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| Friday, June 22, 2007 - 5:07 am: |
DhulekarPatil Devakade prarthana karate ki Tumchya Bhachyala mazya sarv family members chya ayushyatil thode thode ayushya labho aani to 100 warshe tumchya sobat raaho. Milindjini mhatalya pramaane to AGADI NAKKI THIK HOILACH. Tumhi kalaji karu nakaa. Shamli
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| Friday, June 22, 2007 - 5:12 am: |
MNC Ajj Aai Babanna NIT chya office madhe jayache aahe. PLOT samandhi. Haa PLOT mhanaje tyamchi jama punji aahe ayushyachi. Please tumchya margdarshanaachi waat pahatey........... Shamli
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| Friday, June 22, 2007 - 5:19 am: |
Rajrk0410: You have not given place of birth, assuming Pune for now. PLease let me know. (1) Yes, this horoscope shows a lot of interest and success in money matters: Real estate, Investments, Share Market, Bonds, Daag-Daagine and even Lottery etc. Sun, Venus, Mercury are in 2nd house along with Harshal and Moon is in 8th house again showing inclination towards all these things. (2) The BHUMI-Karak Mangal is also ini Uchcha raashi and makes you a fiercely competitive person. However, it is very close to Raahu, Raahu is also GREAT in 6th house and shows some very good deeds in last births(?) to get this placement for Raahu (3, 6, 11). But Mars, Rahu together is a bit issue from Bhumi point of view. This could make you go for land which is a bit problematic, near Kabra-sthan or which has some "peeda".. (I don't believe in this stuff much but people have experience and thats the reason sharing it without my prejudice coming in the way). (3) I suggest try wearing Gomed in middle finger right hand in silver for protection from such things. Also, in yourt house and your land always do puja and put Agar-batti as a respect to such influence on that land. Please check for 2.3 months if you get some good experience or don;t see any problem in many things. Also Pitru-Paksha madhye pooja paath kara and always pay tribute to your Grand Parents, tyanche photos gharat lawa ani tyala darroj udbatti lawa...I am sure their blessings would help you a LOT. (4) The owner of Raahu and Mars sign is Shani which is very well placed in a very good nakshatra and also aspected by Guru, this is ALL good but Shani is wakri and that shows that any thing you do you might failt the first time but succeed from next time onwards...YOU NEED TO KEEP CONSISTENCY in what you do and again try for the same...you will get success in that thing. (5) You could have done wonders in sports also actually! Did/do you play any sport well? (6) You have a GAD-GANJ money yog in your horoscope:: Owner of 11th and 2nd house is in 2nd house and is swagruhi. I am sure Augsut 2004 to Sept 2005 must have been a GREAT time for earning money from share market/land deals etc etc... (7) You can also wear Paachu to imrove Budh influence as it is combust (astangat in Surya)...Paachu would help trading & overall busines-sense / consultancy etc. (8) From Sept 2009 to March 2012 you may want to be careful w.r.t investment or signing high risks deals...you may see some issues during this time but with appropriate care, I am sure you would not have any issues. (9) Currently until July 2007, Shani is opposite to Mangal and not the best time for land deals etc. After July 2007, situation would improve. 2008 would be ok but 2009 would be the best for land deals, reward for competitive spirit and overall success (Similar to Aug 2004 to Sept 2005 timeframe). (10) From December 2006 you are under Venus mahadasha and I am sure you would get great success in such things. (11) For politics etc until 1982 period was good for family, in my opinion no onwards business, money matters would be more important. You may need to travel frwquently 6-8 hours for business purpose. Overall it is a GREAT horoscope and If I was a professional astrologer, I would have liked you as my regular client! All The Best. ~Milind
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| Friday, June 22, 2007 - 5:24 am: |
[1] Swarajadas Bahergawi rahane -- pardesh For this 3, 9 and 12 houses are imp. 1st house shows daily pravas/commute. 3rd house shows 6-8 hours, 9th house say 9-12 and 12th house more than that. [2] Renushahane Maaf kara ho..will try to check GMail account but can't gaurantee! [3] Vaishali30 Yes, tumhi swataha bheta pahile ani nanter dusare sudha loka help karu shakatil ase mala watate. Specially until Nov 2007 you would get good help from Brother.
