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| Monday, June 04, 2007 - 11:54 am: |
नमस्कार मिलींदजी, माझे लग्न ठरवायचे चालले आहे. मी माझे आणी मुलीचे डिटेल्स देत आहे. मार्गदर्शन कराल अशी आशा आहे. माझे डिटेल्स: जन्म तारिख: २३-०८-१९७९. जन्म वेळ: ११:३० (सकाळी). जन्म ठिकाण: सातारा. मुलीचे डिटेल्स जन्म तारिख: २१-०७-१९८५. जन्म वेळ: ११:४२ (सकाळी). जन्म ठिकाण: मुंबई. १. ही पत्रीका जुळते का? २. वैवहिक जीवन कसे असेल? सचिन.
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| Monday, June 04, 2007 - 2:39 pm: |
Rutu_Hirwar Sister I did send out some analysis in the past. I am posting it again. (1) Wow!! Mithun rashi madhye grahanchi hyaa gardi ahe! From 2002 to May 2005 must have been troublesome as Shani went over all those planets!! (2) In 2006, 5th Guru to Mithun rashi MUSt have helped a lot. (3) She should wear Paachu/Emerald anagathi. I am sure it will help her a LOT. Or basically green color would help her. (4) Her marriage is better done a little late say 26 etc. (5) 2008 will be THE best year for her in a very long time due to 3rd Shani and 7th Guru. Also Mahadasha is that of Guru so it is "good only" 
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| Monday, June 04, 2007 - 2:41 pm: |
ASHU: Most of the details I have posted are correct then as I guessed the birth-place correctly. Didn't get chance to analyse more. Will get back later.
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| Monday, June 04, 2007 - 2:42 pm: |
PRUTHA Great !! Keep posted about the actual result. Basically, it was quite confusing and mixed type of analysis. Even when there are clear indications it is not advisable to guess the gender as it is only in HIS hand....we have not control over these things.
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| Monday, June 04, 2007 - 2:44 pm: |
Sis_Trio As posted in email to you those two upaays will certainly help you get rid of unwanted traits of nature in about 6months to 1 year timeframe. But keep in minid, natural swabhav ufalun yetock yeto...Ashyaweli 11 wela On Nama:h Shivay cha jap kela tarihi changale watate.
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| Monday, June 04, 2007 - 2:52 pm: |
23879 / Sachin (1) Chhan ahe patrika mulichi. Shukra samor Harshal ahe pun mala watate Shukrache nakshatra (Rohini) is so good ki it should not a problem. (2) Also currently Guru is 7th to Shukra, Also Ravi madhye Shukrachi Antardasha chalu ahech. So it is all good. B-date is also 21 which is VERY good and Guru's influence would make sure to reduce Harshal pratiyog with Venus which can cause unnecessary issues/adachan when finding appropriate match. (3) GunMelan is also very good with 36 matching (100%)..so it "good only" (4) Tumacha swabhav jasta "kadak"/dsciplined asanar ahe, tar kadhi kadhi "awarat" ja jara! Jast load ghet jaawu naka (5) Raahu chi Gomed chi anagathi ghatali tar bare hoil ase watate mala. (6) Tumhachya family madhye July 2007 to Sept 2009 jar Heart issues disale tar te seriously ghya ani welich appropriate action ghya. (7) Over I see good matching horoscopes....
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| Monday, June 04, 2007 - 3:06 pm: |
Manjud (1) Tumachya navaryache Sept 2005 to Oct 2006 farach changale yog hote ghar ghyayache. Tenvha kase kaay zhale nahi? Did anything happen in that timeframe? (2) Even currently it is not bad at all but I think it could happen in 2010...basically the 2006 yog was so strong that any lead from that time period also can materialize anytime in my opinion. (3) Even After Mar 2006, he had Mars antardasha in Venus Mahadasha...it was one of the best chances... (4) As Guru is going over Mars' sign owner Shukra and also owner of 8th house, I think buying land etc is good until Nov 2007. Your Horoscope: (1) From your horoscope, it seems 2008 could be good but the best would be 2010. (House front) (2) U have too many planets in Sinvha raashi, July 2005 to Sept 2009 could be a bit testing. Also as Moon nakshatra is Moola Shani's maturity lesson to you would be a bit bitter. (3) Also the way you reacted to quesiton not being answered in the 1st post on this board (after sending email) also gave me a clue that you rnakshatra could be Ketu's (Ashwini, Magha or Ketu). & Surprisingly Moon is in Mool & Guru/Budh are in Magha. (4) You can wear Pushkaraaj for overall better luck & also Moti (white pearl) for Man:shanti. Hope this helps.
