
thanks again.

Friday, July 13, 2007 - 4:06 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

mr milind how are u?

Friday, July 13, 2007 - 4:44 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

Hi Milindji,
One more Question.
Presently i am working with one software firm in mumbai.
the company is small scale. I have bond of 2 years and company is asking to give(deposit) my passport.i dont belive them as i have conflicts with my boss.
they say that the will send me abroad.but i dont belive them.so i am confused.if i dont submitted my passport they will terminate me.what shall i do?
thats why i want to change my job.
please help.

Friday, July 13, 2007 - 5:40 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

Hello MNC
I understand that u r very busy with all these questions but please help me and have a look at my response....
Thanks and all the best

Friday, July 13, 2007 - 6:00 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

Thank Milind for your reply..

Aata tabyet kashi aahe?

Saturday, July 14, 2007 - 6:49 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

tumhee magchya message che answer nahi dilet........

please reply me if u geta free time......

following is the link of my old message....


Saturday, July 14, 2007 - 9:36 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

this was a question I raised earlier.WIll you kindly respond?

Mr Milind thanks a lot.Do tell me when should I wear Gomed.Also I am facing a lot of stress at my work-place.So much work and its an almost 12 hours work schedule-mind you its mental work for almost 12 hours everyday.But surely I am trying to enjoy it and am doing my best my best to cope with it.Lets hope with God's grace I become more successful.

Sunday, July 15, 2007 - 5:14 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

Milind, Cosmo hyanchya patrikevarun tyannaa adhyaatmik maargaat normal peksha jaast pragati hoeel ase mhanle tar te barobar asel kaa?(hyaa junior jyotish madhe nep, uranus ek det nahit!). ketu moksha trikonaat, tyaavarti shanichi drushti... ketuchaa unattached swabhaav ajunach vadhvel kaa? of course tyachyabarobar chandrachihi drushti aahe so tyancha andaj nahi. kharatar guru cha sambandha nahiye hyaa yogaat so mahit nahi mi varti je mhantay te kitpat shakya aahe.

Also, in Rohit_Mathur's horoscope, tumhi jo pahila point sangitla, tyaat mangal, venus cha yuti effect kalalaa pan tyaatun "BACHE" kashaavarun disla te nahi kalala. pls. sangal kaa?

Sunday, July 15, 2007 - 3:49 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

Hi Milind,

Please reply..


Monday, July 16, 2007 - 5:02 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

Hello Milind, as per your request, I have sent you a private message. Thanks a lot .

Monday, July 16, 2007 - 7:44 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

To all readers
Mr Milind is unusually silent.I guess he is either busy or not well.Since he had earlier mentioned that he was not feeling well and there is change in season I think he may not be well due to weather change.I wish him early recovery.

Monday, July 16, 2007 - 12:50 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message


Thank you very much for analysing this chart of mine and saying the other astrologer was too harsh. I am glad to hear it. However, your reply is not clear on what my career looks like from now on...I am not finding a steady job and need your advice on that....I am actually infact right now seeking another job. I have been moving many jobs during this first 5 years of my sade sati - Once agiain my dob 20 feb 1978, tob 9.30am in chennai, india...


[3] Deeprag : Here are my observations depending on the horoscope not withstanding what other astrologer has written.

