namaskar manadali ha navin sectiob chalu karat ahe french food cha konala kahi french recipies pahijet aslyas mala jarur contact kara shivay mi prayatna kartoch hya bb var kahi recipies chal karaychya
namaskar mhantla ata recipis takayla harkat nahi bb var pahili recipie takat ahe ti chocolate soufflé chi karan chocolate asa padartha ahe ki jo saglyana avdato try kara aplya ghari ani sanga 3 Tbl. all purpose flour 3 Tbl. unsalted butter 1 1/2 cups milk 12 oz bittersweet baking chocolate, coarsely chopped 1/2 cup brewed strong coffee 1 tsp. vanilla extract 1/2 cup granulated sugar 5 egg yolks 7 egg whites Confectioners sugar Preheat oven to 375º. Melt butter in a sauce pot over low heat, whisk in flour and milk and cook until it thickens. Stir in chocolate and stir constantly until it's melted. Remove from heat and add coffee, vanilla, and half the sugar. One at a time, add the egg yolks while whisking constantly. Butter a 2-2 1/2 quart soufflé or baking dish. In a perfectly clean and dry bowl , whisk the egg whites to soft peaks and gradually whisk in the remaining sugar and continue to whisk until the peaks stiffen. Gently fold the egg whites into the soufflé base and pour into the prepared baking dish. Bake for 35 - 40 minutes until the soufflé rises 2 inches above soufflé dish. Dust with confectioners sugar and serve immediately because the soufflé will deflate in less than two minutes.
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| Wednesday, March 24, 2004 - 12:15 am: |
adwait pudhachi recipe yevu dya!
namaskar keshar kutli recipie havi ahe sanga mag lagech patahvto
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| Saturday, March 27, 2004 - 2:47 am: |
thanks adwait. french onion soup caI recipe saaMgaU Xakala kaÆ AaiNa french desserts AjaUna kuzlaI AsatatÆ
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| Monday, March 29, 2004 - 3:55 pm: |
Sami, french onion soup chi mazyakade asaleli recipe : Ekaa bhandyaat 4 te 5 mothe chamache butter garam karaayache. Tyaat 1 te 2 chamache olive oil ghalayache. 4 kande patal baarik ubhe chirun tyaat ghalaayache. Transperent hoiparyantach parataayache. Soup daat hawe asalyaas 2 chamache cornflour kiwwa all-purpose flour ghaalayache. Mag pahije titakaa (sadharan 3-4 cup) chicken stock/ vegetable stock, paani ani 1 chamachaa thyme , pahije asalyaas parsley tyaat ghalaayache. Chawipramane meeth ,mirepood, pahije tar saakhar ghalaayachi. 25 te 30 minutes medium aachewar ukalu dyaayache. Ataa oven-safe soup bowls ekaa cookie sheet war thewayache. Pratyek bowl madhe sadhaaran ardhaa te paaun bowl bharel itake soup ghalaayache. French bread chaa 1 slice tyaa soup war algad thewayachaa. Warun bharapoor cheese ghalaayache. Oven madhe broil setting war he bowls cheese golden brown hoiparyant thewayache. Zale french onion soup tayaar !
hi sami this is a classic french recipie of french onion soup pls note instead of beef stock chicken stock can be used or otherwise if u are a veg veg stock can be replaced but i suggest u if u are veg just add water and the cheeses are available in market easily depends from where u are if in pune u get them at abc farms 15 g butter 3 oniosn finely sliced 1 Tablespoon flour or maida 3 cups beef stock 1 tsp salt a pinchof pepper 1 tablespoon brandy grated Gruyere cheese grated Parmesan cheese French bread olive oil Melt the butter in a vessel and add the onions, stirring constantly. cook for 5-7 minutes, until soft. In the meantime, cut slices of French bread into 1/2 inch pieces and toast them at 350 degrees in the oven for about 15 minutes--until they are dry crusts. When the onions are soft, sprinkle them with flour, stir, then add a little beef stock and stir until the mixture is thickened. Add the remaining stock, stir into salt, the pepper, and the brandy. Bring to a boil. Cover and simmer for 1/2 hour to an hour. When you're ready to serve, ladle the soup into individual bowls and cover each with a thick handful of Gruyere cheese. Top each with a piece of the toasted bread, which has been drizzled with olive oil. Sprinkle it with the Parmesan, then run them under a broiler for a few minutes and carry out to the table.
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| Monday, March 29, 2004 - 9:07 pm: |
thanks pratika, adwait! ..
ur welcome sami ajun kahi recipies laglya tar jarur vichar
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| Tuesday, March 30, 2004 - 5:26 pm: |
Adwait, Creme brule chee recipe sopi ahe ka gharee karayala?