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| Monday, June 04, 2007 - 4:32 pm: |
मिलिन्द्जी तुम्हाला सगळ्या गोष्टीन्चे updates नक्की देत राहीन, आपण केलेल्या सगळ्या मार्गदर्शनासाठी अत्यन्त आभारी आहे!!!
MNC Thanks a lot for answering my queries!!
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| Tuesday, June 05, 2007 - 5:53 am: |
Dear Milindji Milindji ragawlaat kaa tumhi mazyawar jast prashna wichartey mhanun. Pan tumachi uttar manach samadhan karnaari aani khari astaat tyamule aapsukach punhaa punhaa prashan wicharayachi icchhaa hote. Please raag manun gheu naka (just kidding). Mazya lahan bahini baddal wicharleya prashnanchi uttare tantotnat khari tharalit. tyamule ajunahi kaahi janoon gyayachi icchha aahe. Please madat karal ashi apekhsaa. Tumhi sangitlya pramaane moti ghatalaa aahe tini aani pukharaj angathi karayala takli aahe. Tumhi kaahi heridity baddal sangnaar hotat. please sangana. Ti 12th madhe aslya mule khup kaalji watate. (deatils DOB : 29 March 91, Place : Nagpur Time 2.00 am) Ajun ek winanti .......... 1] Mi mazya madhalya bahiniche aani tichya navaryache details detey . Tyancha business aahe. Sadhya agadi chhan suru aahe. Don bhawancha milun business aahe. Ekatra kutumb padhatine rahatat. Pan pudhe kaahi problems yetil kaa (Business madhe ) tya saathi kaay karawe lagel. 2] Mazya bahinila nokariche kaahi chances aahet kaay. Tichya gharache tila nokari karu nakos gharacha business madhech help kar mhantaat. Pan pudhchya drushtine means in case if they have to face any dificult situation in business it will be better if she have a job. Please guide Bahiniche details : DOB : 30 Sept 1982 Time 5.30 PM Place : Nagpur Tichya Husb. Det: DOB : 30.07.1975 Time : 8.15 PM Place : Jabalpur (MP) Please Milindji ...........
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| Tuesday, June 05, 2007 - 7:34 am: |
mnc thanks a lot 21 march 06 07:55 a.m. place : dadar ल आम्हाला मुलगी झाली. आणि तुमच्या observation प्रमाणे त्यानंतर आम्ही rented falt घ्यायचा विचार चालू केला. July 06 ला आम्ही shift झालो देखिल. Sept 2005 to oct 2006 timeframe मधे घर घ्यायची बुद्धी होत होती पण पैश्यांची ताकद नव्हती. आतादेखिल जुनी जागा development सठी थोडी वादात आहे. म्हणावी तशी हालचाल होत नही आहे. मुलीच्या जन्मानंतर बर्याच गोष्टी ठरवू तशा घडू लागल्या आहेत. माझे भाग्य तर तीने उजळवले आहेच. माझ्या बाबतीत तुम्ही मांडलेला मुद्दा नं ३ मला पण पटला. तो जर elaborate केलत तर मला मजा वाटेल. once again thank u very very much.
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| Tuesday, June 05, 2007 - 8:52 am: |
SHAMLI: Aho nivval najarchukine bahutek durlaksha zhale ahe. Also (1) (2) ase mark kele nasalyamule mala watate mazhe durlaksha zhale aswe weg-wegalya prashankade. I will get back to you by EOD today. Manjud: Good to know the same. I will get back later with more observation and asnwer to your last question. ~Milind
मिलिंदजी, माझे आणि माझ्या मुलाचे detail परत देते आहे. काही general observation सांगाल का? मी job बदलला तर चालेल? माझे detail जन्म वेळ: ८:२० रात्री स्थान: मुंबई दिवस: २ डिसेंबर १९७६ मुलाचे details जन्म वेळ: ४:५० संध्याकाळ स्थान: मुंबई दिवस: २३ मार्च २००६ please reply
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| Tuesday, June 05, 2007 - 1:58 pm: |
Milind, Sorry, I misread your post. And jumped to conclusions. Tumhi sangitalela nervousness cha mudda agadi barobar aahe tichyababtit. Problem 2004 beginning la suru zala 2006 biginning la kami zala. Ajunahi kami pramanat aahe. Hanuman stotra ani raamraksha suru keli aahe.
