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चोखंदळ ग्राहक
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गावातल्या गावात
तंत्रलेल्या मंत्रबनात
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kahI tpaMnaMtr kahItrI ilahavasaM vaaTlaM mhNaUna ha ]VÜga...

‘%yaacyaa gaÜYTI’ hI KrMtr vaogavaogaL\yaa laÜkaMcyaa kqaaMcaI maÜLI pNa Ô>
super-impose k$na ilahIlaolaI.

Aqaa-t [trhI kahI saTrÔTr ilahInaca...
saQyaa "The Storyteller's Daughter" naavaacaM pustk vaacatÜya. saayara Xaha yaa UK maQyao janmalaolyaa AaiNa AÔgaaNaIstanaat Anaokda jaa}na Aalaolyaa eka QaaDsaI s~Inao ilahIlaola. She has written it like it is without any justifications or pretenses. Asao ivacaar mauislama ivaXvaat ivarLaca.
Aisamaa^va AaiNa @laak- ho sci-fi ivaXvaacao dÜna sama`aT. kala @laak-ca saoMiTnaola vaacat hÜtÜ tr ra~ kXaI sarlaI kahI kLlaca naahI. %yaatlaI Guardian Angel tr Ôarca caivaYT Aaho.
sašd nai@vaMcaa ]llaoK maI yaapUvaI- kolaa Aaho dusaáyaa eka cacao-t. ]gaacaca naahI AavaDt malaa %yaaMca ilaKaNa...

Don't wink at Pakistan
nauktca Jane Austen ca Pride and Prejudice vaacalaM. ho pustk [t@yaa laÜkaMnaa ka AavaDt Asaola to Aata kLlaM. saQyaa dÜna pustkM vaacatÜya The Time Traveller's Wife AaiNa Emma. TTTW caI sauÉvaat tr Ôarca idlaKocak AahoÊ puZo kaya hÜtya baGaU...
nauktIca dÜna pustkM vaacalaI..

The Distant Land of My Father - Bo Caldwell

The Life of Pi - Yann Martell

The first one is exceptionally poignant while the second is exceptionally interesting.

tumacyaa laayaba`rIt AsalaI tr na@kI vaacaa
kala ra~I 'The Bridges of Madison County' vaacalaM. laoKk Robert James Waller.

laMpna mhNatÜ tsaM Gasaa mad saarKa duKUna rDavasa vaaTt hÜtM.

Aata tÜ ica~pT baGaayalaaca hvaa. Clint Eastwood and Meryl Streep.


The book is dedicated 'to the peregrines' AaiNa [tkM AcaUk dedication Ôarca ivarLa. Read the book to know why.
Before WWII broke out, Britain ran a programme named "Kindertransport" to transfer Jew children out of Germany. Not many are aware of this. I, for one, was not.

So, it was with great surprise and interest that I read about it when I borrowed the book "Into The Arms of Strangers" from the local library. I cannot express what some of those stories made me feel. Quite a different perspective from the usual WWII and holocaust stories. There is also a short documentary on this.

And here is the website.

Writing after a long time...

Saw "Fanny and Alexander" by Ingmar Bergman. Superb acting and great direction. I was very touched by the passage where their father dies (reminded me of laMpna ) and also the passage where Alexander is mercilessly caned by his step-father. A must watch if you like movies that are different.

Statutory warning: This is a movie from Sweden - the country where sexual freedom is aggresively protected. The stiff and the sterile better stay away from this affair to prevent the artistic senses from turning foggy. ;-)
Read this and weep whether the likes of Laloo are worthy of such youngsters.


Very poignant...

hI panaM vaacalyaavar jar tumacyaa DÜL\yaat AEaU Aalao tr ek kama kraÊ paikstanaI vastU AaiNa hotels caa baihYkar kra.
XainavaarI rivavaarI Matt Damon cao Bourne Identity AaiNa Bourne Supremacy baiGatlao. dÜnhI kqaanakM pUNa-pNao badlalaolaI Aahot. BI nao tr GaÜr inaraXaa kolaI karNa maUL kqaanak Ap`tIma Ap`tIma Ap`tIma Aaho. pihlaa BI ha %yaa maanaanao baraca caaMgalaa hÜta. majaa mhNajao malaa BS maa~ bara vaaTlaa. Another rare case of sequel being better than the previous one.

Needless to say Matt has acted very well. %yaacaa Good Will Hunting baiGatlaa nasaola tr ja$r baGaa.
rivavaarI The Cider House Rules baiGatlaa. kovaL dÜna vaa@yaat saaMgatÜ :

1. Michael Caine & Toby Maguire rock big time
2. Lasse Hallström cao [tr ica~pT baiGatlao paihjaot

tumacaI dad Aaplaa saMvaad
Owner kaukhan Type HTG0001

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