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| Wednesday, March 31, 2004 - 3:21 pm: |
p`itka AaiNa Ad\vaOtÊ kalaca tumacyaa recipe nao french onoin soup kola hÜt. excellent receipe AgadI mast soup Jaala hÜt. Thanks for sharing the recipe! Ad\vaOtÊ egg iXavaaya kahI receipes Asalyaa tr saaMga na
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| Wednesday, March 31, 2004 - 6:41 pm: |
ek Í,oca puDIMga caI roisapI maaJyaa kDo hÜtIÊAgadI sahI vhayaca to.pNa Aata naahIya. AWOt tuJyaa kDo
AsalaI eKadI puDIMga caI roisapI tr XaoAr kr naa.kdacaIt isaimalar Asaola.
hi parijat creme bruleé ghari karta yeil kahich problem nahi hi ghe recipie egg yolks 90 g sugar 38g fresh cream 340g milk 60g for flavouring vanilla can be added or nay other flavouring such as mango puree or spices such as cardamom, nutmeg etc mix egg yolk and sugar very well to it add creal and milk mix and pour in moulds and cook in oven at 100°c for 50 mins after sprinkle sugar and put under salamander for the crust formation samja salamander ghari nasla tar gas var lokhandi ulatna changla tapyachya ani mag sugar var thevyacha te pan brulle sarkha changla effect dete
hi arch thnx for the compliment
hi zilmil actually pudding he kahi classic french dish nahi its british but anyways hi mazyakade ek ahe recipie bagha avdte ka apple pudding 1/2 cup butter, melted 1 cup sugar 1 cup flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 cup milk 2 cups chopped, peeled apple 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon Preheat oven 190 °C In a small baking dish, combine butter, sugar, flour, baking powder, salt, and milk until smooth. In a microwave owen bowl, combine apples and cinnamon. Microwave until apples are soft, 2 to 5 minutes. Pour apples into the center of the batter. if microwave is not there u can cook apples in a vessel with a lid on it for 10 mins. Bake in the preheated oven 30 minutes, or until golden.
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| Thursday, April 01, 2004 - 2:32 am: |
Ad\vaOtÊ Cana Aahot sava- roisapIja. malaa pudding ba_la ek p`Xna Aaho. malaa cinnamon AavaDt naahI tr %yaa eovajaI kuzlaa dusara flavor Gaatlaolaa caalaolaÆ
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| Thursday, April 01, 2004 - 6:34 pm: |
thanks for the recipe Adwait..will try it soon.
hi sami cinamon chya aivaji vanilla ghatla tari chalel apple ani vanilla he changla combination ahe
namaskar manadali bahartat ata garmi chalu zali ahe tar mahntlla ata jara ice cream chi recipie takavi karan french ice creams are one of the best coconut ice cream milk 500 ml cream 1.5 lts fresh coconut paste 750g sugar 600g mix all the ingredients and pass through ice cream maker this receipie can be used to make pot ice cream also
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| Monday, April 05, 2004 - 10:28 pm: |
adwait varil coconut icecream recipe madhe cream dile aahe te mhanje plane cream ka coconut cream?...aani dusra prashna fridger madhe hoil ka changale ...mazyakade icecream maker nahi aahe...
hi keshar nahi cream ahe te fresh cream ahe ani ho hoil na freeze madhye fakt texture evdha changla nahi yeycha karan crystal formation hoil te praman kami karayla ice cream set hot ala ki donda kiva tenda mixture madhye phirun ghe ani mag set kar
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| Thursday, April 08, 2004 - 5:54 pm: |
Adwait,pudding zakasch jhal re tujhya recipee pramane,thanx.aata ice cream karun pahate.
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| Friday, April 09, 2004 - 6:57 pm: |
Ad\vaOtÊ tumhI french cooking caa course kolaa Aaho kaÆ mhNajao yaa sava- roisapIja tumacyaa Aahot kaÆ 
hi zilmil thnx ajun kuthlya recipies laglya tar jarur vichar
hi sami mi actually france madhye ahe ani frnech restaurant, kithchen madhye kam karto as sous chef recipies kahi mazya swatchya nahit ashyach books ani college madhye nantar kamawar baghyala milalaye ahet. Apan kay karta ani ajun kuthlya hi recipes laglya tar jarur vichara bye
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| Sunday, May 23, 2004 - 10:03 pm: |
Hi Adwait, I was delighted to see this section of French Food. I absolutely love some of the dishes in one of my fav French cafe. I am tempted to ask you quiet a few receipes, but let me start with my eternal favorite Tomato Basil Soup.
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| Sunday, October 03, 2004 - 6:03 pm: |
kaya Ad\vaOt..... kuzo gaayaba Jaalaasa Æ kahI navaIna banavalaM naahIsa ka Æ ka ]pvaasa caalau Aaho saQyaa Æ
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| Friday, February 04, 2005 - 5:47 pm: |
AWOtÊ prvaa Elphinstone college maQao french food festival Jaalaa. Gratin aux choux Kallao. jamalyaasa recipe do. had never tasted it before..
