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| Friday, August 25, 2006 - 3:40 am: |
MNC/Mooni, As per your request mi parat post kartoy. Date :17/05/1977 Time:13:30 PM Place: Mumbai Questions: 1) I am looking for a promotion in the current job any better time to ask for it? I was thinking of November second week? Do you suggest any better time? 2) I am quiet ambitious and want to reach on TOP in the field I am working currently. I work for a investment bank in Singapore as business analyst, which is fairly senior position however I want to be Head-IT, CTO or CIO of a large bank. 3) Is there a better time to change this job and get a better opening? Any good time for that? 4) I am married. Hows is my overall marital life and happiness in terms of children? I don’t have any children yet. 5) Any yogas in my chart such as Rajyoga etc. 6) Overall financial position & If I would be able to buy a large house for myself? Thanks
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| Saturday, August 26, 2006 - 12:20 pm: |
GODMMODE (1) I guess that you would hear something about promotion until this Oct 2006. Basically even 2007 is good for promotion etc so watchout and keep trying. (2) The 12 months time after Oct 2006 will be GREAT one at workplace and would improve relations with seniors which could be a little strained at times. This will improve your position and HALO factor until Nov 2007 and then in 2008 you coudl see a BIG promotion. 2009 again would be a so-so but 2010 would be a HUGE one. (3) Venus Marcs close...! Is it s love marriage? Did you meet when Guru was in Kanya i.e. from August 2004 to Sept 2005? I think the married life would be above average but Shani is 12th house show that there could be some health issues to partner (Your and/or partner's Eyes?) (4) Currently you are under Raahu mahadasha which is a good sign as Raahu is in 3rd house but its owner is in 8th house but uchcha raashi, shows good money with less efforts. (5) Raajypg karak mangal is in 8th hosue so Raajyog is not there but it shows (relatively) easy money... (6) Yes VERY good financially...home front development could start next year itself...
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| Saturday, August 26, 2006 - 12:28 pm: |
[2] SWATI SIster (1) Swati, lagnache chances atta Oct paryanta khupach changale ahet as Guru going over Chandra Guru in patrika and also aspecting Shukra in aries rashi in patrika. However, at the time of marriage there couldb be anxiety from her side when saying "yes" she will have a difficult time regardles if a boy is good bad etc etc (2) I see some issues w.r.t Stomache, right eye and also reproductive organs. These issues need to be dealt with and checked upon. (3) Current mahadasha of mercury would be good overall as it is in 4th house and also owenr of 5th house but as it is wakri and also owner of 8th house, Mangal and Shani antradasha could be an issue. (4) Lagnesh in 8th house with Mars; Sept 2009 to Mar 2012 are to be watched Health wise (stomache, eyes, relationships with siblings) (5) There could have been a miscarrige that happened to your mother (if chance taken) after your sister....not a certainty but a probability...just checking. if not until this October 2008 would be VERY good for marriage and also 2010.
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| Saturday, August 26, 2006 - 12:43 pm: |
[3] NILESHNILESH You are going to have THE BEST 13 months in your life from Oct 2006 to Nov 2007. Lots of plans would materialize during this time including SHIKSHAN and career. Hope this helps. TRY VERY HARD right now. Basically Guru will go over Guru and also 7th to a lot of planets in the 3rd house (in Vrushabh rashi). This is going to be GRRRREAT ! 
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| Saturday, August 26, 2006 - 12:44 pm: |
[4] NIT29 (1) MALAK: Patriket Ravi Budh MUL nakshatrat ahet & that too in complete Kendra yog of Saturn with Saturn's 10th drushti on them. This shows that the person would have better life afetr 30. ALso Makar lagna shows life after 30 to be a good one. (2) From 1992 to 2012 you are under Shukra mahadasha which should be good w.r.t monthly income/self dhanda etc. (3) Saturn aspecting mercury (in Mul to begin with!) shows Mama che kinva mamakadun or Aaichya relative che kahitari issues. (Mercury shows mama) Also Ravi is father and again 12th house Mula nakshatra and Staurn's drushti shows some health issues to father maybe loss/staying away from father for some time early in life etc etc BASICALLY, doing what you are doing for a long time and keep doing it WILL certainly help you. 2012 to 2018 would be a testing time and although prestige will go up there could be some setbacks. Saturn ini 3rd house is VERY powerful and also owner of 1st house is a great thing but its owner is not supporting it (Guru in 8th house i\Wakri in Sinvha) I suggest a BHALA MOTHA Pushkaraj (if possible), use of saphhire color (piwala etc), Guruwar upawas and Guru namsmaran will help you. Khada nahi ghetala tar chalel opun Guruwar, Gurucharitra ani namsmaran chalu thewa. 2018 to 2028 is going to be GREAT wr.t money & people contact etc overall a GREAT period, even until 2012 is a good one.
