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| Wednesday, May 09, 2007 - 2:12 pm: |
Chui: Maayboli Mail ne reply pathawala ahe. Sheshnag: B-date, b-time, b-place post kara...asa sangeev patrikevarun bhavishya sangane barobar nahi...
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| Wednesday, May 09, 2007 - 2:20 pm: |
PRADY: 2007 is very good & So is 2009. 2008 would okie-dokie. I think pharmacy is good as Guru is in own rashi of meen in 10th house (own business) & current mahadasha is that of Shukra which is in 6th house (Rog-sthan). Its owner is also oin 12th house (Anyonya yog). So both the fields are good to do something on your own. Tumacha lagnesh Mercury is wakri in 8th hosue. I think you can wear BOTH Paachu in Karangali & Pushkaraaj in chafekali (next to thumb). Pushkaraaj Guruwari sakali 6 to 7 or just after Suryoday ghala. Paachu on Budhwaar after suryoday. 3 caret is good enough or even 2.xx should be fine. Hope this helps. YOGA is imp for you as lagnesh is in 8th house and that too wakri and last 2 year Shani has been opposite to Sun and Mercury. You were in MINIMAL profile in last 2 years & must have heard/suffered quite a bit that affected your EGO...It will soon improve after July when Saturn moves out of Kirk raashi. Anyways, you need to work on handling relations with seniors a bit better and also subordinates too --> Saturn Wakri in pratiyog with Sun. Basically don't do anything to do with Govt. It won't give great results.
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| Wednesday, May 09, 2007 - 3:18 pm: |
मिलिंद धन्यवाद. पण रोगस्थान आणी अन्योन्य योग म्हणजे काय. काही शारिरीक हानी अथवा तत्सम दर्शवतं का हे.
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| Wednesday, May 09, 2007 - 6:24 pm: |
mnc, my daughter dob-14 march 2007 place- fremont,san francisco time- 18:47 (day light saving time) general prediction sangnar ka? thanks in advance
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| Wednesday, May 09, 2007 - 7:40 pm: |
मी आधी एकदा विचार्ले होते, तेव्हा तुम्ही उत्तर दिले होते, पण जरा सविस्तर माहिती हवी होती. सन्तति बद्दल प्रश्न होता. किती आपत्ये आहेत, ही महीति हवी होती? दोघनचे पनचमेश नीचीचे आहेत, बाय्कोचा पनचमेश आठ्व्यात आहे. त्यामुळे डीनायल ची केस आहे का ही शन्का होती. डीटेल्स मि: ८ ज़ानेवारी १८७१ १:४६ मूम्बई, बायको: ११ जुलाय १९७४ १८:१५ मूम्बई उत्तरासाठी आभारी आहे
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| Thursday, May 10, 2007 - 7:22 am: |
hi milind, thanks for the reply.. mala please bakichya prashananchi pan uttara dya na..ajun kahi sanga na thoda detail madhe..sorry mi trass dete ahe.. 1) doghanchi health,progeny ,longetivity,precautions. 2) doghanchya careers,onsite opportunities,money,married life. 3) effect of sade sati on him,girl and their families ,what is janmastha sade sati? 4) His relations with his parents and vice versa. 5) Any bad effect of this marriage on anyone in their immediate families.Father has sadesati (Mithun) tyani kahi pooja,namsmaran,shanti etc karavi ka hya difficult kalatun shanti milavayala? please mala private mail kara.. abhari chui
Milindji, Thanks for reply. mi tumhala mazya Mr. aani mulache details det aahe. tumachya personal mailvar detail dilele aahet tari sudha milale nasel tar ithe det aahe. Mulache Detail Date of birth : 14/2/2006 Birth Time : 3.25 p.m. Birth place: navi mumbai, nerul Mr. detail Date of birth : 17/7/1979 Birth time : 11-11.30 (not sure pan night 11 te 11.30 darmyan aahe ase Sasubai sangataat. Birth place : Mumbai, Mulund krupaya lavakar kalavaave. kaahi upay asel tar tehi kalavaave.
