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| Thursday, June 14, 2007 - 7:22 am: |
Preparing an article on Sadesati. SO far turning out really well.
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| Thursday, June 14, 2007 - 9:10 am: |
Here it is ...I will have at least 2 more pages in it soon.
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| Thursday, June 14, 2007 - 9:33 am: |
Milindji Examples naahi aalet
Thanks Milindrao for immediate replay.I think I am very lucky to get reply from u. I had plan to buy home in Sep 2005 to Oct 2006.But it was out of my budget due high cost.Why did you ask how was 1993 to 2000 any specific reason.Because In that period from 1995 to 2005 I was patient of depression so that I have set back in my life.If u found any observation please let me know.Thanks once again.You can write in Marathi.
मिलिंदजी, मी पण तुमच्या उत्तराची वाट पहात आहे. मी 11 june ला post टाकली आहे आणि email पण केली आहे. Please लवकरात लवकर तुमचे मत सांगा.
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| Thursday, June 14, 2007 - 3:37 pm: |
Agreed abt Shani's compulsary change vs Guru's sweet spot. Well I forsee some changes in july that would put some unwanted office responsibility on me for a couple of months :-) It gives an opportunity to shine better though. Past that period, others know your value better. Guru would place you at a comfortable position(lesser work, more money), but again it depends on how a person takes that. what planets suggest the attitude of a person towards hard/good changes? (moon/rahu/ketu?) One more thing I remember, just want to verify whether I have correct reasoning for that. Sometime during the period in 1994-95, I had a very bad time (lots of ego hurting etc). basically all lakshana of Shani's effect on Sun. My guess is that during that time, Shani was travelling over Sun in my horoscope(entering or exiting through pisces). this is almost 13-14 yrs back. However, I have seen some cases where people benefit in Shani's move even in good terms. I have seen people getting far better jobs than they had earlier during this period. Probably need to check individually. Waiting for more on saadesati.
excellent artical on sadesati MNC !!!
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| Thursday, June 14, 2007 - 5:41 pm: |
milind, tumi patrikeche analysis jya prakare deta tya varun barech kahi shikata yete. tumhi dilelya sadesatichya mahitivarun prashna..... 1) as u said when saturn goes over sun/mars etc. pan tya sathi saturn hya planets varun jaylach hava ki even his DRUSHTI gives same effect? 2) ani jari sadesati nasel ani saturn hya planets varun jaat asel tari same anubhav yetat ki thodafaar tras hoto or hotach nahi? 3) also sadesati ani gochar guru hyache kaay effects yetil? i mean sadesatimadhe thoda dilasa milel or gochar guruche honare changle parinam kami hotil? thanks in advance.
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| Friday, June 15, 2007 - 5:04 am: |
SANISH >>>>>>>>>However, I have seen some cases where people benefit in Shani's move even in good terms. I have seen people getting far better jobs than they had earlier during this period.................... I do agry with u SANISH. My husband got a Central Government Job during the start of Sade Saati (Oct 18, 2004) and birth of our child was in the same month (Oct 31, 2004). How do that possible in Saade Saati. MNC please clarify this things how one can get good effects of Saturne during Saade Saati.
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| Friday, June 15, 2007 - 9:43 am: |
Milindji Please give the details of my parents Please.........
मिलिन्द्जी प्लीज मला रीप्लाय द्या ना........ तुम्ही मला जे गोमेध घालायचा सल्ला दीलात ते कोणत्या धातुमध्ये घालावे ते नाहि ना सान्गितले... माझ्यासाठी प्लीज ५ मिनीट वेळ काढा...... तुमचा एकच रीप्लाय मनाला काळजीतुन मोकळे करतो.....
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| Friday, June 15, 2007 - 6:08 pm: |
मिलिंद , तुमच्या gmail acct वर एक email पाठवली आहे , कृपया मदत कराल लवकर ही विनंती . धन्यवाद .
