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| Tuesday, May 29, 2007 - 1:23 pm: |
नमस्कार मिलिन्द, तुमच्या वरील मेसेज वरुन मला असे वाटते की तुम्हाला इ मेल बघायला खुपच वेळ लागतो मग मी तुम्हाला इथेच माहिती देते. आम्ही सध्या इथे अमेरिकेत आहोत.परत भारतात जाण्याचा विचार आहे. विचारायचे इतकेच की आम्हाला तिथे जाणे कितपत योग्य आहे, मानसिक शान्ततेच्या द्रुश्टीने.तिथे अजुन आमचे स्वतचे घर नाही खरेतर कुठेच नाही तर तो योग कधी व कुठे आहे? आणि मला एक मुलगा आहे. तर दुसर्या मुलाचे योग कसे आहेत? मी खुप प्रश्ण विचारतेय.जमेल तेवढेच सान्गा. मागच्या वेळी तुम्ही माझ्या भावाविषयी सान्गितले होते त्यामुळे खुप धीर आला होता, त्यामुळेच पुन्हा एकदा तुम्हाला त्रास देत आहे. मी मिरज,महाराष्ट्र १० मार्च १९७९ सकाळी ६.५० नवरा पुणे १० सप्टेम्बर १९७२ सकाळी ४.२७
MNC mazya bhavacha sadhya lagnach baghat aahet . pan kalat nahiye kadhi jamel te ... aani ek manjhe tyala mangalachi mulagi baghavi ka ? mangal dosh aahe ka? bayko ...kashi milel ...carrier karanari ki ...? aani ek manjhe tyala pardeshi job milayche yog aahet ka? Please tumhi pahanar ka? Tyache details : Birth time : 4.28 sakali Birth date : 17 oct 1981 Place : Rajgurunagar,dist pune
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| Wednesday, May 30, 2007 - 7:11 am: |
Milindji, Majhi patrika baghal ka please? faar vichitra manasthit aahe. Geli 1.5 varshe nokari nahi milat. Navara supportive aahe, pan aata cofidence 0 jhala ahe. Interview milala tari, bolu shaken yachi khatri nahi. Mala kadhi naokari milel te sangu shakal ka? Mi CA madhye rahate. Majhe details khali aahet: Oct 17 - 1973 Sakali 7:30 am. Andheri Mumbai. Thank you so much. ST
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| Wednesday, May 30, 2007 - 2:01 pm: |
Lokaho..udya nakki baghato..Kaal/aaaj jara busy gela ahe.
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| Thursday, May 31, 2007 - 3:37 am: |
मिलिंद, खालिल माहितीवरून कृपया प्रकृती व इतर मार्गदर्शन करावे . जन्म ता . ३ / ४ मे १९४४ पहाटे ४ = १० जन्मस्थळ . मालवणनजिक . [ सिन्धुदुर्ग ]
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| Thursday, May 31, 2007 - 5:34 am: |
मिलिंदजी .. लिंक देतो माझ्या माहितीची ! पानाच्या एकदम खालच्या बाजुला आहे माहिती ! ह्त्त्प्://व्व्व.माय्बोलिॅओम्हित्गुज्मेस्सगेस०३३८४१२६३०१्त्म्ल?११८०४२७६३२ माणिक !
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| Thursday, May 31, 2007 - 5:47 am: |
Dear Milindji Tumhi mazya bahini baddalmahiti dili hoti aani kaahi ajun details - Reg Heridity sangnaar hotate? Ti 12th madhe aslya mule khup kaalji watate. please sangana (deatils DOB : 29 March 91, Place : NAgpur Time 2.00 am) 1] Mi mazya madhalya bahiniche aani tichya navaryache details detey . Tyancha business aahe. Sadhya agadi chhan suru aahe. Don bhawancha milun business aahe. Ekatra kutumb padhatine rahatat. Pan pudhe kaahi problems yetil kaa (Business madhe ) tya saathi kaay karawe lagel. 2] Mazya bahinila nokariche kaahi chances aahet kaay. Tichya gharache tila nokari karu nakos gharacha business madhech help kar mhantaat. Pan pudhchya drushtine means in case if they have to face any dificult situation in business it will be better if she have a job. Please guide Bahiniche details : DOB : 30 Sept 1982 Time 5.30 PM Place : Nagpur Tichya Husb. Det: DOB : 30.07.1975 Time : 8.15 PM Place : Jabalpur (MP) Please Milindji ...........
