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| Wednesday, December 26, 2007 - 5:45 pm: |
खरच छान आहे हा चित्रपट. मला आवडला.
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| Thursday, December 27, 2007 - 10:06 am: |
THIS MESSEGE WAS A MAIL FORWARD Stil I am putting it here as it is verymuch related with the topic...... ............................................ If Karan Johar made Taare Obvious starcast: Shah Rukh Khan as the arts teacher (duh duh duh!!). Aryan Khan as the dyslexic child (even if he could not act for nuts). Rani Mukerjee as the kid's mom (assuming Kajol is unavailable). Abhishek Bachchan as the kid's dad. Amitabh Bachchan as the school principal (who cares if the role is ultra minute, he can afford it). It would be shot in New York to appeal to the NRI audience. The story line would obviously be different. SRK would fall for the dyslexic kid's mom. The last scene would have the mom running to the teacher rather than the kid. And again, like in so many other movies, SRK would get someone else's girl. It would have one dance number. The film would be titled 'Kuch Taare Zameen Par.' ............................................ If Sanjay Leela Bhansali made Taare Obvious starcast: Salman as the teacher. Rani as the mother. Of course the whole film would be shot on elaborate sets. The school would be nothing short of Harvard university. An orchestra would play every time anyone cried. Slow motion, different camera angles for every scene. The school uniforms would match the classroom walls even though that does not make a f***ing difference. The film would cost 60 crores. ............................................ If Farah Khan made Taare Obvious starcast: SRK as the teacher (yawn). In the original Taare, Aamir makes an entry at the interval point. In Farah's version, SRK would be on screen on for 2.30 hrs out of the 2.45 hrs and would be introduced in the first scene itself. The story would be changed to make sure the above happened. The focus of the film would be a teacher who helps a kid fight dyslexia. To make it a complete entertainer, there would be a romantic angle, comedy, and action thrown in. Oh idea!! Nikumbh's character likes another teacher and the kiddo helps him.. throw in some comedy moments there and you have romance and comedy settled. For action.. hmm.. lemme see.. oh yah, the kid gets kidnapped and the teacher fights the baddies to save him. Wow!! I'm quite an imaginative writer. I can see how Farah can write a film from scratch in two weeks straight. The film posters would have a big SRK with the tiny image of the kid in the background. ............................................ If Rakesh Roshan made Taare o Obvious starcast: o Hrithik Roshan as the teacher. o Since Rakesh Roshan cannot think beyond science fiction these days, this film would have that too. Instead of dyslexia, the kid would have alienositis or something, a condition induced due to him witnessing an alien abduction. o Instead of Nikumbh being an arts teacher, he would be a physics teacher, and instead of asking kids to be creative, he would ask them to challenge the science we know. o In the scene where Nikumbh asks the kids to open their minds and make whatever they want outdoors, the kid Ishaan, instead of making a boat, would end up making a working spaceship prototype. o Nikumbh would cure the kids problem by making a full fledged version of the kid's prototype, traveling to the alien planet, and asking them to give the kid his powers back. o The film would have music by Rajesh Roshan ripped off from some world music. o The film's name would again start with a K.. probably ' Kuch Aliens Taaron se Zameen Par' . o The director would make sure Hrithik gets to show all his abilities. This would mean a scene with Roshan jr flexing his muscles, and a dance competition in the end, instead of an arts competition. ............................................ If Priyadarshan made Taare: o Obvious starcast: o Akshay Kumar as the teacher. o Paresh Rawal as the kid's dad. o It would be a brainless comedy. The kid's dyslexia would be made fun of. Half the times the parents will be running after the kid from one room to the other and that, in the director's opinion, would be funny. o The film will be full of s*x jokes. So for example, when Akshay would come to the parents telling them that their son has dyslexia, the ignorant father would say something inappropriate like 'iss umar mein? par kaise, woh to hamesha boys school mein padha hai!'. And yes, the director would think it is funny. o In the climax of the film all the characters in the film would run around in the amphitheater for no reason, spilling colors on each other. That's where the film will end, without any logical conclusion. o And of course, Paresh Rawal would emote like an epileptic himself making us question the boy's mental abilities anyway.
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| Thursday, December 27, 2007 - 10:33 am: |
'तारे...' आणि आमिरची सगळ्यांनी योग्यच वाहवा केली आहे पण अमोल गुप्तेला प्रकर्षाने लक्षात ठेवायला हवं. कथा कल्पना त्याची आहे आणि मुळात ती त्याने अक्षय खन्नासाठी लिहिली होती...!! पण आमिरने कथा ऐकल्यावर ती स्वत: करण्याची इच्छा व्यक्त केली आणि त्या इच्छेचा मान राखून अमोल आमिरसाठी ७ वर्षे वाट बघत थांबला!! त्यामुळे या नितांतसुंदर चित्रपटाचे श्रेय एकट्या आमिरला देणे हे अमोलसाठी अन्यायकारक होईल, नाही का?