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| Saturday, August 26, 2006 - 3:43 pm: |
Thanks MNc for your analysis. Tumcha abhari ahe. Ani hya board la. Ganapati chya hardik shubheccha..
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| Sunday, August 27, 2006 - 5:27 pm: |
MNC, Thank you very much for the response. Actually tumhi mhanta te ekdum barobar ahe tila potache khoop tras hotat. Kahi kelya wajan wadhatch nahi. Mala actually ankhin thode prashna hote, Please uttar dyal? 1. Ti kuthe settle hoil. Indiat ki dusri kade kuthe. (me wa mazha bhau US madhye ahe mhanun watte ki ti pan ithe yavi) 2. Also navra changle milel na? 3. Mala ekane sangitla ki Mulgi maglik ahe. Pan baki sarva mhantat ki manglik nahi ahe. Please clarify karal? Thank you very much in advance... Swati
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| Monday, August 28, 2006 - 5:53 am: |
`अहो संयोजक, कुठे चालला एवढ्या घाइत? झाली का तयारी गणेशोत्सवाची? काय स्पर्धा आहेत हो?` घाई घाइत चाललेल्या संयोजकाला बघताच एक मायबोलीकराने त्याला हटकलेच. संयोजक (मनातल्या मानात) `वैताग, या आयडीने अगदी उच्छाद मांडला आहे. एक संधी सोडत नाही टोचून बोलायची` (प्रत्यक्षात) `काय सांगू तुम्हाला. मंडपाची व्यवस्था, सजावट, स्पर्धा ही सगळीच कामे आहेत. ऐनवेळी कलाकार तर सोडच बाकीचे संयोजक पण सापडत नाहीत हो. ` उच्छाद देणारा आयडी : `पण स्पर्धा काय आहेत? त्या कुठे आहेत? मला फार उत्सुकता आहे.` तावडीत सापडलेला संयोजक : `ते जावूदे हो. हा नं. १ संयोजक कुठे गेला काय माहीत` उ. दे. आ. : `अरे वा! नंबरी संयोजक आहेत तर.` ता. सा. सं. : `काय चेष्टा करता राव. ते सुद्धा खर्या आयडीने. पण तुम्हाला म्हणून सांगतो. या बारीला फार काही वेगळे नाहीये. स्पर्धा जर वेगळ्या आहेत एवढेच.` उ. दे. आ. : `म्हणजे नक्की काय आहे.` ता. सा. सं. : `मला कळले ना की मी नक्की कळविन तुम्हाला. तुम्ही आहात ना इथेच?` उ. दे. आ. : `स्पर्धेचे जावुदे यावेळी काही नाविन्य आहे की नाही?` ता. सा. सं. : `हो आहे ना. या वर्षी मंडपासाठी खड्डे खणायचे पैसे वाचल्याने आम्ही त्या पैशात `रस्ता दाखवा, ईनाम मिळवा` अशी अभिनव स्पर्धा घेत आहोत. उ. दे. आ. : `हो का अरे वा वा.` (मनात) खड्ड्यात जाणार बहूतेक मंडळ. ता.सा. सं : (मोबाईलवर) `काय सांगतेस? स्पर्धांची घोषणा झाली सुद्धा?` (मनात)इथे आम्हाला त्याचा पत्ता सुद्धा नाही.` उ.दे.आ. कडे वळून. `अहो शुक शुक. झाल्या स्पर्धा चालू. इकडे जा म्हणजे तुम्हालाही भाग घेता येईल. गणेशोत्सव स्पर्धा कुणी विचारले मी कुठे आहे तर काही बोलू नका हं.`
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| Monday, August 28, 2006 - 6:04 am: |
Sanyojak: Jara wegalyach discussion group la alele disatayat! SWATI:: ====> Swati, Mangal ahe tila pun farach soumya ahe. Pravas sthanat chandra guru (9) ani shukra (3) asalyamule pravasache chances far STRONG ahet. Navara changala milawa ani pudhachya Nov paryanta milanyche chances sure shot ahet.