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| Friday, June 22, 2007 - 5:36 am: |
AVV Aho maage tumhi Sangali chi 16 Dec 1974 chi patrika dili hoti ?? TYache kay zhale? B-date badalali ki kay? Bara, navya b-date pramane analyse karat ahe: (1) Kanya raas, Budh is wakri in 12th house and with Shani in close degrees. But is aspected by Guru. I suggest if possible, wear Paachu/Emerald, it will help quite a bit in my opinion. Along with it you can laso try Pushkaraaj for overall prosperity. Paachu is almost a necessary though. You should also use Green (Gard Hirwa), Blue color as far as possible. (2) Sadesati OK asel, mazhe sadesatiche article wacha...magachya archive madhye ahe. Print ghewun thewa pahije tar reference sathi..tumhala samajel (3) Mala watate sadesatichi last 2.5 years would be more troublesome than first 5 (comparitively). Tension ghene kami kele ani Raag Raah kami kela tar FARCH kami tras hoil tumhala. Overall I suggest Paachu for SURE and Pushkaraaj also for overall good luck. Usage of green color, green fruits is also highly recommended
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| Friday, June 22, 2007 - 5:38 am: |
BARECH posts archives zhale ahet!! Please bagha
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| Friday, June 22, 2007 - 5:48 am: |
Preetib (1) In the horoscope, owner of 7th hosue is in 12th house in unfirendly sign. (2) Venus is in very good sign and house but is with Harshal and aspected by Saturn from 9th house in close degrees. This usually shows marriage after the age of 27/28. (3) From Sept 2005 to Oct 2006, there was a very good chance to find someone appropriate or even getting a good proposal from someone. (4) Currently from Oct 2006 to Nov 2007, Guru would be travelling over Budh and there is a very good chance. (5) Even in 2008 Guru would be aspecting the 7th house and also 5th to Moon, 2008 would be a VERY good year from every aspect of life. I suggest wearing pukhraaj and it will help. Also You can use green and blue(Indigo) color to enhace Budh and Venus planets in your horoscope. Hope this helps.
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| Friday, June 22, 2007 - 5:49 am: |
MilindMulgund Sure...whenever I am able to check the emails, I will get back to you. Dips Thanks for the kind words....Thanks for praying for DhulekarPatil and family.
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| Friday, June 22, 2007 - 6:31 am: |
mnc Thanks. this one is mine. 16th dec 1974 was my brother's. u seem to be quite busy. pl. try to analyse my patrika in detail. i have specific doubts. thanks.
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| Friday, June 22, 2007 - 6:58 am: |
Milindji Please give details of my parents. They are very depressed. Link dete birth details chi /cgi-bin/hitguj/show.cgi?tpc=103384&post=957415#POST957415 Please let me know .................
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| Friday, June 22, 2007 - 7:12 am: |
[12] Shamli Shamli: Tuamachya Aai / Wadilanchi dighanchi raas kanya ahe. July 2007 pasun sadesati suru hot ahe. (1) Doghanchya patrikevarun ek common-sense analysis kele tar 2009 seems to be the best year for land related matters. As Guru would be 5th to Moon sign for both and also 7to Father's 8th house Guru and also 7th to Mother's 8th house Mars. (2) Your Mom's horoscope is better/strong for this matter and I am sure 2009 would be very good for the same. He plot tumhi Aug 2004 to Sept 2005 ghetala hota ka? In such case I think tumache long term nuksan honar nahi. As Guru was aspecting appropriate planets. (3) Tumachya Aai la Paachu pasun labh hoil ani Wadilanna sudhha paachu ani Pushkaraaj cha khupach fayada ahe. (4) Wadilanna 2002 end to May 2005 prakrutiche issues hote ka thodefar? Stomache, eyes, jeebh could have shown some issues that time? It was not a big issue at all but just checking for my knowledge. (5) Overall I think 95/96/97 Wadilanna ani April 1998 to 2000 end Aaila trasdayak gele asel overall. Last 2 years were good for Mom. Hope this helps. From all land/property related matters 2009 would be the best...of course 2008 4th Guru could help on Home front but I am not too sure about the "frutfull ness" of the talks in that time. Next 2 months until August 15th are also good for any bolani etc.
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| Friday, June 22, 2007 - 8:56 am: |
DHULEKAR Patil I think I made a BIG mistake by thinking that it was your Bachcha and not BHACHA (Nephew). I am posting the modified response....Please check this and ignore the previous big post on the topipc. Hussh...I was going nuts as to how your kid could have such dramatic issue. Your horoscope has a very separate and nonaspected panchamesh (Shukra). Although Guru is aspected by Satutn and Mangal, Panchamesh is not affected. The modified post is following this post.