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| Thursday, December 27, 2007 - 12:15 pm: |
मी सईच्या मताशी सहमत आहे. Credit goes to Amol Gupte
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| Thursday, December 27, 2007 - 1:26 pm: |
मी असही ऐकलं की, आधी अमोलच दिग्दर्शीत करत होत 'तारे जमीं पर' ला पण नंतर अमीरनी त्याला अर्धचंद्र दिला अन त्यांचं बिनसलं त्यामुळे... so sad...
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| Thursday, December 27, 2007 - 9:19 pm: |
इथले रीव्ह्युज वाचुन हा सिनेमा बघितला आणि एक नितांत सुंदर सिनेमा बघितल्याचे पुर्ण समाधान मिळाले. दै. सकाळची आमीरची मुलाखत ऐकुन हा सिनेमा बघायचाच असे ठरवले होते. दर्शिल सफारीचा अभिनय हा अभिनय वाटु नये अप्रतीम म्हणावा लागेल. आमीर मला अभिनयासाठी पहिल्यापासुनच (आणि दिसण्यासाठी तर जरा जास्तच) आवडतो त्यामुळे यातही आवडला आणि दिग्दर्शक म्हणुनही खुप आवडला.
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| Thursday, December 27, 2007 - 11:31 pm: |
अप्रतिम सिनेमा.. दर्शिल तर एकदम बेस्ट.. आमिर सुपर्ब.. hats of to amol,amir and darshil
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| Friday, December 28, 2007 - 2:13 am: |
sakaal review हसुन हसुन पुरेवाट!
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| Friday, December 28, 2007 - 5:10 am: |
Tiu सकाळचा रीव्ह्यू चांगला आहे की.. हहपुवा होण्यासारखं काय वाटलं त्यात? सईला अनुमोदन. अमोल गुप्तेंचंही तितकंच क्रेडिट आहे. दुर्दैवानी त्यांच्यात आणि आमीर मधे खूपच मतभेद झाले.. आणि आता त्यांचे संबंधही मित्रत्वाचे राहिले नाहीयेत
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| Friday, December 28, 2007 - 2:22 pm: |
टॅक्स फ्री झाला आहे म्हणे!
Sakaal madhil kontahi review (Specially by "Mandar Joshi") ha ek marathi sahityamadhil vinod yat modla jaava. Ya mansacha mukhchandra baghyachi khup warshanchi ichcha video clip mule purna zali ya baddal Sakalche abhar. Thode vishyantar hote aahe pan Sakal akramak kadhich navta. Kahi typical Sakal shabda wacha "Taare Zamin Par -Ek Sundar Anubhav", "Punekar gulabi thandine garathle". "Punekaranna musaldhar pavsacha tadakha" wagaire wagaire wachun hasun hasun purewat hote. Ya post madhe mala Joshi yannna kahihi mhanayche nasun fakta tyanchya "vyakta" karnyachya shaili baddal bolayche aahe. Konache man dukhavnyacha hetu nahi. Nahitar udya Sakal Premi bhadkayche. Dive ghya re!
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| Monday, December 31, 2007 - 4:51 pm: |
पुनम, तो रिव्ह्यु फक्त वाचला असता तर एक वेळ ठिक वाटला असता. पण तो व्हिडिओ बघुन तर मला जाम हसु आलं!पुस्तकी भाषा, expressionless speech (मराठी?) मुळे फार विनोदी झालंय! रट्टा मारलेला निबंध वर्गासमोर वाचुन दाखवतांना मधेच नेमकं काही आठवलं नाहि तर मुलं कसे छताकडे नाहीतर इकडे तिकडे बघतात तसं काहितरी झालं आहे त्या रिव्ह्युचं...
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| Saturday, January 05, 2008 - 6:25 pm: |
शंकरचं 'मा' ऐकलं. अक्षरश्: काटा आला अंगावर आणि डोळ्यांत पाणी...
चोखंदळ ग्राहक |
महाराष्ट्र धर्म वाढवावा |
व्यक्तिपासून वल्लीपर्यंत |
पांढर्यावरचे काळे |
गावातल्या गावात |
तंत्रलेल्या मंत्रबनात |
आरोह अवरोह |
शुभंकरोती कल्याणम् |
विखुरलेले मोती |
हितगुज दिवाळी अंक २००७