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| Thursday, July 05, 2007 - 1:45 pm: |
[6] Manaswii [A] BOY (1) Guru owner of 7th house and 10th house is in 1st house and aspecting 7th house with FULL force in ashatmak..this is good for partnership; married life. (2) Lots of planets in Kanya raashi & its owner is in neech rashi and neech navamash. This could show issues related to Stomach(atade), Lungs. These issues could also be heriditary (mother) (3) Moon in 6th house shows issues of water (frequent sardi, viral etc) (4) Venus is in neech rashi --> intercast is a possibility but greately reduced by Mercury also in Kanya and Guru aspecting 7th house. (5) Saturn is well placed in 3rd house. (6) Until 2014 Venus Mahadasha would be great from material aspects. (7) Sun & Mercury (Uchcha) are VERY well placed in good navamansh (Vargottam in kanya rashi). (8) Only thing is that lots of planets are with Raahu (but in Kanya raashi it is not that bad at all) & that shows repeatition of heriditary events (family, water, house, kheti-baadi related). [B] GIRL (1) Mars and Saturn(wakri) are in close yuti in kanya raashi & 5th house. Shows issues related to Stomache and also heart (at times). Also it could show some issues w.r.t first Santati (delivery). In Bhavachalit kundali they won't be exactly 5th in anshatmak so it would not be that severe. (However from Sept 2009 to Mar 2012 there could be issues related to Stomach & santati) (2) Was there a miscarriage to her mother after her birth (next chance taken by parents could have caused issues) unless happened iin 1985 (less chances of miscarriage; 1987 would have been the best chance to have a singling for her) (3) Lagnesh is in 8th hosue and very close to Ketu, I would highly advise KEtu's Cat's eye stone to her. ALso Diamond (Gemstone of Venus) would be a good one. As Ketu is uchcha, the issues are a bit less. (4) She would have had the best yog of marriage in 2006 and now in 2008. [C] MatchMaking Although GUN-Melan wouldn't be very great (rather very less), I think these horoscopes are sort of above average from grahamelan point of view. Moon are in the same house and both are non manglik. I have not checked Naadi-dosh etc (u may want to check it). Hope this helps. [7] SANISH: Mala mitrakadun milale! 
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| Thursday, July 05, 2007 - 1:47 pm: |
[8] Manaswii Quote <i>mnc, i have one query regarding 'vaivahik-soukhya' . if one partner has very good soukhya and other has not so good then how wheir married life will be? </i> UN-Quote Results will be mixed, some would be bypassed, if some are VERY strong in one horoscope then depends. MDasha, ADasha, Gochari and overall analysis is needed. This is a generic question & depends on specific horoscopes.
MNC, mazya prashnakade pl. lakha dya na wel milel tewa....
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| Thursday, July 05, 2007 - 2:00 pm: |
[9] Surashree/Pradnya: (1) I think from July 2007 to Sept 2009 there could be some issues w.r.t health (does family/mother side) has any heart trouble history? One of the Mama or mom's sister could have such issue in next 2.5 years. So any issues should not be neglected until end of 2009. (2) He needs to wear Pushkaraaj & also GOMED (These are usually not suggested at the same time) but his horoscope is different type so it would help him. His Lagnesh Guru is in 6th hosue and with Raahu and Mangal So Pushkraaj would be good for health. Also, Gomed would reduce mysterious issues and 'najar' lagana issues. (3) Whatever business he wants to do I guess it would be better to wait until say 2009 end. i.e at least age of 30 or so. (4) From Sept 2009, Mercury Mahadasha would be good as Mercury is in 11th house and owner of 4 and 7 house. (5) Last 2.5 years would have been VERY SLLLLLOOOOOOW.......as Shani was ooposite to Sun and Mercury (addition to Sadesati effect). (6) Until Sept 2009 Shani mahadasha and Shani's healthwise adverse bhraman is there. This adds to adversity although Sadesati would be over from July 2007. (7) Next two years I suggest HANUMAAN Puja Every day. Every day 3 minutes Dhyan-dharana on Hanuman picture/murty in home after snaan. Also, Hanuman chalisa, stotra & Ram-Raksha (everyday) would help A LOT. Also Pushkaraaj and Gomed are highly advised. (8) As Shani would be also travelling over his Mars; He should NOT ride/drive a bike without a helmet until end of 2009 AT ALL. STRICLTLY Avoid it. Even double-seat there should be a helmet. I am not trying to frighten you guys! Just trying to be a good friend & suggesting some precautionary measure to be PROACTIVE than reactive!! I will analyse your horoscope later. Hope this is fine. Regards, ~Milind
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| Thursday, July 05, 2007 - 2:11 pm: |