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| Thursday, May 10, 2007 - 12:03 pm: |
Chui: Mulachya family madhye heart trouble chi history ahe ka? There could be some trouble (not to him) from July 2007 to Sept 2009. I think his marriage yoga is a bit knewed and not easily answered as he has Shani and Mangal along with Shukra and Chandra in 7th house. As Shani & Mangal are also with CHnarda and Shukra and aspecting 7th house from them...the issue gets more importance. 2008 would be good for him to have kids As Guru would be aspecting Guru in 5th house. TYachya wadilachya sadesaticha kahi sambandh nahiye. Baki overall career etc are good only as he has Ravi Guru yog and she also has a good horoscope. She has better travel yog trhan him. 2008 would be good for both of them from travel point of view. Hope this helps. ~Milind
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| Thursday, May 10, 2007 - 12:16 pm: |
Vaishali30 Mulachi patrika chhan ahe ani tyat kahi vishesh issues disat nahiyet mala w.r.t father...only that the owner of Ravi's sign is wakri. Owner of 10th is also well placed in 5th house and not ill-aspected. So no clues from this horoscope!! Navara: Hyanchya Aai chya family madhye kahi Heart Trouble chi histroy ahe ka? They will need to be carerful from July 2007 to Sept 2009 in this regard. He can wear Raahu's anagathi in middle finger in SIlver (Gomed) for protection. Mangal 3rd madhye in Rohini and Shukra also in Gemini...Khara mhanaje faar kahi issues nakot. Jari baher kahitari asalyachi shakyata ahe pun ti sudhha farach KAMI ahe...So I am not getting any strong reasons for your problem from either his or your Son't horoscope. Only issue is that he has Harshal 7th to his Moon sign. As discussed the issues is indicated in your horoscope...(wrong choice at times when married before age of 27/28 for Girls). So I suggest some Guruupasana. Please read my previous post about upasana that I had posted...I am sure it will help. I think the situation would improve much better after July 2007. From May 2005 to Sept 2007 your husband didn't have the best time & might have had some EGO getting hurt etc. His ascendant is Meen and Sun Sign Cancer....he is VERY sensitive despite what the moon sign of aries suggests. So you may want to keep that in mind. HIs mercury is in Ashlesha and at times such people after getting hurt could go to extremes for "some time" but not always. I think he will be back for his Son/kids. His kids would be THE BEST thing is his life..he wouldn't be able to live without them.
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| Thursday, May 10, 2007 - 12:29 pm: |
Hi Milind, Thanks for the reply..heart trouble cha vi4run sangin..lagna karayachach asel tar tya doghani kenvah karava..lagna kelyamule konacha bara vait nahi na honar... also mulila kahi health probs ahe ka??? mulacha ani mulicha ayushyayog kasa ahe,tyana doghana family cha support/sukh ahe ka..
ओके! DoB : 26 October 1965 PoB: Jhansi (UP) जन्मवेळ सकाळी ७.२० वा. प्लिज लवकर कळेल तर बरे होईल. धन्यवाद!
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| Thursday, May 10, 2007 - 6:10 pm: |
मिलिंदजी, तुम्हाला हितगुज ई मेल आयडी वर एक मेल केली होती. कृपया जमले तर उत्तर द्या, धन्यवाद!
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| Thursday, May 10, 2007 - 6:30 pm: |
namaskar milindji maaz naw vaishali janma wel 4.30 p.m.22feb 1971 Pune I want to know about job opportunity and general future prediction thanks
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| Friday, May 11, 2007 - 5:14 am: |
milindji... 6 oct ani 8 jan la maza queation takala hota.uttarachi ajunahi vaat pahat ahe.... link ithe deu ka? /cgi-bin/hitguj/discus.cgi?pg=prev&topic=103384&page=117796 baghun uttar deu shakal ka?please haan.. ata amhi bharatat alo ahot..job search chaluch ahe..kadhi milel job..bharatat rahu ka parat america madhe jau..corporate job asel ki teaching cha..ajunahi US chya university kadun uttar yet nahiye...kaam ugachach adakun rahilay....to job milel ka? please pahal ka?
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| Friday, May 11, 2007 - 6:14 am: |
नमस्कार मिलींदजी, तुमच्या हितगुज मेल आयडीवर एक मेल टाकली आहे दोन दिवसांपूर्वी. कृपया गाइड करा. धन्यवाद.