my birth date :- 04-10-1971 birth time :- 04:45 a.m day = monday I working in Information Technology field but i dont have that much interst to go further in this field. I like to do for pepole like became good politition and also doing struggle in Goverment money earning scheme with my contacts like tender passing , mhada development , collector land development all work regarding land ( developer) , but whenever i doing this work i loose success at the edge of completed work. so which stone is favourable for me and also would like to know which year is my turning point. in which field i will get sucess . i also doing to get money from my "VADILOPARJIT" land which acquired by CIDCO is in PANVEL . will i become success in this work . Will i have success in LOTTERY PRIZE . so plzz give me suggestion for my better life. i am married man and have one 4 yr. son. so tell me more about my further life regarding money status my family and way of growth. and all about my future ( whatever it is tell me very frankly)
मिलिन्द, बाहेरगावी काही वर्शे रहाने आनि कायम स्थायिक होने याविशयिचे नियम सान्गल क टसेच योग्य पर्याय निवदने शक्य अस्ते क बाहेरगावी याचा अर्थ जन्मगाव सोदुन कुथेहि(पर्देशि किन्वा दुसर्या गावी पन देशातच) असा होउ शकतो क स्वराजदास
milind,kripaya tumcha gmail acct baghun majhya prashnanchi uttara dyaal ka? thanks renu
Dear Milind Sir, mala 2 sthal aali aahet mi tyanchi details tumhala pathwat aahe tar pl mala sanga ki kuthale sthal mazyasathi changale aahe. maze details: date:6/9/1980 time:7:20am place:mumbai mulanche details: 1. date:5/3/1975 time:9.15am place:mumbai 2. date:20/2/1977 time:6.20am place:mumbai sir,mi tumachya reply chi wat pahat aahe,pl lawkar kalwa. thanks shilpa
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| Monday, June 18, 2007 - 7:18 am: |
Sorry guys, was away for some time. Now back. [1] DHULEKARPATIL Raahu cha GOMED: CHANDI madhye, Madhalya botat, Shaniwari Sakali 6 to 7 (Suryodayachyaweles kinva lagech) ghalawa. [2] RAJEEV20039 Aho tenvha Ketu mahadasha chalu hoti. Ketu is in neech rashi with wakri Shani, opposite to Sun and Mercury (Shani Ravi pratiyog ahech). Also Ketu mahadasha swatahala depress karate ani Raahu mahadasha itaranna! Chandra Rahu wale swataha chandal asatat... Ketu cha effect asalele pessimist hotat. 1992 to 2000 was Ketu mahadasha: Wichitra period madhun tumachi sutaka zhali. Actually changalaya goshti ghadalya asatilach as it is in 9th hosue BUT tumhalach kalale nasel ki te changale ahe mhanun! Hyala ek chhan upay mhanaje: (1) Hanuman Stotra ani Ram-raksha (EVERYDAY) mhana. (2) Also, Sakali anghila zhalyawer Hanumanachya tasveerikade taklawun 3 minute dhyadharana kara (dole ughade ghewun). Ani nanter 1 minite band karun samor ubhe raha. Hope this helps.
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| Monday, June 18, 2007 - 7:18 am: |
[3] Shamli/ Sanish / Manaswii: Aho tyacha sadesatishi sabamndh lawu naka. JABABDARYA wadhane is also effect of sadesati. Naukari, Lagna, Mula, bala hya eka tarun mulala chadhatya bhajanichya jababdaryach ahet. Adhi kuthetari UNADAKYA karak bombalat firanarya mansala ekdum nakasamor chalat jawe lagate. So what you call good / bad is YOUR point of view & not Saturn's! Example: Pisces people (March 14 te April 13) "usually" run awat from reality, do not do in-your-face things in life and avoid to take a very straightforward stance without blinking....so of course when Shani goes over Sun it MAKES you take such stance, asks you to be tough and KADAK....Pisceans could find it a bit tough. Pratyekach Sun Sign chya side effects che Saturn samor ananato when it travels over it. Manaswii: 1st and 7th saturn is direct aushadh! Saturn's 3rd and 10th drushti "MOST of the times" is a pointer and a direction of what not to do and what to do...it gives some indication of what it is going to do once it reaches in that house of opposite to that house!! [4] GMAIL ID: Lokaho ajunahi ghari internet nahi. Tyamule maaf kara... [5] Navin post/patrika Analysis nanter karato.
Namaskar Milindi. tumachyakade maze aani mazya navaryache details already aahet. problem kaay aahe he tumhala mi adhi sangitale hote. pan sadhya mi tyachyashi contact karnyachya prayatnat aahe. sagalyat aadhi mi swata tyala bhetnaar aahe karan to nighun gelyapasun amacha personally kahihi contact zaalela naahi. tari tyatun kaahi positive nighel ka? jar personally bhetun kaahi naahi zaale tar maze cousine brother tyala bhetnar aahet. tari krupaya salla dyal ka?
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| Monday, June 18, 2007 - 8:50 am: |
Hi Milind, I need your guidance after balancing these horoscopes from married life point of view , health, nature, proffe , finance etc. pl guide me ASAP to proceed further in the matter. Vara's details........... Date of Birth.. 10 / 12 / 1978 at 06=01 AM. place of Birth... Kankavli [ Sindhudurg] . Vadhu no . 1 .......... Date of Birth ...... 07 June 1981 at 02 =07 AM. place of Birth.... Mumbai. Vadhu..No..2......... Date of Birth ..... 12 May 1981 . at 06 = 32 AM. Place of Birth.... Mumbai.
चोखंदळ ग्राहक |
महाराष्ट्र धर्म वाढवावा |
व्यक्तिपासून वल्लीपर्यंत |
पांढर्यावरचे काळे |
गावातल्या गावात |
तंत्रलेल्या मंत्रबनात |
आरोह अवरोह |
शुभंकरोती कल्याणम् |
विखुरलेले मोती |
हितगुज गणेशोत्सव २००६ |