[10] Rr38 (1) Your sadesati is not due until March 2012 !! So relaxf rom sadesati point of view! Rather read my article on Sadesati I posted a few days back for a good idea. YOu are entering best of the 5 years of Saturn's transit from July 2007!! (2) Yes, fromo May 2005 to July 2007 wasn't good at ALL as Saturn went over Venus and Sun who are already with Ketu and opposite to Raahu & Mangal which are in 8th house in Shani's sign. (3) This period could have had issues w.r.t share market, land deals, heriditary property...Family Bhadane etc was possible. Lungs/Lefy eye. EVen your bro usually well behaved would have gone against/at odds with you (real or cousin etc). (4) Last 2.5 years were VERY bad overall speaking. Your EGO would have got hurt QUITE a bit & anybody would have given any advice to you! Just forgive them if their purpose was good....they were naive...they didn't know they were stepping over you. Even accident was a possibility in last two years : Knees, Genitals, Right eye, lungs area etc (in that order) (5) It is VERY difficult to advise any gem stone to you just reviewing the horoscope!! I guess a 60degree prism test is required BUT I suggest you to wear Raahu's Gemstone (GOMED) for protection. Hope this helps. Iam sure 2009 & 2009 would be GREAT. All The Best...Hold on to your invsestments, don't sell them for cheap. 2008 and especially 2009 woudl recover ALL the loss you had taken previously (both ego-wise and monetary/family feud-wise). Your time is JUST around the corner...wait for it and do ALL the hard-work!! Let me know if any specific questions. Please reply on maayboli as far as possible. Also let know if these observations are correct, helps me to learn.
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| Thursday, July 05, 2007 - 2:12 pm: |
Thanks Milind.I sincerely pray that you excell in whatever you do in your life for such a great service to people.
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| Thursday, July 05, 2007 - 2:12 pm: |
LOTS Of post/replies are in the archive: Please check there: /hitguj/messages/103384/127795.html?1183641868
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| Thursday, July 05, 2007 - 2:18 pm: |
[11] Vaishali30 (1) Aho tumhich sanga kar karanart..people don't use Jyotish for planning or being proactive...tyamule ase issues hotat. How many times u see me advising a background check (both family & medical)?? The reasons are some indications from horoscope! Specially when Harshal is opposite or with Venus (& is say wakri) and if Venus is also 7th owner...far WICHITRA anubhav yetat aho lokanna!!! Harshal creates VERY different/opposite to rituals and tradition attitudes in a person. Mhanunach khup wela 4, 13, 22 born lokancha bharawas deta yet nahi (let us not generalise it but it is usually seen that way: Kishore Kumar, P. K Atre are born on 4th) I advise wearing Pushkraaj to increase rituals etc in your life and reduce Harshal effect. Guru's axis of rotation is zeo degrees (almost) to its eqautor --> Straightforward. Earth and Mars are aprx 23 degrees :: HARSHAL ---> 90 degrees!!!!!!!! Now you know the opposition to tradition and rituals by Harshal...!!!
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| Thursday, July 05, 2007 - 2:20 pm: |
Incidentally Mr Milind why I asked is as per th current scenario I can possibly go two more steps.Thas why I was asking.Anyhow I hope with the good period as indicated by you and with God's grace things may work out fine for me.Thanks a lot.I also read your archived predictions which are highly informative.
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| Thursday, July 05, 2007 - 2:35 pm: |
[13] AVV Loss limb? Kuthala!? Thamba jara baghuya apan! (1) Initial 2.5 years until 2009; Saturn would aspect (apart from sadesati effect) Sun and Mars; Helmet is a must, Authorities/seniors shi japun wagane. But loss of limb ase kahi watat nahi! (2) Next 2.5 years, (Until Mar 2012) mulabalanche issues,stomach issues and viral issues --> Loss of limb is not a possibility BUT Shani mahadasha also starts from May 2010 so it could add to some of the issues at least in Shani Antardasha --> as SHani is 12th and in neech rashi BUT it is in Uchcha Navamansh & VERY well placed in Navamansh (in 3rd house)! Again it is with Mercury which is wakri so KICHKAT kaame karayala lawel--Doke duklhi hoil....Loss of limb -->>>> ???? Tase kahi disat nahi But yes, kalaji ghya Shani antardashet...Awajawi/unplanned kharcha is a possibillity. (3) Last 2.5 years: Shani in 6th house over Guru and opposite to Shani Mercury (Stomache, Ankels, Dokedukhi)...Loss of limb --?? I guess not. To paryanta Budh antardasha suru hoil & wil lincrease physical (Dokedukhi) BUT anyways Guru is aspecting Budh and Shani and also Shukra in your horoscope...So Guru salamat to pagadi pachas. I suggest wear Emerald and Pushkraaj AND Maruti puja Hanumaan stotra and Ram-Raksha everyday. Try to reduce strain on head by doing yoga and some close to nature exersize. Emerald is a almost a MUST as Kanya raashi and Budh wakri in Aries. Pushkaraaj is must as it will be better overall due to its aspect on Mahadashas wami and ill-placed Budh. Hope this helps. Make no mistake by my use of humor...you got to be careful, take minimum risks during sadesati. TENSION ghetale tar Acidity PRACHAND wadhel so try to find ways to RELAX body and mind...!!!! HIGHLY recommended...While doing puja (half an hr everyday) DUSARE KUTHALEHI WICHAR MANAT ANU NAKA.....TRUST in it and do it with 100% HEART in it.. Skepticism SODA>....It will NOT help you.