mnc, Namaskar, mi barech varshanpasun ithe US madhe aahe. Pudhachya varshi mala India la parat jayache aahe. tyadrushtini aani job change chya drushtini margadarshan karaal ka? Maze details: DOB: Jan 3 1970 POB: Kolhapur TOB: 9:30 AM Dhanyavaad.
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| Tuesday, June 05, 2007 - 11:40 pm: |
Milindji uttarachi 9 jan pasun vaat baghtye ...kahi sangal ka..... Amey - birth date -5 th august 1983 birth time- 3.10 a.m day -friday birthplace - khopoli sadhya last year la aaahe ... naukri milel ka ani kadhi milel?? pudhey kahi shikshan aaahe ka ?? kuthlyaa field madhey yash aaaahe ..... ani baki yog kase aahet ??? shailesh - birth date - 8th june 1972 birth time -9.06 p.m pune about him need to knw when he will settle ...naukri ani lagna ya baddal jara sanga......lagna chey yog kadhi aaahet ??? try kela khup pan ajun kashat yash yet nahi ..naukrit yash ahe ki dhanda ..kahi sangu shakal ka?? khup jananni sangitla ki lagna jhala ki changli naukri milel pan naukri shivay kasa lagna honar?? milind ji plzzz baghun sanga na amhi khup hatash jhaloh ahot .
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| Wednesday, June 06, 2007 - 1:04 pm: |
[1] Manjud Aho, Mool, Magha wale jara KADAK Swabhavache asatat..most of the times people person nasatat ani Dscipline/shista etc etc tyanna jara jastach awadate. Also, Magha always wants to grand attention by Adal-apat, Moon by usaase, ragit najar, caustic comments etc. Thats it. [2] Shamli: Tumache ajahi rahat ahe tyabaddal kashama...udya nakki baghen [3] Malavika Good. Raam-Raksha and Hanuman-Puja are MAGICAL to ANY age-group. Lahanpanich mulanchi PATH karun takawi. [4] Chimee, Shrigopal, SwapnaNaik Kshama magato..Udya baghen mi...Need to leave now...
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| Thursday, June 07, 2007 - 2:58 am: |
Milindji, i am krushna from pune.i want to know about my career.i am an architect.so pl guide me about my careeer. my details date:18-10-78 Time:9.00pm Place:osmanabad
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| Thursday, June 07, 2007 - 5:04 am: |
Milindaji Namskaar, Tumhi mhanalaa hotat ki SHANI kaahitari shikau pahatoy. Agadi khare tharale. Ya ahtawadyat malaa khup mothi shikawan milaali. Agadi janmabhar na wisarta yayachi itaki. Tumhi sangitalya pramaane hanuman stotra suru kelay. saap disanyawar fayadaa hotoy. 1] SHANI cha mantra mhatalaa tar chalel kaa aani kiti wela mhanawa? 2] Amhalaa gaadi ghyayachi aahe , kevhaa ghene yogya tharel kaaran sadhyaa ADHIK mahinaa suru aahe mahnun wicharatey? Margdarshnabaddal aabhari ahe.
Namaskar Milindji. Mi punha ekada tumhala traas det aahe. mala mazya carrierbaddal prashna vicharayacha aahe. tase tumhi maage uttar dile hote. pan tarisudha kaahi shanka aahet. Milindji, mi sadhya Handloom Co. madhe Computer Operator mhanun job karat aahe. hi co. Central Government undertaking aahe pan mi ithe temporary base var nokarila aahe. tari mala hya nokarimadhe permanant honyache chances aahet ka? ki itar kuthe aahet? mi 1-2 thikani apply kele aahe State Gov. aani Centr. Gov. also. Genderchya hishobane mi sadhya karit aslela job mala uchit vaatato. tyamule in future ithech permanant zale tar phaarach chhaan hoil. tari krupaya tumhi uttar dyal ka? tumachya uttarachi vaat pahat aahe.