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| Tuesday, March 01, 2005 - 1:01 pm: |
AaiXakÊ be purposeful ekdma Jakasa
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| Thursday, March 03, 2005 - 9:28 am: |
Hiee Ashish, to be frank I didn't understand completely what you meant to say in these 3 short articles. I found it complicated but somebody else might understand it fully. Nowadays u don't come frequently on HG. I used to read u & ur better-half. But both of u have disappeared since few months. Convey my best regards to ur wife. No need to tell u -- Keep writing.
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| Thursday, March 03, 2005 - 11:31 am: |
kshipra, since I can't see marathi on my poor unix terminal, I am guessing you are invoking my name and saying zakaas. Thank you (if its not a complement, its too late). Bee, fonts are one of the main raeson I stopped visiting hitguj. For the same reason I am using English. As to not understanding me, you are not alone. Many times I do not understand myself. But the fun is in living with yourself when it does not make sense. Thats life. Joking apart, what happens is this: I try to be smart (as some people will put it) but generally do not manage the wordplay well enough and it ends up being a PJ (as most others will put it). Anyway, what I have managed to present in the short blurbs are just the gists or germs of some of my thought processes. What I would really love to do - someday - is to expand these to full essays. For posterity I decided to at least catch these snippets while they are fresh in my mind. The subject matter involves some lines I read somewhere and my reactions to it. If you can give yourself some commands after you react to something, it is a definite step towards doing something. I am trying to verbalize the commands I would give myself. Actually executing such a command is even better, but initially many such attempts may fail. Hopefully I will learn from people if they react completely differently to the same input. The best way to read these will be to start with just the red material, ask yourself what you feel about it, read the material up to, but not including the blue material, and ask yourself if you agree with my interpretation (and if not why not) and then read the blue material and see if you would want to execute such a command. (The third one - the "sort-of" introduction - is an exception).
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| Thursday, March 03, 2005 - 1:37 pm: |
Ashish.. font is not a good excuse. We had earlier Beti also but she didn't give up writing on HG. well... ur above post is very helpful.. mee print out ghetalet. ek don weLa wachun tuze article kaLateel.
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| Thursday, March 03, 2005 - 9:54 pm: |
>>>>Joking apart, what happens is this: I try to be smart (as some people will put it) but generally do not manage the wordplay well enough and it ends up being a PJ (as most others will put it). Hi, Its good that you have idea of what others think!
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तंत्रलेल्या मंत्रबनात |
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शुभंकरोती कल्याणम् |
विखुरलेले मोती |
हितगुज गणेशोत्सव २००६ |