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| Thursday, July 05, 2007 - 2:38 pm: |
AVV: Aaichya kuthalya immediate relatives la or distant relative la cancer ahe ka? Just checking from my study point of view...I have NO knowledge on cancer from horoscope, trying to build it...(Explanation dile karan tumachi raas Kanya ahe...Ugach LOAD ghyal!) I hope you don't mind my remarks..nahitar mhanayache ha chekalala ahe. Just trying to put some spice as posts were getting VERY monotonous! ~Milind
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| Thursday, July 05, 2007 - 2:44 pm: |
Mr Milind my mother has been diagnosed as having cancer.She is on Chemo.Am not sure if with my birth details you can predict about her future.
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| Thursday, July 05, 2007 - 2:46 pm: |
Milind, avv hyanchya patriket saadesaatichyaa pahilya 2.5 varshaat shani ravi ani manglaalaa aspect karto aahe he mhanaalaat te kaahi kalale naahi. shani is coming 4th to sun, mars during this period. shanichi 4thi drushti hi aste kaa? also, aai, vadil ani bhaavandaanshi related ghara aani yog hyaavarti thodi mahiti dyaal kaa? I am trying to get va.da. bhat 1 here but doesn't seem i will get it until aug 
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| Thursday, July 05, 2007 - 2:46 pm: |
BKM Thanks much BKM. Maybe I troubled a lot of souls in last birth!!?? Not sure. I guess I might be paying my dues to people of what people have done to me in previous or even in this birth... Thanks for the wishes...I will value good-will of people MUCH More than anything else in my life..bcos that what would be useful to next generation of our family (more than ANYTHING)!! Regards, ~Milind
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| Thursday, July 05, 2007 - 2:48 pm: |
I agree with you Milind.I also do the same thing in my own way.After all we owe a lot to people around us in many senses.May God help you and other like minded people who can serve society in their capacity
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| Thursday, July 05, 2007 - 2:48 pm: |
BKM I hardly see any such indication in your horoscope! Rather Guru is aspecting 4th house with full force. Moon (Karak of Mother) is well placed in 7th hosue & not at all illaspected. Are u the youngest sibling. Usually health of the parents is seen from the youngest sibling. ~Milind
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| Thursday, July 05, 2007 - 2:49 pm: |
SANISH Shani chi 10th drushti asate., So 4th hosue madhun 1st house la 10th drushtoi padel... Pudhun 10th is maagunu 4th ! ~Milind
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| Thursday, July 05, 2007 - 2:51 pm: |
i am the second.The eldest one passed away immdtly after birth.
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| Thursday, July 05, 2007 - 2:53 pm: |
BKM (1) 2008 would be good w.r.t seniors but your circle in workplace could reduce due to Saturn there! But Guru's drushti will make it bearable. So result will bne mixed w.r.t increasing circle at worplace. (Rather dull) but seniiors point of view would be feel good. (2) 2010 would be increasing circle due to 7th GUru to moon (expansion effect) and some more powers. (3)2012 would be again great for upward growth and some short tem/long term travel too. ~Milind
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| Thursday, July 05, 2007 - 2:54 pm: |
Milind as per my chart is it possible to predict as to whther I can be Number one /Number two person in the organisation where I am working?????
चोखंदळ ग्राहक |
महाराष्ट्र धर्म वाढवावा |
व्यक्तिपासून वल्लीपर्यंत |
पांढर्यावरचे काळे |
गावातल्या गावात |
तंत्रलेल्या मंत्रबनात |
आरोह अवरोह |
शुभंकरोती कल्याणम् |
विखुरलेले मोती |
हितगुज गणेशोत्सव २००६ |