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| Thursday, May 31, 2007 - 1:24 pm: |
[1] Gobu: U r welcome. I am in Pune and not in Mumbai. Also, meeting would add very less value, of course u r welcoome to meet Mazhe profile chukiche hote, have updated it now. [2] Chui1 (1) Mala watate ki tumachya maintrinine 2008 madhyech lagna karawa (Aug 30, 1980 wali). Also koni Sept 2005 to Oct 2006 madhye bhetala asel tar he would be a good match. Fakta background check, medical check is necessary as Chandra is in pratiyog with Moon and HARSHAL (more damaging than mangal when with Mangal in 7th house to lagna/chandra). (2) Paytrika chhan ahe. Manasanchi olkah changali asel due to 3rd house shani and also 6th to Moon. (3) Sept 2027 farach chhan mahadasha ahet. Even after 2027 also career sathi farach chhan mahadasha ahe Raahu chi 18 varshe. So quliaty of life is very good overall. Marriage point of view should not take too much risk. Ata parat jasta wicharu naka...jamale tar Reading between the liines kara pun I won't be (rather don't) able to answer pointed question. It is not good to incur wrath of people I might be affected with some of the advices given to people here!
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| Thursday, May 31, 2007 - 1:26 pm: |
[3] Somesh Bayakochi exact wel pahije...ugach hawet teer marane baorbar nahi. Taripun he patate ka bagh! (1) It seems tila mangal nahi ani tumhala ahe, to sudhha 7th house la. (2) Tyanche HYA (6) graha sinvha raashit ahe so maan-apamaan chya bhavana jara teevra asatil (Shakyata). Family baddal bahimaan asel. (3) Tumachya patriket Sadhya Shukrawarun Shani jaat ahe (anshatmak NAHIYE pun) so mala watate ki July 2007 nanter situation would improve quite a bit. (4) You need to OVERALL clam down a bit as Mars is in 7th house & is aspected by Shani from 10th house. Don't force/extra pressurize her to do certain things as per your preference...thode jara samajun ghya! (5) Sadhya Shani mahadasha ahe which would go until March 2008. So July 2007 and MArs 2008 are the two stages from where your horoscope becomes a bit less coudy. (6) She is going to enter a phase of maturity from July 2007 to Sept 2009, where she will see her life filled with responsibilities and qa bit slow moving.. She will need to work on maturity and also situations would also demand that. Shani would be travelling over 6 planets in horoscope and that is never an easy period. Even Heart-trouble (if any) in the family would be highlighted in this period. (not to her -- but the family) Hope this helps.
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| Thursday, May 31, 2007 - 1:26 pm: |
[4] Chiron! 10 Caret cha pawala!!! -->> Ushnata wadhawanarach to! Lets look at the details: Tumache lagna-degree 13.45 yete ahe...i.e Mool nakshatra just (agadi just) sampale ahe...this could be wrong too if you are actually born 1/2 minutes back. Tumhacha chehera baghun changale kalel...MOOL nakshatra ani Purva-shadha madhye jameen asman farak ahe...Swabhav prachand badalel (1) Tumachi sadhya Shukra Mahadasha chalu ahe. Shukra Dhanu lagna and specially Mool nakshatrachya barach shatru ahe (mhanaje swabhav FAR wegale ahet). Tumacha Shukra swagruhi asala ani uchcha navamanshat asala tarihi Krittika madhyea ahe ani to sudhha 6th house la. Tyachyawar Shani chi Drushti ahe.. (2) So health issues w.r.t khane pine, Gala, Maan, Dole, Charabi are possible. (3) Raahu ani Mangal yuti with Shani also in 9th house shows possible problems to hips/maandi(legs). & in Sinvha raashi so could be heart issues too. (4) Tumhi powala thik ahe (actually garaj nahi) pun GOMED (Raahu) ani Pushkaraaj (tabyet + overall) ghalayachi mala jasta garaj watate. (5) From July 2007 to Sept 2009 Shastrakriya etc is possible as Shani would not only go over those 4 planets in Sinvha raashi but also aspect Shukra in 6th hosue and also make kendra-yog with Moon and Neptune. It will be also in pratiyog with Ketu and Mercury. (6) This period should be dealt with care i.e. NO Risks at all in any field: Bikes wihtotu helmet is a BIG NO!! Also other routine health check-ups and Baba Ramdeo is necessary! (7) In 2008 & 2010 Guru would give a LOT of feel good and reduce Saturn's effects and also improve health. (8) Even currently Raahu is in Kunbh and Ketu in Sinvha which is a bit of a issue for you whcih would resolve by May 2008. Hope this helps.