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| Friday, June 22, 2007 - 9:04 am: |
MODIFIED POst DhulekarPatil Saheb: I am really sorry to hear about the blood cancer. I did check your nephew's horoscope. Tyachya parents che details milale tar te sudhha baghata yeil. Of course, mulacha horoscope khupach self-explanatory ahe ani Mahadasha and Gochari also point towards the problem. (As per recent studies and observations, Ketu is usually related to Cancer.) Here are my observations: [A] Tumacha Horoscope:: No need to get into this. I was really wondering ki Shukra evadha wegala asun kasa kay issue ahe..BUT surprisingly mahadasha, antardasha are VERY much matching to the problem your nephew is having!! This is really a great coincidence!! So you need not worry too much about your horoscope in this regards. Common-sense jara kami padalka..you are born iin 1981 so how can you would have kid in 1997?? Maybe, I was too focussed on the blood cancer issue and forgot other things altogether. [B] Nephew's Horoscope: Sinvha raashi and currently under sadesati. Sadesati has nothing to do with the cancer though, it is related to mool horoscope and dasha/antardasha etc (1) Rakta karak Mangal is wakri and is with Raahu in close degrees and also is in Shatru Rashi Kanya. Good part is that it is aspected by Guru from 9th house which is in neech raashi. (2) Lagnesh Shukra is in 11th house in uchcha raashi but is VERY close to Ketu. Current Mahadasha is that of Shukra and hence the issues. (3) Shani is also with Sun, Ketu and Shukra and opposite to Mars adding to the issues. (4) Current Mahadasha is Shukra, Antardahsa is Shani and bhukti is Mangal...i.e. the period where such issues would get to the fore-front. Saturn antardasha would end at Jun 2008. This would help quite a bit BUT from Apr 2011 to Jun2012 Ketu antardasha needs to be watchful even if there is some minor issues. Basically, then things would have improved quite a bit but any minor things should not be neglected at all. (5) RECOMMENDATIONS: (a) PUSHKARAAJ: I will need to think more on what to suggest BUT Guru's Pushkaraaj is HIGHLY recommended. We need to increase Guru's power and that would help improve drushti on Mangal and Raahu. Guru is wakri and it will help by Pushkraaj. Also, Guru is owner of the Sign where he has 5 planets (meen rashi). (b) I think Ketu's "Cats eye" (Lasanya) would be very good for protection as Ketu is with Shukra (lagnesh) & in a good sign for ketu (Ketu is swagruhi in meen rashi). I am sure this should help a lot. Mala thoda doubt watat hota whether Gomed or Cats Eye but I think Lagnesh is more important (and its mahadasha it is with Ketu.) I have suggested Gomed to you, I guess Pushkraaj would laos help but at this poiint in time Gomed is more imp. Mulaga: Pushkaraaj: in Index finger (next to thumb) in Sone on Thursday morning 6 to 7. Cats Eye: Middle Finger, On Saturnday, morning 6 to 7 Also, he can read Nava-graha stotra (u can get it very easily) everyday. Ramraksha and Maruti Stotra. Also NAMSMARAN everyday 3 times. Overall, I am sure July 2007 to Sept 2009 and Sept 2009 to Mar 2012 would be a bit troublesome but I am sure Guru's bhraman in Meen rashi in 2012 would CERTAINLY help him a lot. Just that 2012 end paryanta kalaji ghayachi...Mala watatey ki Guruchi najar ani overall Shukra uchcha rashit ani Ketu Swagruhi ahe so he **SHOULD** come out of it......ONLY THING HE WOULD NEED is WILL POWER and I am sure Navagraha stotra and MARUTI uapasana RAMRAKSHA everyday would give him enough power....If he needs to take rest, his parents can read it in loud enough voice so that he is able to hear it. (Tyala tras nako..agadi aramat aiku gele tari khup ahe).....I am sure this WILL help!!!!!!! Of couse as I posted earlier I will pray for him and also pray when I am in Shirdi next time. I request Maayboli members to pray too.