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| Tuesday, February 08, 2005 - 3:29 am: |
roisapI tr docaÊ pNa %yaacaa ]ccaar ksaa krayacaa to hI saaMga ² Gratin aux choux mhNaayacao ksao AaiNa %yaacaa Aqa- kaya ÆÆ
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| Tuesday, February 08, 2005 - 4:07 pm: |
Ingrédients (pour 4 personnes): - 600 g de choux de Bruxelles - 50 g de beurre - 50 g de farine - 1,5 l de bouillon de volaille dégraissé - 100 g de lard maigre - Noix de muscade - Sel - Poivre Technique: 1. Nettoyer, laver, cuire les choux de Bruxelles, à découvert, 8 à 10 minutes, à l'eau bouillante salée. 2. Faire fondre 40 g de beurre dans une casserole; ajouter la farine et mélanger durant 1 minute: ne pas laisser brunir; ajouter le bouillon tout en fouettant et amener à ébullition; laisser cuire, 15 minutes, le temps de dissiper le goût de la farine. 3. Egoutter les choux de Bruxelles et réserver 12 pièces pour la déco: mixer les choux restants avec 50 cl de bouillon; ajouter le bouillon restant à la purée obtenue; assaisonner de muscade, de sel et de poivre; amener à ébullition. 4. Découper le lard en dés et faire rissoler; y ajouter les choux de Bruxelles de la déco et chauffer le tout. 5. Servir chaque soupe avec deux choux et un peu de lard. Variante: Préparer une liaison avec 1 jaune d'oeuf et 30 g de crème; mêler au potage au moment de servir. ÉpalaIÊ BaaYaaMtr kr baGau pTkna.
maI BaaYaaMtracaa p`ya%na krto Ôar Í,oMca yaot Asa naahI.. cau Bau Va Gyaa chou -mhNajao kÜbaI chou de Bruxelles - Brussel sprouts 600 ga`ama ba`usaola sp`a}T\sa 50 ga`ma baTr 50 ga`ma pIzÊ maI mada assume krto 1,5 l de bouillon de volaille dégraissé (aca literal translation Aaho - 1.5 liters of degreased chicken broth, I would use 1.5 liters of chicken stock from which fat is removed 100 g lard maigre - bacon fat - just plain fat (oil, butter, ghee) is fine noix the muscade - nutmeg salt and pepper ËutI 1. clean, wash, cook the Brussel sprouts uncovered for 8 to 10 minutes in boiling water, to which salt has been added 2. melt 40 g of butter in a baking dish/ pot, add the flour and mix for one minute, do not let it (the flour) brown in color, add the broth /stock and stir continuously until it reaches boiling point, continue cooking for about 15 minutes until the taste of the flour is gone (I think this means, until the flour is cooked !) 3. drain the Brussel sprouts and reserve 12 pieces for decoration, mix the remaining sprouts with 50 cl (centiliter ?) of stock, add the stock to the remaining obtained puree (?), sprinkle the nutmeg, salt and pepper and bring to a boil. [qao sp`a}T\sa baairk kra Asa mhTla naahI AahoÊ trIhI malaa vaaTt to PyaUrI kravao 4. separate the fat in the rissole and add the sprouts reserved for decoration and drive (?) all of it (i think this is best translated as - add the sprouts to the fat and mix it at high velocity ) 5. Serve this soup with two sprouts and a little of the fat. variation - Prepare a mixture of 1 egg yolk and 30 g of cream, mix it into the soup at the moment of serving it. Hope this helps !
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| Wednesday, February 09, 2005 - 3:08 pm: |
punyanagarikar jamalaM kI BaaYaaMtr. ba`usaolsa sp`a}T mhNajao kÜbaIsaarKI idsaNaarI BaajaI pNa ho kÜbaI CÜTo CÜTo mhNajao
ilaMbaaevaZo Asatat. eka ]Byaa daMD\yaalaa gaucCanao laagatat. maIz Gaatlaolyaa paNyaat Gaalauna ]kLlao
tr Cana laagatat. Asao ]kLuna var qaÜD\yaa icara do}na %yaat pavaacaa caura va baTr imasaLuna baok kolao trI caaMgalao laagatat.
ba`saolsa mhNajao baoiljayamacaI rajaQaanaI pNa itcaa yaa BaajaIXaI kaya saMbaMQa Aaho maaiht naahI. naahI
mhNaayalaa itqao iËsTlsa Cana imaLtat.
AaiNa %yaaMca ³mhNajao ba`usaola vaaisayaaMca ´ mhNana Aaho kI %yaaMnaI Í,oMca Í,asa caa XaÜQa laavalaa..
Í,oMca laÜkaMnaI nhvao. %yaa Í,asa to maÜhÜrI cyaa posT barÜbar Katat
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