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Archive through February 12, 200119 02-12-01  5:10 pm

Shashya (Shashya)
Thursday, February 15, 2001 - 11:58 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

jamale rrreeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!

shevati 4-5 multiple exposure photo kadhalyavar 1 photo vyavasthit jamala. ani lakshat ale ki multiple exposure try karatana dark background asane kiti mahatvache ahe.

Anandi (Anandi)
Friday, May 18, 2001 - 12:28 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

maI pNa yaa xao~at navaIna Aaho . Aaplyaalaa pNa Cna fÜtÜ kaQata yaavao Asao naohmaI malaa vaatto . pna fÜtÜ kaQauna Jaalao kI %yaacao halat phata kmaora kpaTat qaovaavaa vaattÜ.
malaa kÜnaI madt kra@la ka.
maaJyaa kDo
yashica fx-3 super aahe. AaiNa %yaacao zoom yashica mc 75-200/4.5( yashica lanse(macro) malaa normal photo kaQaayacao Aaho mhNajao ipkinak cao Garcao baagacao AaiNa sakalao Garat jaÜ p`kaXa yaotÜ %yaat fÜtÜ kaQaayacao Aaho . maI kÜNatoaperture and shutter kXao vaaprayacao to malaa kÜiNa saangaala ka..
lance is 35-70 mm and aperture aahe 3.5,5.6,8,11,16,22 yaat malaa ksao fÜtÜ kaQata yaotIla. kÜNaI krola ka madt??

Anandi (Anandi)
Wednesday, May 23, 2001 - 7:37 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

calaa malaa vaaTlao hÜto kÜiNa madt krola pNa tsao kahI dIsat naahI.
navaIna laÜkanaa AapNa madt krt naahI ho klalao.
maayabaÜlaIcao Qanyavaad. navaIna laÜkanaa Aapna saamaavauna Gaot naahI . tovha cauk JaalaI kI kaya yao]na maayabaÜlaIvar

Deepti_W (Deepti_W)
Wednesday, May 23, 2001 - 7:14 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

aga aga Anandi tase muLich nahi.. je photography madhe expert mandali aahet sadhya Hitguj var kami yetayt sadhya.. Busy asavit...
ni tu message Friday la takalas so koni vachala nasava nakkich...
koni tari sangelach... thodi vaat bagh..

aani me ha message vachala tar me aperture ni lense ni kay kay he shabda pahilyandach vachaleyt.. :o)
so wait for some time.

Milindaa (Milindaa)
Wednesday, May 23, 2001 - 7:16 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

aanandi : tujhya camera che configuration mala neet nahi kalale pan mi kadachit tula kahi madat karu shaken.

tula exact kay pahije aahe te sang baghu.

Milindaa (Milindaa)
Wednesday, May 23, 2001 - 7:24 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

high Shutter speed teva vaparayacha jeva aapalyala ekhadya moving objects che photo kadhayache asatat. tyamule kay hote ki object image hi 'freeze' hote aani photo blur yet nahi.

jeva kami prakashat photo kadhayacha asato teva aperture he mothe thevayache tyamule kay hote ki jastit jast prakash film var padato aani photo changla yenyas madat hote.

normal photo kadhanyasathi, tujhya camera madhye ek 'automatic' mode asel, to set kar. aani pahilyanda jya object cha photo kadhayacha asel tya object la neet focus karanyacha prayatna kar. tujhya camera madhye pan bahuda focussing sathi half click cha funda asel. tashi half click karun jo paryant object atishay clear hot nahi to paryant photo kadhayach nahi.

bagh, tula kiti jamatay te. he thodkyat jhale. tula details pahije asalya tar savistar sangen nantar.

Anandi (Anandi)
Wednesday, May 23, 2001 - 10:08 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

caIDlao hÜto pNa Aata raga gaolaa. manaDlaI maafI AsaavaI. pNa maI Krca naIraXa Jaalao hÜto . pNa Aata naahI. maaJyaa kDoyashica Fx-3 super 35mmcaacameraAaho.%yaacaoaperture 3.5,5.6,8,11,16,22Aahoshutter speed is B-2000Aahoe dÜnhIadjust f-stop and shutter speedkÉna pÜTÜ kaZayacaa naa maIilandahigh speed is for exm:bowling basket ball car
f/3.5-speed is 1/30 is this correct?
normal photo day timejao sakaLI Gaotatbefore 10 a.m. ----f/11,16 then shutter speed is 125,250 .....

now tell memalaa dIvasaa Garat pÜTÜ kaZayacao Aahot tr maIaperture and speed kaya qaoya.. tsao pÜTÜ kaQata yaotat ka?
flash na vaaprta ra~I pÜTÜ kaQata ytÜ kafor exm.
home interiors at night areas |
with shutter speed
average bright light and light -----f/3.5,5.6---shutter speed 1/15,1/4

pavasaaL\yaat pÜTÜ kaZtanaaaperture and speedkaya qaovaayacaI
pleae help mee malaa Cana Cana pÜTÜ kaQaayacao Aaho pNa malaa jamat naahI

Maverik (Maverik)
Friday, May 25, 2001 - 12:12 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

Dear Anandi,

Please don't fixate yourself on using some specific shutter-speed and aperture combinations for different kind of scenes.