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| Friday, June 22, 2007 - 9:05 am: |
MODERATOR SAHEB: Could you please delete my post dated: Thursday, June 21, 2007 - 11:59 am: It is in "Archive through June 22, 2007"
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| Friday, June 22, 2007 - 10:16 am: |
Milindji tumachi abhaari aahe, Aai babanna lagna zalya zalya ch saade saati hoti aani aataa punhaaa BAAAPAAREEEEEEE. 1] 1996 madhe bababnna double typhoid aani maleriya evadha sagal zaal hot. Aaaich tas thik aahe pan Spondilytis chaa traas nehamich asato. 2] Paachu kashat aani kevha ghalawa. 3] PLOT parat milawinyasaathi kaahi adhyatmik upaay suchau shakata kaa? Coz 15 lakhs means a LOTTTTTTT for them. Aani ho 1.50 lakh ekaa society madhe adakalech aahet. Kaahi uaay yojanaa suchau shakalaat tar faar adhaar hoil. Dhanyawaad . Tumache abhaar manale tewadhe todech aahet.
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| Friday, June 22, 2007 - 1:19 pm: |
Shamli: (1) Road zhala tari Govt/Corporation (whichever party involved) should pay them back, right?? (2) Correct, so from Sept 2009 to Mar 2012, he should NOT drink water outside the house without boioling, even regular water should be boiled. (3) Paachu: Mala surely athawat nahi Metal kuthala lagata te. Karangali madhye Budhwari sakali 6 to 7 ghalawa. Puja karun, Kuladewatela namaskar karun. Regards, ~Milind
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| Friday, June 22, 2007 - 2:05 pm: |
Thanks Milindji. I am wearing Pushkaraj. In which finger should i wear Green stone(last finger..karangalimadhe ka). What else I should for Sadesati. Is it possible for you to tell me more about how the groom will be if you get a chance.
मिलिंदजी, मी पण तुमच्या उत्तराची वाट पहात आहे. मी ११ जुन ला पोस्ट ( Archive through June 12, 2007 - Monday, June 11, 2007 - 1:08 pm ) टाकली आहे आणि email पण केली आहे. Please लवकरत लवकर तुमचे मत सांगा. मी तुमच्या उत्तराची आतुरतेने वाट पहात आहे.
मिलीन्दजी...... तुमचे आभार कसे मानावे कळत नाही.... तुम्ही आनी शामली, दीप, या हीतगुज सदस्यानी जी आपुलकी दाखवीली ती माझ्यासाठी बहुमोल आहे.... आपली कोणाशीही प्रत्यक्ष ओळख नसताना सुध्धा तुम्ही प्रत्येक पत्रिकेवर घेत आसलेली मेहनत समजुन येते. सेल बद्दल आभारी आहे.... आनी पुन्यात तुमची भेट घेन्याची सन्धी मी गमावणार नाही.... प्रत्यक्ष भेटीत सवीस्तर बोलु....... पुन्हा एकदा समस्त मायबोलीकरान्चे धन्यवाद......
Thanks Milindji. mi thodi confuse hote. mi kartey te yogya ki ayogya asa prashna hota. pan tumachya uttarane mazyamadhe aankhi confidence aala. Khare tar mala ha matter legally nyayacha naahi personally jevadha solve karata yeil tevadhe prayatna karayache aahet. karan mazyapudhe mazya mulachya bhavitavyacha prashna aahe. tyala Aayee-Vadil doghanchehi prem milave evadhich mazi apeksha aahe aani maze prayatnahi tyaach prakare chaalu aahet. pan agadich naailaj zala tar legally jave laagel. Tumhi sangitalyapramane Dattagurunchi Upasana chaalu aahe. ti chaalu kelyapasun ka konas thavuk pan itke divas mi gappa rahile hote aani aata halu halu ek-ek clue milat gela aani prayatna chaalu kele. mazi pratek gosht mi Mazya Devala smarunach karate. tyamule nischitach yash milel yachi khatri navhe purna vishwasach aahe. Anyway, punha ekada tumache shatasha aabhar.
चोखंदळ ग्राहक |
महाराष्ट्र धर्म वाढवावा |
व्यक्तिपासून वल्लीपर्यंत |
पांढर्यावरचे काळे |
गावातल्या गावात |
तंत्रलेल्या मंत्रबनात |
आरोह अवरोह |
शुभंकरोती कल्याणम् |
विखुरलेले मोती |
हितगुज गणेशोत्सव २००६ |