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| Thursday, May 31, 2007 - 1:40 pm: |
[5] Velachi [A] LAHAN BAHIN (1) Tumachi lahan bahinchi (Nov 1983) patrika barichashi complex watatey mala. Lagnesh is in 6th house with Ketu(not so good) and Guru(good). Yoga, khanyawer control etc are very much needed. (2) Tila mhana load nako ghewus jasta overall kuthalyahi goshtincha !! (3) She would do well with wearing Emerald in karangali and Lasanya (Cats eye) in Middle Finger I think. She would also do well by wearing MOTI in Karangali. (4) It is quite possible that she would be a love marriage which might be intercast. It is a possibility not certainty. (5) 2007 would be very good. 2009 would also be good. (6) 2011 would be the best period to find/get married to avoid intercast (if she wants to) or simply to have a more traditional and traditionally successful marriage. Hope this helps. [B] TUMACHE (1) Ekdum Kadak Mool nakshatra ahe! Good! Swabbhav baryapaiki straightforward and blunt asel. (2) 2007 would be very good due to aspect of Guru on Ravi/Shukra and Mercury. It will also reduce ill effects of Harshal. (3) Due to Harshal placement (Don't know exact degree) but is in paratiyog with Shukra & is in 4th house --> It is advisable to do a background check, physical check before marriage. 2007 is a very good yoga for it if not already. (4) Overall a Raajyopkarak horoscope due to Mars in 9th hosue in swagruhi for Sinvha ascendant. VERY Good. (5) Tumachya nanter khara mhanaje 1983 la Bhawu whayala hawa hota..quite .a bit surprised that you had a sister in 1983. May be 1982 was better for Brother and 1983 better for Sister as Guru aspected Mars in 82 and Shukra(3rd owner) in 83. Anyways! (6) Take care of eyes..chashama laagu shakel pudhe-maage. (7) 2030 paryanta mahadasha chhanach ahet. Tyananaterahi sudha changalech ahe but very good until 2030. (8) Tumhi Pushkaraaj ani Moti ghatala tar fayada hoil.
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| Thursday, May 31, 2007 - 1:45 pm: |
[6] Mankya (1) Tumhala Match thode awaghd jate ka ho..unless heriditary well in maths, you must be struggling a bit with it! (2) Neelam waparat ahaat te changale ahe. Shani lagnesh ahe ani to Mangalabarobar 8th house la ahe. Tumachya nanter ekhade miss-carriage whayachi shakyata hoti matroshreenna. (3) Tumacha swabhav/disane aai-kadachyansarakhe ahe ka? (4) Tumhi Budh mahadasha asalyamule Paachu ghalayala harakar nahi. Will help with trading, jameen humala etc.. Bagha jasta kharcha karu naka pun! (5) Tumhala Sept 2005 to Oct 2006 changali Match milayachi shakyata hoti. Even now it is not a bad time at all. Shkyato kalaji ghawi karan Shukra MEsh madhye Mesh navamanshat ahe. Tumachi lagnachya weli decision ghetanna farach gammat uadanar ahe..(Total Confusion) (6) Any specific question??
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| Thursday, May 31, 2007 - 1:48 pm: |
[7] Rutu_Hirawa (1) Aho 2007 madhye changali match milanyacha DanDanit yog ahe. I am sure it will work out. (2) Tumhi protectioon sathi Lasanya ghalayal aharakat nahiye. Middle finger (KEtu 8th la mangal barobar ahe) (3) July 2007 paryanta shkyato 2 wheeler tala...basawech lagale tar HELMET IS A MUSSSSSSTTTTTTT Hope this helps.
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| Thursday, May 31, 2007 - 2:00 pm: |
[8] ASHU [a] TUMHI (1) Sadhya tumhi sadesati madhye ahat. Chandrabarobar Guru chya presence mule madhali adhich varshe OK geli sort of (2) but now from July 2007 to Sept 2009 in my opinion, Sadesatiche chatake thode jasta basayachi shakyata ahe. So tenvha DHEER dhara ani dheer sodu naka..deal with good TEMPARAMENT. NamSmaran ani Kuladewatache smaran karun KHUP fayada hoil. (3) Tumachya patriketala gharacha yog baherach disato (paradesh). July 2007 nanter chanagale ahe yog ani BEST yog would be in 2009 (per your horoscope). (4) Hope this helps. [b] NAVARA (1) Hyachyahi patriket July 2007 to Sept 2009 thodese "testing" watatayat. Faar mothya Risks nakot in my opinion. (2) He will enter sadesati and his initial 2.5 years would be most troublesome, rest would be ok. (3) He might have developed habit of easy income and easy life over last 7.5 and specially last 5 years, the life wouldn't be that easy for next say 3 years or so. (4) 2009 would be very good and long pending work will be done. 2009 seems to be the best from both the horoscopes for ghar ani some other things. [c] Dusara Mulaga: His Guru is in 6th hosue in Mool nakshatra ani is in Dhanu raashi. ==> 2009 would be the best For you 2009 would be very good for delivery.. So I guess 2008 for conception and 2009 for delivery would be good...well u can't plan that well but still! ****IMP: For 2nd kidm it is always best to check horoscope of the 1st Kid...So send those details... Above data would not be useful unless we check 1st Kid's horoscope.**** [d] Mahadasha wise you are both ok as Guru for him from 2000 and Shukra for you from 2007. So both are fine.