UnderStanding "exposure" is essential to taking good pictures....everything else comes later.

Tuzya camera madhe ek "exposure meter" asel ...which is the most important thing for an SLR user. Jar ka tuzya camera madhe exposure meter nasel tar tu changle foto kadhnya_saathi ek external meter vikat gheu shaktes.

The meter will tell you, based upon a measurement of the surrounding light, what shutter-speed and aperture combination you should use to get the correct exposure for a given scene. This is just the starting point. There are a large number of different combinations of shutter-speed and aperture which will give you the same correct exposure, but will generate different effects and moods in your picture.


The above link has a camera silumation online and will help you to understand how a change of settings affects the final picture.

The shutter speed and aperture settings on an SLR are arranged in a typical progression, they can be either doubled or halved from the current value (in the newer and professional SLR's they can be varied more finely)

Ex: apertures are say
3.5, 5.6, 8, 16
Shutter Speed: 1/30, 1/60, 1/125, 1/250 etc

( you will notice that each successive value of double that of the earlier value (approx).)

Suppose that your camera meter suggests that
f/5.6 and 1/125 combination is the correct exposure.

Now, If you increase your aperture to 3.5 (smaller number means larger aperture size), it means you have doubled the size of the aperture which lets light come inside and strike the film.

You can offset this effect by doubling the shutter-speed to 1/250. Now, you have halved the time for which the shutter will remain open as compared to 1/125.

The net effect of doubling the aperture and doubling the shutter speed is that the "same" amount of light will strike the film and you will get the same exposure.


5.6 and 1/125
3.5 and 1/250
1.8 and 1/500

all combinations will give you the correct exposure. But each photograph will have a different feel to it, which you can find out by visiting the web site link I have pasted above.

I will put in more information, as much as I know, in bits and pieces.

Maverik (Maverik)
Friday, May 25, 2001 - 12:16 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

If your Macro Lens is a "True Macro Lens" then you will not be able to take normal pictures properly. It is meant for taking "close-up" pictures only....of flowers and all...small things like.....butterflies and all....

unfortunately all my pictures are on slides...nahitar mi example karta takle aste.

However, some macro lenses allow you to takenormal as well as close up pictures....there is a lever to switch on the lens for that....you will have to figure that out before you use that lens.

Maverik (Maverik)
Friday, May 25, 2001 - 12:32 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

Anandi: To answer your question,

You can take pictures latenight without a flash if you have a Tripod. The exposure times for late night pictures will be in the order of seconds and hence you have to be very careful while determining the exposures.

Night photography is a kind of unforgiving on the new-comers because the normal rules of reciprocity fail in low light. You just have to practice taking a loooottt of pictures of the same scene at different combinations. Over time you will develop a sense of what speeds and apertures to use for a particular situation and then you can churn out good pictures.

Anandi (Anandi)
Friday, May 25, 2001 - 12:04 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

thanks Dear MKtumhI saagaItlaolyaa p`maaNao maI jaÉr p`ya%na krIna . AaiNajao aperture and speed
Ex: apertures are say
3.5, 5.6, 8, 16
Shutter Speed: 1/30, 1/60, 1/125, 1/250 etc
AapNa malaa saagaItlao Aaho AaiNa jaIwebsitesaagaItlalaI Aaho tIzo maI jaa]na try kelaa%yaa p`maaNao AapNa fÜtÜ kaZu XaktÜ .
mhNajao malaa jar sakaLI ikvaa duparo Garat fÜtÜGyaayacao Aahotusuing this

5.6 and 1/125
3.5 and 1/250
1.8 and 1/500
tr maI ho gaiNat la@Xaat qao] Xakto AaiNa fÜtÜ kaZu Xa>onaa?thanks again MK
AaiNak ek madt maILola kaya
malaa jaÉrI purtocao
apertute and speed shutterjar Aapna saagaItlao tr baro hÜ[lafor exm.sakalacao fÜtÜÊ sanQyaakaLcao fÜtÜ. pavasaatfÜtÜkaZtanaaÊ AaiNa fulaanacao javaLuna fÜtÜ. maaJyaakDozoom yashica mc 75 200/4.5( yashica lanse(macro)hIzoomAaho. ek vaIcaarayacao hÜto kI maI jaoaperture and speedlaIihlaolao hÜto to barÜbar Aaho ka.AaiNa

[Now, If you increase your aperture to 3.5 (smaller number means larger aperture size), it means you have doubled the size of the aperture which lets light come inside and strike the film.]

means aperture is 3.5 then shutter speed must be doubled like 1/60,0r 125.250

for exm :rainy day apertutr is f /3.5 then speed is 1/125

or clouday day f/8 speed is 1/215

Maverik (Maverik)
Friday, May 25, 2001 - 1:50 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

The combinations that I have provided above are not necessarily the correct combinations for "ANY" situation.....they are just examples I gave to illustrate the idea of metering.