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| Monday, August 28, 2006 - 4:04 pm: |
Thank you very much I really appreciate your time and effort. Thanks again. Swati.
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| Tuesday, August 29, 2006 - 5:34 pm: |
mnc mi tumhla mail keli ahe. please check your mail box, plus mala ek prashn hota vrushchik ani meen rashichi satesati kadhi suru hoil te sangu shakal ka? thx
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| Wednesday, August 30, 2006 - 5:45 am: |
Rajasi (1) Email check karane awaghad ahe. Tumhi prashna ithe takala tar uttar post na karata email ne athawu shaken mi... (2) Vrushchik la ajun 6.5 years ahet sadesati suru whayala. i.e. 2015 madhye hoil suru. Meen la LAI varsha ahet...15 almost before sadesati starts.
hello mnc khalee maze v mazya bahiniche details det ahe taree aamhala aamchya career baddal margdarshan karave.. details detana te janmtarikh raas janmavel and birth place ase det aahe. mee: 23 rd december 1980 kark sandhyakalee 7.20 solapur (sadhya job karte aahe pan to change karnyasathee changlee vel kontee he have aahe) mazee bahin: 26 th june 1987 mithun sakalee 7.20 kolhapur (sadhya shikte aahe pan bhavishyat post graduation che chances kitpat aahet,nokree karel kee business etc goshtee kalalya tar bare hoil. )
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| Wednesday, August 30, 2006 - 4:01 pm: |
MNC, My details birthday 6 oct. 78 birthtime 8.15 am birthplace Mumbai when will I be able to become mother?
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| Thursday, August 31, 2006 - 5:45 am: |
Rajasi, Have sent a private message for the same. Usually we post it here as it helps people learnign jyotish and cases can be discussed, if you are OK I can post the message I sent you (let me know), won't post if you don't want me to. ~Milind
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| Thursday, August 31, 2006 - 10:42 am: |
Mnc - Ekhadya patrikevarun tya vyaktichaa odhaa astrology, mystic, esoteric studies kade aahe ke kase olakhaave ? Ani also if he/she will have capacity to master the art ?
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| Thursday, August 31, 2006 - 10:51 am: |
Mona: Have asnwered this before: Guru in Kendra : Both to lagna and chandra (1, 4, 7, 10 from lagna and/or chandra) Planets in 4th, 8th & 12th house. Mercury in Gemini or 3rd & 5th house, Neptune in 3rd/5th house. Ravi in 5th house. Planets with Raahu/Ketu, Neptune in lagna rashi etc etc etc... basically 4, 8, 12 houses are very imp to understand phylosophy, psychology & Jyotish in general. (Moksha Trikon)
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| Thursday, August 31, 2006 - 10:52 am: |
BTW December 2010 is not going to tough for USA....TOo many planets in MOOL nakshatra in Dhanu rashi...
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| Thursday, August 31, 2006 - 12:44 pm: |
thank you MNC. I think you can post the message. I will not mind. It really help me and gave me hope. thank you
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| Thursday, August 31, 2006 - 1:10 pm: |
Thanks MNC. Do you think I have it in me ? I am extremely (E.X.T.R.E.M.E.L.Y.) attracted to astrology, esoteric studies and deep sympathy/empathy for human suffering. Can't really seem to enjoy any material pleasures... always depressed and dejected with life and trying to find "answers" to WHY things happen to me and this instaiable quest has led me to study of astrology about 3 years back. Do my planets show such a quest and will I succeed in my studies ? Details are:- 11th Oct 1971, Mumbai(Dadar), 9.15 am.
चोखंदळ ग्राहक |
महाराष्ट्र धर्म वाढवावा |
व्यक्तिपासून वल्लीपर्यंत |
पांढर्यावरचे काळे |
गावातल्या गावात |
तंत्रलेल्या मंत्रबनात |
आरोह अवरोह |
शुभंकरोती कल्याणम् |
विखुरलेले मोती |
हितगुज गणेशोत्सव २००६ |