(1) You have Sun and Saturn pratiyog in your horoscope but MAJOR point is that Saturn is owner of 11th and Sun is owner of 5th house i.e. they are owners of each others' sign SO many of the illeffects & intensity of the issues of the pratiyog is reduced QUITE A BIT. Rather, I should say that as anyonya yog is of Ravi & Shani it might not be as helpful as Anyonya of say Budh and Guru would be in the same houses. ==> So other astrologer has ignored the signs of the planets completely!!!
(2) Of course:: when Saturn Ravi pratiyog does mean that you should behave with TACT and DIPLOMACY with seniors and more so with juniors. Specially from July 2007 to Sept 2009, yuou need to make sure you are not at odds with authority & people working below you. You will be in situations at least until end of 2007 when you could be at odds but you need to deal with intellect & not with harshness....Saturn will try to teach you how to deal with Seniors and SubOrdinates and you should learn it soon/proactively to avoid "learn by mistakes" of Sadesati.
(3) Yes, Sadesati last 2.5 years would be more troublesome than middle 2.5 years but in your Horoscope Guru aspects Sun/Mecury and Venus iin 11th house WHICH IS IGNORED by other astrologer...This reduces illeffects of Saturn on these 3 planets further. So no need to panic but just beware of possible issues.
(4) Your father;s health: especially legs and heart could be troubleprone in next 2 years...Just an indication that even minor issues should be dealt with appropriate care.
(5) Currently until Nov 2007 Guru is supporting quite a bit. After that Until June 2008, Raahu, Guru and Shani won't be that supportive so avoid big risks in that period.
(6) However, in 2008 Guru would be aspecting Guru and Mars in 3rd house & that **could** mean relocation to a place say 6-8 hrs from where you are now..JUST a possibility not a certainty.
(7) I suggest you to wear Pukhraaj (Yellow Sapphire) and Moti (White Pearl) :: Pukhraaj in Gold iin Index finger on a Thursday morning after bath and puja and Moti on MOnday in Silver in 5th finger from thumb (smallest finger) in Silver. ===> These would help you QUITE a bit.
(8) From Health point of view, next 2.5 years could surface backache, lower legs, heart issues. So eat healthy and do exercise etc etc.

So relax...just forget the harsh words of the other astrologer (the facts and the way it it written is just BULLSHix)...Note that Horoscope can only tell you "RELATIVE" future...i.e. how much you would get by your efforts and education...i.e. it is a multiplying or dividing factor & not the deciding factor. Your Karma/efforts decides everything...jyotish willl only reduce/increase the effectiveness of your efforts with good directions.

I suggest apart from Pukhraaj and Moti:
(1) Every day 5 times a day Jap: Shree Sachchidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jay ( 3 times at a given time)
(2) Every day: Maruti's picture/photo darshan for 3 minutes after bath.

Hope this helps....

Monday, July 16, 2007 - 2:53 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

Hi Milind Ji,

I had mailed you this query to your private email address and you had asked me to post it in this site. So, I am doing it here again. Please email your assesment to ------------
rrajaram@book.com ----------------
I am in great need. So, please help me. Please mail in ENGLISH.

My DOB & Time - OCT 02 1977 - 7:20 AM IST

Husband's DOB&Time- MAY 15 1974 - 7:42 AM IST

Our Marriage Dt - MAY 09 2002, INDIA.

We are living in USA since our wedding.
From the begining there are a lot of problems between us. Though we are good friends, we were not happy as a family and were always fighting with each other. Before 6 months(when I mailed you for the first time) we thought that we could split and we are now separated for 6 months. But I am thinking whether there could be any possibility of reconciling? We dont have kids too. Will it be good if we live with each other again or will the problems be haunting forever. Is there a possibility of remarriage for my husband? if so, when? Is it good for us to separate or live with each other. Will the problems get over in time, if we live together again? Now my husband is not willing for living together. Kindly help me. I am in great distress. After reading your repsonses in cyberastro.com, i thought you could guide me correctly. Thats why I am posting here. I havent shown my horoscope to any other astrologer, So kindly mail me your response as early as possible.

Thanks in advance,

Monday, July 16, 2007 - 9:22 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

Dear Sanish,

I read your observation about my horoscope. Could you please elaborate that a bit?


Tuesday, July 17, 2007 - 3:27 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

Aho Cosmo, maaf karaa pan majhyaa points varti jau nakaa. mala patriketla .001% kalta tyaamule mi kahi bollo tyaat faarsa kahi khara asel asa nahi. mi fakta abhyasasathi points vicharle hote. Milind is the master, he will elaborate on this if you ask him.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007 - 3:50 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

Milind, tumhi lagna, love marriage vagaire baddal sangitlat moon, venus ani guru varun. tasech santati chyaa drushtini konte graha ani yog baghayche?

चोखंदळ ग्राहक
महाराष्ट्र धर्म वाढवावा
व्यक्तिपासून वल्लीपर्यंत
पांढर्‍यावरचे काळे
गावातल्या गावात
तंत्रलेल्या मंत्रबनात
आरोह अवरोह
शुभंकरोती कल्याणम्
विखुरलेले मोती

हितगुज गणेशोत्सव २००६

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