I am again reiterating: you should meter any scene with your camera exposure meter and then use the combination of "aperture-and shutter speed" that the meter suggests or change it accoring to what I explained above.

The exposure meter output is a base point for you to start and determine the correct exposure.

The only Rule of Thumb I can tell you is:

On a sunny day, if you are shooting a medium toned subject, then, for f/16 aperture the shutter speed for an exposure that will render your subject as medium toned on the film is approximately equal to "1/film speed"

So, if you have an ISO100 film, a good start point combination for a medium toned subject on a sunny day will be

"f/16 and 1/100 sec"

and other equivalent combinatios which will give you the same exposure are

"f/8 and 1/200 sec"
"f/4 and 1/400 sec" etc etc

Every camera has its own idiosyncratic behaviour and the combinations that work for my Canon on cloudy days are not going to work for your camera.
If i sugeest you those combinations, and they don't work for you, you will curse me later on.
So, it is best that you experiment and find out for yourself, what works best for your camera body.
I am sure that it will be a great experience if you took a sunday off....take a lot of film with you...choose a cloudy day scene and shoot the same scene with a lot of different combinations...take a diary with you and keep notes to yourself as to what you are doing....then choose the picture that you like the best and remember those combinations for further use.

best regards,

Anandi (Anandi)
Friday, May 25, 2001 - 2:25 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

dear MK thanks maI na@kI ho la@Xaat zovaIna AaiNa kdacaIt (a maaya baÜlaIvar maaJao fÜtÜ pazvaIna .AapNa malaa Kup Cana maahItI dIlaI na@kIca malaa ]<aama nasalaI trI caagalaI fÜtÜga`fI jamaola. Aaplao manaa pasauna Qnyavaad.
AaiNa hÜ kahI
problemAalaa ~ maI ~asa Vayalaa yaotoca.saZ\yaa trI maI100ISO usekrIna

Maverik (Maverik)
Friday, May 25, 2001 - 2:38 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

please do not call me "aapan" ....mhatara zalya sarkhe vatte :))

mala kadhi pun traas dilas tari harkat nahi....for questions that have a definitive answer and if i know the answer....mi nakki tula uttar dein...

Remeber: You will never be able to capture on film what you see by the naked eye exactly as it is.

How the scene looks on the film is in your hands and you can change the way things are recorded on the film by controlling the aperture, shutter speed, filters among other tools.

So do play a lot with your camera and master the technical aspects....then you will be free to concentrate on composition and take great pictures.

Whoever said, "The journey is as satisfying as the final destination" could not be more correct....

Maverik (Maverik)
Sunday, June 03, 2001 - 4:51 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

Anandi => He bagh mi eka completely cloudy day la ghetlela ek picture....film speed: ISO 200, Aperture: f/8, Shutter Speed: 1 sec


Tuesday, February 25, 2003 - 9:45 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

Kay shuk shukat aahe ithe?...
koni aahe ka?

MK : slide film Canon EOS 300 madhe vaparu shakto ka?... ani ashi film apalya regular lab. madhe develope karun milate ka?...

Wednesday, April 16, 2003 - 9:40 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

photohraphy se changale classes kuthe ahet yachi koni mahiti deu shakel ka ? sadharan kiti feee ghetat ?

Wednesday, April 16, 2003 - 10:13 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

MK : slide film Canon EOS 300 madhe vaparu shakto ka >> Yes, I suppose so !

?... ani ashi film apalya regular lab. madhe develope karun milate ka?... >> You should be able to get any slide film that takes E6 processing developed in a regular lab.

Kodachromes require special processing ... but you can request a lab to get it done from kodak processing center ...

Wednesday, April 16, 2003 - 11:16 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

If I am not wrong, EOS 300 is same as Rebel 2000.. a regular SLR. so you should be able to use 35 mm slide film.

Wednesday, June 04, 2003 - 1:51 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

Can you please repost tips about making background almost black/dark in closeup photos.
If I remember you have mentioned difference of 3 stops between background and object meter reading but was it + or - ?

Wednesday, June 04, 2003 - 10:32 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

might be a while before he gets back ... he is in india - the guy got married

Monday, August 11, 2003 - 2:21 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

Maverik, Great! khoop chchan mahiti aahe ikade!
Anandi che nave photo pahayala utsuk aahe!

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