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Madhoo (Madhoo)
Monday, October 16, 2000 - 3:54 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post  Link to this message

kolumbi cha bhujana

kolumbi la lasanachi paste, halad , tikhat, garam masala, limbacha ras, mith lavun thevne. let it marinate for 30 mins.
in the mean time,
tela ver kanda fry karne , transparent hoii paryant.
add the marinated kolumbi and little kokum.cook on low flame
after 5mins add finely chopped tomatoes, grated coconut and lots of chopped kothimbir (ciliantro).and cook for 5 more mins.
coconut nasel tarihi chalel.

garam garam poli barober khupach tasty.

हितगुज गणेशोत्सव २००६

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