Hi Milindji, tumachya personal id var mail dili aahe. krupaya tyache uttar mala mazya personal mailvar dilet tar bare hoil. ha public forum aslyamule mi tumachya personal mailvar sampark karat aahe. tari krupaya lakshya dyal hi apeksha.
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| Sunday, May 13, 2007 - 7:20 am: |
Mandali, Ghari internet nasalyamule Mala Gmail access karayala tras hoto ani also cafe la gele tar tithe Jyotishce s/w nahiye mazhe patrika baghayala/generate karayala!! Mi jasa wel milel tase te prashan baghun nanter mails taaken... Aaj uttare dyayacha prayatna karin mi hya paanvarachya prashnanna... PRAYATNA karat raha...!!! FAL milanarach!! Bagha UP Results: MAYAWATI ne kasala JABARA tond fodale ahe sagalya JyotishBHASKAR lokanche! 
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| Monday, May 14, 2007 - 6:31 am: |
Hi Milind, Can you please give some detailed analysis for the girl and boy.both are doing jobs, been onsite,economically settled as such. Want to know about good phases,bad phases,accidents,progeny related problems,family related issues like relationship with bro/sis ,parents,estate etc ..any general precautions.
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| Monday, May 14, 2007 - 6:44 am: |
मिलींदजी, तुम्ही मूळ नक्षत्रात जन्मलेल्या व्यक्तिंबद्दल काही सांगु शकाल का? म्हणजे आपल्याकडे मूळ नक्षत्राबद्दल एवढी भिती का असते? मी तर असे ऐकले आहे की हे नक्षत्र गायीचे असते. काही ठिकाणी ह्या व्यक्तिंची पूजा करतात पण काही ठिकाणी तर एकदम दूजा भाव आढळतो. असे का?
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| Monday, May 14, 2007 - 9:51 am: |
Manjud मूळ नक्षत्रासंबंधी माझी माहिती आषाढ , भाद्रपद , आश्विन व माघ ह्या चार महिन्यात मूळ नक्षत्र स्वर्गी असते . श्रावण , कार्तिक , चैत्र व पौष ह्या महिन्यात भूमीवर असते . फ़ाल्गुन , मार्गशीर्ष , वैशाख व ज्येष्ठ ह्या महिन्यात पाताळी असते . हे मूळ ज्या ठिकाणी असते तेथेच त्याचे फ़ळ जाणावे . स्वर्गी व पाताळी असता अपत्य जन्मास आले तर अनिष्ट नाही . म्हणजे श्रा , का , चै , पौ या महिन्यात जन्म असता मूळ नक्षत्राचा दोष असतो . म्हणजे ह्या महिन्यात जन्म असता शांती केलीच पाहिजे . तसेच मुलगा असल्यास मौंजी बंधनानंतर मूळ नक्षत्राचा दोष रहात नाही . असे मुहुर्त मार्तंड ग्रंथात म्हटले आहे . मूळ नक्षत्रावर जन्म झाला असता त्याची सर्व साधारण फ़ले नक्षत्र आरंभापासून ४ , ७ , १० , ८ , ९ , ५ , ६ , ११ , असे घटिकांचे भाग पाडून पहिल्या ४ घटीत जन्म... मूलनाशक . पुढील ७ घटीवर हानी व धन नाश , त्यापुढील १० घटी भ्रात्यावर संकट , त्यापुढील ८ घटीवर मातृ संकट , त्यापुढील ९ घटी परीवार संकट त्यापुढील ५ घटीवर राज्यप्रिय , पुढील ६ घटीवर राज्यपद [ मंत्री वा उच्चपद ] , पुढील ११ घटीवर अल्पायुषी योग . काही ग्रंथात ह्या फ़लांच्या घटी अनुक्रमे ७ , ८ , १० , ११ , १२ , ५ , ४ , ३ अशा दिल्या आहेत . मिलिंदजी अधिक माहिती देऊ शकतील .
चोखंदळ ग्राहक |
महाराष्ट्र धर्म वाढवावा |
व्यक्तिपासून वल्लीपर्यंत |
पांढर्यावरचे काळे |
गावातल्या गावात |
तंत्रलेल्या मंत्रबनात |
आरोह अवरोह |
शुभंकरोती कल्याणम् |
विखुरलेले मोती |
हितगुज गणेशोत्सव २००६ |