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| Thursday, May 31, 2007 - 2:05 pm: |
[9] Ankulkarni (1) 2007 is the best to find and marry as Guru is 7th to moon and going over Shukra and also reducing illeffects of Harshal (details not with me, but I guess it might have travelled to Vrushchik). (2) But I think as Saturn is with saptamesh and also aspecting 7th house and also Venus, the marriage is better done a bit late, say after 27, 28 or so. So I would suggest even 2009 as the best year for marriage. (3) If his b-time is even 2 minutes early then still observations is still valid but would change the horoscope QUITE a bit.
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| Thursday, May 31, 2007 - 2:20 pm: |
[10] Sis_Trio (1) Although 2007 is also good to find job, get good returns from share market and real estate etc, I think 2008 would be THE BEST to find a great job. From Nov 2007 itself you would start seeing improvement. (2) May 2008: Raajyogkarak mahadasha would start and help further. (3) You should try to be optyimistic, reduce pessimism and alas which is caused by Ketu-Chandra Anshatmak yuti. Also Zhural--paal etc la ghabarane soda... Fear of unknown is something you need to get rid of. (4) Lahan pani sudhha andharala etc ghabarat asal... Try to slowly get rid of such thoughts. Mars is in Aries (Mesh) & it certainly shows Dhadashi nature but this yuti causes temparament issues which need to be dealt with over a period of time. Hope this helps. [11] GurudasB From 1999 Shani mahadasha is going on. Shani is with Mars and in Mangal's nakshatra in 4th house and in Mithun raashi. (1) This could show issues to Lungs, arms and/or Blood contents (diabetes and thyroid etc). This at times also shows broken arm in childhood or even a accident/fracture to mother/father. (2) Lagnesh Guru is in Uchcha rasshi which is VERY good but is with Raahu and currently Shani is going over it until 2007. (3) After July 2007, there would be some improvement w.r.t health (but it also starts the sadesati -- careful w.r.t investment, expenditure etc) (4) Feb 2012 to April 2013 could be a bit troublesome and there could be a need for surgory (just a probability) (5) 2008 would be a improvement as Guru would be aspecting Shani and Managal from 10th house in Dhanu raashi with full force. 2009 would be good as Guru would aspect Guru with full force. Hope this helps.
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| Thursday, May 31, 2007 - 2:21 pm: |
Hushaaa! Barech replies takale ahet...Fatigue zhala thoda...I will check tomorrow if there is any descripancy...
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| Thursday, May 31, 2007 - 4:18 pm: |
Namaskar Milind, Sorry to repost..tumchya replies chya sapatyat, miss jhala asel post. Jamlyas uttar dya. Thanks as always Guru dashechya info baddal dhanyavaad. Saunchee (baikoche details aadhicha post madhe aahet) shukra dasha kashi jael? parat aggau pana (shukra swakshetrat pun 6 vyat with ketu aahe). mahiti baddal aabhari aahe ~deedam
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| Thursday, May 31, 2007 - 6:09 pm: |
Namskar Milind, mi majhya muliche details det aahe. general patrika kashi vatate. I am expecting a child in july, mulichya patrikevarun for a fun genral gender guess deu shakal ka..khar mhanaje mala mahit aahe mulaga aahe ki mulagi pan maja mhanun cross check karat aahe I hope u don't mind. DOB: 17th October 2002 TOB: 11.24 PM POB: Mountain View,CA, USA
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| Thursday, May 31, 2007 - 6:21 pm: |
मिलिन्द्जी एवढा वेळ काढून, मार्गदर्शन केल्याबद्दल शतश्: आभारी आहे, तूम्ही दिलेल्यापैकी सगळेच पटले, माझ्या बहिणीची पत्रिका आधी दाखवलि होति तेव्हा असच सन्गितल होत, त्यामुळे तुम्ही exactly काय म्हणत आहात ते कळल, पण तब्येती विशयी थोडस elaborate करुन सान्गाल का? म्हणजे कुठल्या प्रकारचे त्रास सम्भवतात? पुन्हा एकदा मनापासून आभार.
चोखंदळ ग्राहक |
महाराष्ट्र धर्म वाढवावा |
व्यक्तिपासून वल्लीपर्यंत |
पांढर्यावरचे काळे |
गावातल्या गावात |
तंत्रलेल्या मंत्रबनात |
आरोह अवरोह |
शुभंकरोती कल्याणम् |
विखुरलेले मोती |
हितगुज गणेशोत्सव २००६ |